Online Professional Undergraduate Statistics Tutors

54 tutors found


Econometrics and Statistics - Best Selling Author



696 hours in Undergraduate Statistics

I have taught Statistics and Econometrics to students from over 90 universities in the UK, US, Singapore, Netherlands, Canada, Italy, and India. With over 6500 hours of teaching experience and 8 years in the field, I help students at all levels, from beginners to advanced, succeed in their studies �...
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Recent Students: 32
Total Hours: 3928
Classes Taught: 4673
All-time Students: 256
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M.Phil. - New Delhi



580 hours in Undergraduate Statistics

Most of tutoring experience lies in teaching Quantitative courses such as - Statistics. Econometrics. Macro/Microeconomics. STATA.
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Recent Students: 33
Total Hours: 4746
Classes Taught: 4411
All-time Students: 265
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Masters of Science in Quantitative Economics - Indian Statistical Institute



479 hours in Undergraduate Statistics

Overall 10 years of teaching experience for the university level students
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Recent Students: 91
Total Hours: 10169
Classes Taught: 12021
All-time Students: 643
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Masters Degree - Lebanese American university



352 hours in Undergraduate Statistics

I tutor university students online I have 22 years teaching experience
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Recent Students: 34
Total Hours: 3532
Classes Taught: 2835
All-time Students: 707
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AI & Machine Learning - Imperial College London



345 hours in Undergraduate Statistics

I have 8 years of experience in tutoring students attending high-school and university. I tutored several students for statistic, mathematics and programming exams at university which they passed successfully and with very high grades.
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Recent Students: 7
Total Hours: 802
Classes Taught: 585
All-time Students: 116
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Research Psychology - Stellenbosch University



121 hours in Undergraduate Statistics

I have been lecturing research methodology and statistics for the past 30 years, mostly in the area of Psychology and social sciences in general. I have also assisted more than 1000 students with the statistical analyses and support for their dissertations. I have been doing SPSS training from be...
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Recent Students: 27
Total Hours: 1404
Classes Taught: 1526
All-time Students: 512
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Psychology and Mathematics - American International University



79 hours in Undergraduate Statistics

Six years of active experience online tutoring over 150 students in Psychology and Maths at A-level, undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Official tutor with elite tutoring agencies worldwide. I have also lectured classes in Quantitative Research Methods/Statistics at American International Univer...
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Recent Students: 14
Total Hours: 689
Classes Taught: 532
All-time Students: 35
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Economics and Finance - Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India



72 hours in Undergraduate Statistics

I am interested in teaching Econometrics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Statistics, Game Theory, International Economics, Financial Econometrics and other subjects under economics. My Teaching Experience: 1) I worked as an Assistant Professor of Economics at the School of Management Sciences in L...
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Recent Students: 30
Total Hours: 2960
Classes Taught: 2311
All-time Students: 272
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Business Economics & Statistics - Erasmus University Rotterdam



41 hours in Undergraduate Statistics

6+ years of teaching experience in Statistics, Econometrics and Quantitative/Qualitative Research Methods at Erasmus University Rotterdam, incl. small scale interactive classes, lectures, thesis supervision and coordination of large classes with 200+ students. Ranked as top statistics tutor for 3 co...
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Recent Students: 13
Total Hours: 229
Classes Taught: 183
All-time Students: 50
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Mathematics , Statistics and Actuarial Science - Amity University



18 hours in Undergraduate Statistics

I have been teaching since 2012 onwards. I have taught both online and offline students at school level , undergrads and post graduation level. During my days of teaching I have had good and difficult students . I try to come to their level of understanding and clear the concept.
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Recent Students: 10
Total Hours: 88
Classes Taught: 95
All-time Students: 20
Last Online:
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Available Undergraduate Subjects

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