Online Professional Postgraduate Geology Tutors

4 tutors found


Engineering Geology - University of Leeds


35 hours in Postgraduate Geology

Was a private one-on-one tutor for secondary school Math subject and worked as an assistant instructor for the Geology Department in the American University of Beirut. Was also a volunteer assistant for undergraduate students in the University of Leeds, UK. I am familiar with US and UK education sy...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 67
Classes Taught: 50
All-time Students: 13
Last Online:
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Civil Engineering - Geotechnical Engineering Concentration - American University of Beirut



I have taught at the Lebanese American University (LAU) the following subjects: Soil Mechanics Laboratory Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Structural Modeling Software: Etabs I have taught at Phoenicia University (PU) the following subjects: Foundations Engineering Soil Mechanics Soil Mechanics Laborator...
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Recent Students: 41
Total Hours: 5085
Classes Taught: 3167
All-time Students: 152
Last Online:
Signed up:


Geoscience - University of Manchester


- Teaching Associate, University of Manchester (2022-Present). My main role in this position is as a tutor to MSc students in Pollution and Environmental Control, where I work with (~25 per year) students as a tutor for their final dissertations. In this role, I give lectures, tutorials, general di...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 6
Classes Taught: 3
All-time Students: 1
Last Online:
Signed up:

Hong Chin

Environmental Geoscience - University of Bristol


I have taught in a range of modules within the Earth Sciences discipline at world-leading institutions, including the University of Bristol. The lectures I delivered not only covered the basic scientific and mathematical principles, but also integrated cutting-edge research from the forefront of the...
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Recent Students: 2
Total Hours: 10
Classes Taught: 7
All-time Students: 2
Last Online:
Signed up:

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