Online Professional Postgraduate Physiology Tutors

15 tutors found


Exercise and Health Science - University



29 hours in Postgraduate Physiology

6 years teaching experience of undergraduate degree students on the following degree programmes Academic and Professional Experience >2 years successful online tutoring on Spires and The Profs Sport and Exercise Science Biomedical Science Health and Exercise Science Nutrition
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Recent Students: 10
Total Hours: 437
Classes Taught: 531
All-time Students: 62
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Medical Physiology - MAHE



9 hours in Postgraduate Physiology

As someone who has been teaching Medical Sciences, Dental Sciences, Allied Health Sciences, Nursing, and Biomedical Engineering students for many years, I have gained much experience in empowering students to learn and grow through various educational activities. With the rise of remote teaching, I ...
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Recent Students: 2
Total Hours: 13
Classes Taught: 9
All-time Students: 3
Last Online:
Signed up:

Dr William James

Medical Sciences, Anatomy and Surgery - University of Medical Science, Keele University School of Medicine, Queen Margaret's University



5 hours in Postgraduate Physiology

Assistant Dean Xavier University School of Medicine My role as an assistant dean and assistant professor of anatomy was to ensure that all areas of education within the basic medical sciences were met. I oversaw course curriculum, examination, assessment as well as admissions. Director of Anat...
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Recent Students: 17
Total Hours: 1814
Classes Taught: 1634
All-time Students: 230
Last Online:
Signed up:


Medicine - University of Sydney



I have vast experience in Medical tuition. I have helped many students improve their performance in medical school and licensing examinations. I also help clients in GAMSAT and MCAT examinations. I have been tutoring medical students for multiple years and can adapt to your best learning style.
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Recent Students: 34
Total Hours: 2619
Classes Taught: 2401
All-time Students: 107
Last Online:
Signed up:

Dr Benjamin

Dentistry and Chemistry (Drug design) - Exeter University



Education consultant – 7 years’ experience tutoring Chemistry, Biology and Dentistry at A-Level, GCSE and University at well-established London tutoring agencies. To date 100% of my students have achieved places at well-established Dental and Medical schools (testimonials can be provided). Creative ...
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Recent Students: 4
Total Hours: 122
Classes Taught: 117
All-time Students: 9
Last Online:
Signed up:


Pharmacology - North West University



At a university level, I've lectured Pharmacology and Research methodology as well as supervised MSc and Ph.D. students for 13 years. At undergraduate and high school level I've lectured numerous science subjects including Biology. My research areas include preclinical and clinical cardiovascular, p...
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Recent Students: 21
Total Hours: 892
Classes Taught: 943
All-time Students: 153
Last Online:
Signed up:

Dr Anish

Medical Doctor and Qualified Teacher of Chemistry - Cardiff University, University of Warwick and University of Nottingham



I am to deliver lessons in a unique, engaging and informative style to maximise each student’s potential. I love to see students personally develop and believe in developing their confidence, strengths, and talents.
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Recent Students: 5
Total Hours: 121
Classes Taught: 132
All-time Students: 21
Last Online:
Signed up:


Biochemistry - University of Cambridge


I have experience tutoring students in biology, chemistry, mathematics, English, and history, and have also helped with university admissions. I have worked in three different paid tutoring positions, both full time and part time. I have worked with groups and one-on-one with private clients, and h...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 141
Classes Taught: 112
All-time Students: 9
Last Online:
Signed up:


Medicine - University College London


As previously mentioned, I have a particular passion relating to widening participation to medical school. If people have the work ethic and ability to pursue a successful medical school application then I would like to see them realise those ambitions. I have achieved this through my independent wo...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 18
Classes Taught: 13
All-time Students: 6
Last Online:
Signed up:


Pharmacy - North-West University


My teaching journey has been enriched by my role at North-West University, where I facilitated classes for all four year groups in the Pharmacy program. I have also had the privilege of teaching 2nd-year pharmacology students and serving as a study leader for 4th-year students working on FNPG resear...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 2
Classes Taught: 1
All-time Students: 1
Last Online:
Signed up:

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