Online Professional Undergraduate Social Policy Tutors

11 tutors found


Social Anthropology - University of Sussex



44 hours in Undergraduate Social Policy

University of Sussex 2018-2020: anthropology, international development, gender studies University of Exeter 2021-Present: political science. criminology, anthropology, human geography
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Recent Students: 25
Total Hours: 988
Classes Taught: 928
All-time Students: 138
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Signed up:


PhD - University of London


8 hours in Undergraduate Social Policy

Award-winning tutor. I have been a lecturer and researcher in a variety of universities, including LSE, Cambridge, UCL, and King's College London for over 12 years. I also have over 6 years of private tutoring experience I have the academic knowledge and experience to be able to utilise a variety...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 262
Classes Taught: 252
All-time Students: 60
Last Online:
Signed up:


Criminological Research - University of Cambridge


I have tutored almost 100 students from primary level through to Master's level in a range of subjects, although my main focus has been on essay/academic writing, thesis/dissertation proposals and planning, editing and proof reading. My area of expertise lie within Criminology, the Social Sciences, ...
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Recent Students: 3
Total Hours: 109
Classes Taught: 106
All-time Students: 11
Last Online:
Signed up:


Sociology - Stony Brook University


I have 12 years of teaching experience in higher education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I have led 10 courses in Introduction to Sociology, Sociology of Gender, Sexualities, and American Society, and contributed teaching to a further six courses, which covered Research Methods, Sociolog...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 74
Classes Taught: 56
All-time Students: 14
Last Online:
Signed up:


International Relations - Durham University



**NEW TO SPIRES** As an experienced programme lead and online tutor, with 20 years tutoring experience (17 years online) I have designed and delivered modules across the disciplines of International Relations (IR), Politics and International Public Policy (IPP). At Durham University I taught introdu...
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Recent Students: 17
Total Hours: 97
Classes Taught: 89
All-time Students: 19
Last Online:
Signed up:


Sociology - Teesside, Lancaster, Leicester, De Montfort Universities



I am an experienced academic passionate about inspiring individuals to aim high. I have assisted multiple students and early career academics to achieve their goals. I worked in research and teaching roles within UK universities between 2004 and 2024 and am an Advance HE Fellow. I am the author of f...
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Recent Students: 14
Total Hours: 148
Classes Taught: 100
All-time Students: 23
Last Online:
Signed up:


Criminology/Sociology/Sport and Social Sciences - Edge Hill University



I have been a level 2 qualified tennis coach since the age of 17 (now at the ripe age of 26!) which has involved developing teaching and learning strategies for a wide range of players with different needs and levels of performance. I have worked at an International Boarding school as a pastoral a...
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Recent Students: 5
Total Hours: 28
Classes Taught: 26
All-time Students: 6
Last Online:
Signed up:


English Literature (Hons) - Cambridge University



I have been a professional tutor since 2006. Across all of the different subjects I teach, I always notice the same thing: the main difficulty that learners encounter is getting overwhelmed by what they're trying to learn. It could be that there seems to be simply too much material to cover; it cou...
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Recent Students: 4
Total Hours: 60
Classes Taught: 55
All-time Students: 10
Last Online:
Signed up:


Political Science - London School of Economics and Political Science



I currently provide one-to-one tutoring in A-level Politics, Economics, and Sociology on the AQA, Edexcel, and OCR exam boards. Over the last three years, I’ve also taught Undergraduate and Masters students across three different politics courses at LSE. This has included the first-year module GV1...
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Recent Students: 8
Total Hours: 32
Classes Taught: 23
All-time Students: 8
Last Online:
Signed up:

Dr. Gemma

Social Work, Social Research Methods - University of Sussex



I have lots of experience tutoring online and my greatest reward is supporting students to fulfill their potential. My background as a Social Worker means I not only have expertise in this area but I am used to working with a broad range of people. Many of the students I work with may be the first...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 10
Classes Taught: 11
All-time Students: 3
Last Online:
Signed up:

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