Online Professional Postgraduate Civil Engineering Tutors

14 tutors found


Civil Engineering - Geotechnical Engineering Concentration - American University of Beirut



202 hours in Postgraduate Civil Engineering

I have taught at the Lebanese American University (LAU) the following subjects: Soil Mechanics Laboratory Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Structural Modeling Software: Etabs I have taught at Phoenicia University (PU) the following subjects: Foundations Engineering Soil Mechanics Soil Mechanics Laborator...
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Recent Students: 41
Total Hours: 5016
Classes Taught: 3103
All-time Students: 149
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Geotechnical Engineering - University of Texas at Austin



90 hours in Postgraduate Civil Engineering

I have extensive eight years of tutoring experience in a variety of Civil Engineering courses. As of Fall 2019, I joined the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences at the University of Wollongong in Dubai as an instructor[full-time position]. My role with the UOWD involved the following: - ...
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Recent Students: 7
Total Hours: 664
Classes Taught: 451
All-time Students: 40
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PhD - Imperial College London


21 hours in Postgraduate Civil Engineering

I have been both tutoring and mentoring students from different backgrounds in undergraduate and post-graduate subjects in Civil/Structural Engineering for nearly ten years, mainly online. I have also done lots of hours on some of the common subjects among General Engineering, Mechanical Engineering...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 93
Classes Taught: 92
All-time Students: 12
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PhD at Civil Engineering (Steel/Stainless structures) - The University of Birmingham



2 hours in Postgraduate Civil Engineering

With a robust background in both research and teaching in civil engineering, my experience spans a wide range of topics related to structural design and engineering principles. In my teaching career, I have focused on delivering courses that include structural analysis, design of concrete and steel ...
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Recent Students: 8
Total Hours: 24
Classes Taught: 14
All-time Students: 8
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PhD - Swansea University



I have taught various courses for both undergraduate and graduate students in Mechanical, Aerospace, and Mechatronics engineering. The courses I have instructed encompass a range of subjects, including Engineering Mathematics, Statics, Dynamics, Vibration, Advanced Vibration, Nonlinear Dynamics and ...
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Recent Students: 16
Total Hours: 603
Classes Taught: 491
All-time Students: 83
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Mechanical Engineering - Swansea University



I have instructed a variety of courses catering to undergraduate and graduate students in Aerospace and Mechanical engineering. These courses cover a wide spectrum of subjects such as Engineering Mechanics, Statics, Dynamics, Vibration, Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, and Strength of Materials.
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Recent Students: 16
Total Hours: 111
Classes Taught: 94
All-time Students: 16
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PhD in Civil Engineering - Imperial College London


I have been engaged in university-level teaching since 2018. From 2018 to 2022, I delivered courses for both Undergraduate and Master's programs at my university. During this period, provided guidance and supervision to students undertaking dissertation projects at both academic levels. In additio...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 53
Classes Taught: 29
All-time Students: 8
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Mechanical Engineering - Swansea University


Teaching Tutor in Aerospace Engineering, Teaching Aerospace Control, Flight Dynamics, Strength of Materials Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, Teaching Dynamics and Vibration, Statics, Rotordynamics and Vibration, Finite Element Method
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 89
Classes Taught: 69
All-time Students: 12
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Engineering - Cranfield University, UK


More than 36 years experience as a university academic and a tutor in UK, Singapore and Sri Lanka. Also have tutored for individual and small groups at 11+ (secondary), GCSE, BTEC, Advanced Level and undergraduate levels. Work experience in Open University as well as in conventional universities and...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 24
Classes Taught: 27
All-time Students: 5
Last Online:
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Civil and Structural engineering - University of Leeds



Currently I work as a Part-time lecturer at a UK University teaching applied engineering and materials sciences, I have been a private tutor on other platforms for about 5 years as a part-time job.
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Recent Students: 5
Total Hours: 25
Classes Taught: 12
All-time Students: 6
Last Online:
Signed up:

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