Online Professional Undergraduate Psychology Tutors

27 tutors found


Masters Degree - Lebanese American university



378 hours in Undergraduate Psychology

I tutor university students online I have 22 years teaching experience
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Recent Students: 34
Total Hours: 3550
Classes Taught: 2847
All-time Students: 709
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Psychology and Mathematics - American International University



361 hours in Undergraduate Psychology

Six years of active experience online tutoring over 150 students in Psychology and Maths at A-level, undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Official tutor with elite tutoring agencies worldwide. I have also lectured classes in Quantitative Research Methods/Statistics at American International Univer...
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Recent Students: 14
Total Hours: 700
Classes Taught: 542
All-time Students: 36
Last Online:
Signed up:


Psychology PhD - University of Huddersfield



199 hours in Undergraduate Psychology

After completing my bachelor’s degree, I was employed by a supply teaching agency. During this time, I worked as a teaching assistant at high schools, colleges, and SEN schools. Predominantly, I worked in an Engineering college, on a long-term contract, working with both engineering and mechanics st...
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Recent Students: 7
Total Hours: 1002
Classes Taught: 728
All-time Students: 41
Last Online:
Signed up:


Psychology and Epidemiology - University of Liverpool



130 hours in Undergraduate Psychology

I have taught both undergraduate and master's students at Birkbeck, Queen Mary's, UCL and University of Liverpool. This is in statistics, epidemiology, psychology and genetics. These were modules across both undergraduate and postgraduate courses and also included setting coursework and exam questio...
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Recent Students: 15
Total Hours: 386
Classes Taught: 245
All-time Students: 29
Last Online:
Signed up:


Psychology - University of Manchester



124 hours in Undergraduate Psychology

Since September 2018, I have worked as Research Fellow/Lecturer investigating a range of long-term health conditions (pain, arthritis) in children and young people at The University of Manchester. I lecture and co-ordinate seminars and tutorials across a range of topic areas in Psychology and Medici...
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Recent Students: 25
Total Hours: 561
Classes Taught: 459
All-time Students: 73
Last Online:
Signed up:


Research Psychology - Stellenbosch University



101 hours in Undergraduate Psychology

I have been lecturing research methodology and statistics for the past 30 years, mostly in the area of Psychology and social sciences in general. I have also assisted more than 1000 students with the statistical analyses and support for their dissertations. I have been doing SPSS training from be...
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Recent Students: 24
Total Hours: 1409
Classes Taught: 1531
All-time Students: 514
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Signed up:

Dr Anne

Psychology - University of St. Andrews



43 hours in Undergraduate Psychology

My teaching experience encompasses every sort of learner: University - Qualitative reasearch metholdology; Health and Social Care A Levels and IGCSE/GCSE - English Literature, English Language, and Psychology TEFL - Cambridge C1/C2
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Recent Students: 24
Total Hours: 655
Classes Taught: 712
All-time Students: 54
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Signed up:


Pharmacology - North West University



39 hours in Undergraduate Psychology

At a university level, I've lectured Pharmacology and Research methodology as well as supervised MSc and Ph.D. students for 13 years. At undergraduate and high school level I've lectured numerous science subjects including Biology. My research areas include preclinical and clinical cardiovascular, p...
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Recent Students: 26
Total Hours: 863
Classes Taught: 913
All-time Students: 151
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Signed up:


Medicine - University of Sydney



33 hours in Undergraduate Psychology

I have vast experience in Medical tuition. I have helped many students improve their performance in medical school and licensing examinations. I also help clients in GAMSAT and MCAT examinations. I have been tutoring medical students for multiple years and can adapt to your best learning style.
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Recent Students: 33
Total Hours: 2553
Classes Taught: 2336
All-time Students: 101
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Developmental Psychology and Clinical Practice; Clinical Psychology - UCL / Anna Freud Centre; University of Edinburgh



31 hours in Undergraduate Psychology

I tutor and supervise both BSc, MSc, and PhD students in Psychology, Statistics, and Research Methods, including academic writing. I’m also delivering tutorials to groups of MSc students and marking assessments as a Postgraduate Tutor at the University of Edinburgh. I truly care about the people I h...
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Recent Students: 3
Total Hours: 236
Classes Taught: 238
All-time Students: 14
Last Online:
Signed up:

Available Undergraduate Subjects

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