Online Professional Postgraduate Astronomy Tutors

2 tutors found

Dr. Leonardo

Physics and Maths - Trinity College, University of Cambridge; ETH Zurich, Switzerland



15 hours in Postgraduate Astronomy

I offer you long-term support in exam preparation and university applications in Physics and Maths. While tutoring, I encourage you to develop critical thinking, boost your self-esteem and improve communication skills. I have conducted numerous mock admission interviews for Cambridge and Oxford, as...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 812
Classes Taught: 599
All-time Students: 54
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PhD - Queen Mary



1 hours in Postgraduate Astronomy

- Approximately four hours a week for four years (roughly 384 hours in total) tutoring undergraduates and marking homework in areas such as complex analysis and statistical mechanics - 1-to-1 and group study sessions for a number of different private tutoring agencies totalling around 120 hours in ...
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Recent Students: 2
Total Hours: 572
Classes Taught: 509
All-time Students: 66
Last Online:
Signed up:

Available Postgraduate Subjects

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