Online Professional Postgraduate Middle Eastern And African Studies Tutors

5 tutors found


International Relations - London School of Economics



4 hours in Postgraduate Middle Eastern And African Studies

I was a GTA at the London School of Economics where I taught courses on International Relations Theories, Contemporaries Political Theories, and a course on the International Relations of the Middle East. I also was co-convener of the LSE Ph.D. Middle East Workshop. Before my Ph.D. I worked as a jo...
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Recent Students: 13
Total Hours: 655
Classes Taught: 648
All-time Students: 87
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PhD International Relations - University College London



I teach a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate courses pertaining to the broad fields of Political Science, International Relations, and International Political Economy with a particular focus on Theories of International Relations, Foreign Policy Analysis, Comparative Politics, Politics and So...
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Recent Students: 26
Total Hours: 4335
Classes Taught: 3596
All-time Students: 125
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Social Anthropology - University of Sussex



University of Sussex 2018-2020: anthropology, international development, gender studies University of Exeter 2021-Present: political science
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Recent Students: 24
Total Hours: 913
Classes Taught: 862
All-time Students: 135
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International Relations - Durham University



**NEW TO SPIRES** As an experienced programme lead and online tutor, with 20 years tutoring experience (17 years online) I have designed and delivered modules across the disciplines of International Relations (IR), Politics and International Public Policy (IPP). At Durham University I taught introdu...
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Recent Students: 13
Total Hours: 71
Classes Taught: 64
All-time Students: 13
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Modern Thought & Literature - Stanford University


*Three years teaching students at Stanford University, Pace University and New York University in Rhetoric, Gender Studies and Pedagogy for Law Professors. Intensive one-to-one tutoring and video analysis of public speaking. *Two years tutoring students in Art, Architecture, and Engineering at the C...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 0
Classes Taught: 0
All-time Students: 0
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