Online Professional Undergraduate Town And Country Planning and Landscape Design Tutors

2 tutors found


Architecture - Architectural Association School of Architecture, London


18 hours in Undergraduate Town And Country Planning and Landscape Design

AS / A2 Mathematics & Maths Olympiad (silver) - (2017-2018) - Regular 1-on-1 tutorials with three young students. Resolve Collective Stockwell Festival Installation with Elutec - (july.2017) - Assistant Design Mentor. The Architectural Association School of Architecture - (oct.2021-present) - Visi...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 84
Classes Taught: 57
All-time Students: 15
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Architect - AA, CSM, UCL



I have over 6 years of experience and involvement with students at university level. From taking on a range of roles and responsibilities, I commenced as a Visiting Critic at Central Saint Martins, attending the BA Architecture students reviews, providing constructive feedback, informative reference...
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Recent Students: 16
Total Hours: 423
Classes Taught: 571
All-time Students: 31
Last Online:
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Available Undergraduate Subjects

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