Online Professional Postgraduate East And South Asian Studies Tutors

4 tutors found


PhD International Relations; MSc International Relations (Research); MA Korean Studies & East Asian Politics; BA Asian & Middle Eastern Studies - Cambridge; LSE; SOAS


I have significant teaching experience at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in politics and IR at top universities, which I have drawn upon to assist my private tutoring students over several years. In particular, I have assisted students with their work on coursework essays and disser...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 162
Classes Taught: 53
All-time Students: 4
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Signed up:


Social Anthropology - University of Sussex



University of Sussex 2018-2020: anthropology, international development, gender studies University of Exeter 2021-Present: political science
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Recent Students: 27
Total Hours: 949
Classes Taught: 891
All-time Students: 138
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International Relations - Durham University



**NEW TO SPIRES** As an experienced programme lead and online tutor, with 20 years tutoring experience (17 years online) I have designed and delivered modules across the disciplines of International Relations (IR), Politics and International Public Policy (IPP). At Durham University I taught introdu...
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Recent Students: 18
Total Hours: 90
Classes Taught: 82
All-time Students: 19
Last Online:
Signed up:


English Literature (Hons) - Cambridge University


I have been a professional tutor since 2006. Across all of the different subjects I teach, I always notice the same thing: the main difficulty that learners encounter is getting overwhelmed by what they're trying to learn. It could be that there seems to be simply too much material to cover; it cou...
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Recent Students: 4
Total Hours: 55
Classes Taught: 50
All-time Students: 9
Last Online:
Signed up:

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