Unless you live in a major city it is unlikely that you will! Even then there might be a better tutor in another city...
That's why we created Spires: The world's first marketplace for online tutors.
We want to give everyone in the world access to high-quality tutors no matter where they live. We also want to allow professional tutors to work with students no matter where in the world they choose to be.
Tutoring companies all suffer from one major barrier: Physical location.
It's easy to find a professional tutor in Central London but its hard to find one in Iceland. On Spires, students in Hong Kong are working with tutors in Germany. British tutors gone travelling in Bali are working with their students in Edinburgh. Columbians are learning English from brits and brits are learning French from Parisians.
It's the 21st Century and we are bringing tuition into it it. Modern education technologies mean you don't need to sit together around a piece of paper and books in the kitchen anymore. You can each have a computer, share a digital whiteboard, digital pens and chat on webcam. You can record lessons to a cloud-based storage space and share your sketches and notes via a messenger.
No travel? No hassle? Better tutors from further afield? Lower prices? That's Spires.
It's simple: You post a tuition request and watch our network of hand-picked and professionally trained tutors bid on it like an auction. We tell you which are the best ones are from their tuition data and you can review their profiles, qualifications and reviews to make sure they meet your requirements. You can meet them and have a trial for free and then hire the one you like best. No payments, no credit card walls, just good tutors and transparent prices.
We don't let under qualified or unprofessional tutors onto Spires. We interview them all personally, buy them hardware, give them software and train them all one by one. We care first and foremost about good educators helping students achieve their goals.
The founding team consists of a world leading educationalist and university lecturer, a gifted tech entrepreneur/engineer and a full stack developer with a PhD in machine learning. All three went to the top schools and universities in the UK. All three have had a lot of professional success. All three have had a lot of business success. They live and breathe Spires.
Spires was born in 2016 after a year of planning and development it already has students and tutors in over 30 countries working together in over 100 subjects. We are quickly becoming the benchmark in peer to peer learning. You will not find better tutors or a better platform online. Stop looking and signup.
You'll love it!