Online Professional Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Tutors

6 tutors found


PhD - Swansea University



I have taught various courses for both undergraduate and graduate students in Mechanical, Aerospace, and Mechatronics engineering. The courses I have instructed encompass a range of subjects, including Engineering Mathematics, Statics, Dynamics, Vibration, Advanced Vibration, Nonlinear Dynamics and ...
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Recent Students: 17
Total Hours: 631
Classes Taught: 516
All-time Students: 84
Last Online:
Signed up:


Medicine - Kings College London



I have worked as an online tutor for many years, both through Universities but also independently. I enjoy explaining complex subjects and making them more relatable to students and supporting people improve their academic work. I've been a Royal College of Physicians accredited educational supervis...
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Recent Students: 53
Total Hours: 881
Classes Taught: 843
All-time Students: 109
Last Online:
Signed up:


Medical Physics - University of Surrey



I have been teaching IGCSE, GCSE, International A levels the last ten years. I am teaching online from COVID-19 pandemic and onwards. From 2018 - 2022, i was teaching IAL and IGCE Physics at a private British School in Cyprus (more than 100 students) with excellent results (minimum grade B for A lev...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 10
Classes Taught: 11
All-time Students: 1
Last Online:
Signed up:


MEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering w/ Placement - Newcastle University



- Lead Engineering Tutor - Oxford Scholastica Academy: + Engineering Course Tutor & Curriculum Creator + Engineering Internship Leader & Supervisor – Papers published onto OxJournal (global distribution to schools) + Student Engineering Mentor – Year-round programme + Advise on conte...
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Recent Students: 4
Total Hours: 92
Classes Taught: 82
All-time Students: 19
Last Online:
Signed up:


Electrical engineering and Computer Science - National Technical University of Athens



Firstly, I have been teaching as a Teaching assistant at Electrical engineering and Computer Science school, National Technical University of Athens (already 10 years, 400 students/semester). My subject is Electronics and Telecommunications: after learning students the basic principles, I show them ...
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Recent Students: 3
Total Hours: 7
Classes Taught: 8
All-time Students: 3
Last Online:
Signed up:

Dr. Mamadou T.

Computational Engineering - University of Southampton


Please see attached CV
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 0
Classes Taught: 0
All-time Students: 0
Last Online:
Signed up:

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