32 tutors found
Over 1700 Hours tutoring experience, over 950 sessions on Spires.
Stressed?Ā Confused?Ā A supervisor that wont reply to your email? You are not alone, it's aĀ story told a million times.Ā I am Dr. de Borst, call me Dr. J or Johan...I am a full time dissertation tutor and I can help.
Every academic se...
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Recent Students: 23 | Total Hours: 2446 |
All-time Students: 179 | Last Online: |
Over 1700 Hours tutoring experience, over 950 sessions on Spires.
Stressed?Ā Confused?Ā A supervisor that wont reply to your email? You are not alone, it's aĀ story told a million times.Ā I am Dr. de Borst, call me Dr. J or Johan...I am a full time dissertation tutor and I can help.
Every academic se...
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Recent Students: 23 |
Total Hours: 2446 |
Classes Taught: 3012 |
All-time Students: 179 |
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Most of tutoring experience lies in teaching Quantitative courses such as - Statistics. Econometrics. Macro/Microeconomics. STATA.
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Recent Students: 33 |
Total Hours: 4746 |
Classes Taught: 4411 |
All-time Students: 265 |
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Overall 10 years of teaching experience for the university level students
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Recent Students: 91 |
Total Hours: 10169 |
Classes Taught: 12021 |
All-time Students: 643 |
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I have taught Statistics and Econometrics to students from over 90 universities in the UK, US, Singapore, Netherlands, Canada, Italy, and India. With over 6500 hours of teaching experience and 8 years in the field, I help students at all levels, from beginners to advanced, succeed in their studies ļæ½...
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Recent Students: 32 | Total Hours: 3928 |
All-time Students: 256 | Last Online: |
I have taught Statistics and Econometrics to students from over 90 universities in the UK, US, Singapore, Netherlands, Canada, Italy, and India. With over 6500 hours of teaching experience and 8 years in the field, I help students at all levels, from beginners to advanced, succeed in their studies ļæ½...
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Recent Students: 32 |
Total Hours: 3928 |
Classes Taught: 4673 |
All-time Students: 256 |
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Signed up: |
I work professionally as a tutor for about 5 years supporting students both in undergraduate and graduate courses in Economics and Finance in all top ranked Greek Universities. Sporadically I have supported some International students too in English, American and European Universities and I have als...
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Recent Students: 5 | Total Hours: 116 |
All-time Students: 13 | Last Online: |
I work professionally as a tutor for about 5 years supporting students both in undergraduate and graduate courses in Economics and Finance in all top ranked Greek Universities. Sporadically I have supported some International students too in English, American and European Universities and I have als...
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Recent Students: 5 |
Total Hours: 116 |
Classes Taught: 81 |
All-time Students: 13 |
Last Online: |
Signed up: |
I have been lecturing research methodology and statistics for the past 30 years, mostly in the area of Psychology and social sciences in general. I have also assisted more than 1000 students with the statistical analyses and support for their dissertations. I have been doing SPSS training from be...
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Recent Students: 27 | Total Hours: 1404 |
All-time Students: 512 | Last Online: |
I have been lecturing research methodology and statistics for the past 30 years, mostly in the area of Psychology and social sciences in general. I have also assisted more than 1000 students with the statistical analyses and support for their dissertations. I have been doing SPSS training from be...
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Recent Students: 27 |
Total Hours: 1404 |
Classes Taught: 1526 |
All-time Students: 512 |
Last Online: |
Signed up: |
College level:
* Course Assistant at Harvard University: Combinatorics, Market design
* Applied Math Tutor at TheProfs: Applied Math, R & Python Programming, Machine Learning
* 800+ hours of teaching
High School level:
* 150+ hours of SAT Math Tutoring at Upgrade Education. 5/5 rating on all lesso...
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Recent Students: 4 | Total Hours: 190 |
All-time Students: 25 | Last Online: |
College level:
* Course Assistant at Harvard University: Combinatorics, Market design
* Applied Math Tutor at TheProfs: Applied Math, R & Python Programming, Machine Learning
* 800+ hours of teaching
High School level:
* 150+ hours of SAT Math Tutoring at Upgrade Education. 5/5 rating on all lesso...
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Recent Students: 4 |
Total Hours: 190 |
Classes Taught: 128 |
All-time Students: 25 |
Last Online: |
Signed up: |
I am interested in teaching Econometrics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Statistics, Game Theory, International Economics, Financial Econometrics and other subjects under economics.
My Teaching Experience:
1) I worked as an Assistant Professor of Economics at the School of Management Sciences in L...
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Recent Students: 30 | Total Hours: 2960 |
All-time Students: 272 | Last Online: |
I am interested in teaching Econometrics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Statistics, Game Theory, International Economics, Financial Econometrics and other subjects under economics.
My Teaching Experience:
1) I worked as an Assistant Professor of Economics at the School of Management Sciences in L...
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Recent Students: 30 |
Total Hours: 2960 |
Classes Taught: 2311 |
All-time Students: 272 |
Last Online: |
Signed up: |
I live in Ecuador and have tutored for more than 10 years and have more than 3 years of experience in online tutoring.
Extensive Experience: I have worked with students at all levels, from beginners to advanced learners, from countries including the United States, United Kingdom, United Arab Emi...
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Recent Students: 4 | Total Hours: 114 |
All-time Students: 16 | Last Online: |
I live in Ecuador and have tutored for more than 10 years and have more than 3 years of experience in online tutoring.
Extensive Experience: I have worked with students at all levels, from beginners to advanced learners, from countries including the United States, United Kingdom, United Arab Emi...
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Recent Students: 4 |
Total Hours: 114 |
Classes Taught: 103 |
All-time Students: 16 |
Last Online: |
Signed up: |
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