Online Professional Undergraduate Neuroscience Tutors

6 tutors found


Psychology - University of Manchester



30 hours in Undergraduate Neuroscience

Since September 2018, I have worked as Research Fellow/Lecturer investigating a range of long-term health conditions (pain, arthritis) in children and young people at The University of Manchester. I lecture and co-ordinate seminars and tutorials across a range of topic areas in Psychology and Medici...
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Recent Students: 39
Total Hours: 631
Classes Taught: 511
All-time Students: 90
Last Online:
Signed up:


Pharmacology - North West University



4 hours in Undergraduate Neuroscience

At a university level, I've lectured Pharmacology and Research methodology as well as supervised MSc and Ph.D. students for 13 years. At undergraduate and high school level I've lectured numerous science subjects including Biology. My research areas include preclinical and clinical cardiovascular, p...
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Recent Students: 22
Total Hours: 923
Classes Taught: 976
All-time Students: 155
Last Online:
Signed up:


Medicine - Kings College London



I have worked as an online tutor for many years, both through Universities but also independently. I enjoy explaining complex subjects and making them more relatable to students and supporting people improve their academic work. I've been a Royal College of Physicians accredited educational supervis...
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Recent Students: 53
Total Hours: 881
Classes Taught: 843
All-time Students: 109
Last Online:
Signed up:


Assistant professor in Psychology (PhD in Communication & Media Psychology) - The American College of Greece



I have over a decade of teaching experience in psychology, communication science, and media psychology across Europe and Greece. Currently, as an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the American College of Greece (Deree), I design and teach courses in cognitive and political psychology, supervise u...
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Recent Students: 6
Total Hours: 31
Classes Taught: 22
All-time Students: 6
Last Online:
Signed up:


Bioengineering/Neurotechnology - Imperial College London



Best success story after my tuition: 12 years old (my brother) got A*A*A* in A levels and 9 years old (sister) got 9s!: Furthermore other students study GCSEs 1 to 3 years ahead of their grade level, have demonstrated remarkable progress. Meanwhile some pre...
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Recent Students: 11
Total Hours: 32
Classes Taught: 35
All-time Students: 11
Last Online:
Signed up:


Medical Physiology - MAHE



As someone who has been teaching Medical Sciences, Dental Sciences, Allied Health Sciences, Nursing, and Biomedical Engineering students for many years, I have gained much experience in empowering students to learn and grow through various educational activities. With the rise of remote teaching, I ...
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Recent Students: 2
Total Hours: 14
Classes Taught: 10
All-time Students: 4
Last Online:
Signed up:

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