Online Professional Dissertations Maths Tutors

3 tutors found


Mathematics - University of Science, Zagreb



With over 15 years of teaching experience in higher education and 20 years as a private tutor, I have taught a wide range of subjects, including Mathematics, Analytics, and Optimization. My experience spans undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as standardized test preparation. Currently, I am...
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Recent Students: 6
Total Hours: 64
Classes Taught: 49
All-time Students: 6
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Mechanical Engineering - Imperial College London


I have tutored for approximately 5500 hours over a period of eight years and during this time I have helped over fifty students gain entry to higher education, that are currently studying STEM subjects at top universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, and Imperial College. The vast majority have obtain...
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Recent Students: 2
Total Hours: 2
Classes Taught: 2
All-time Students: 2
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Mathematics - University of Cambridge (BA & MMath); Cardiff University (PhD)


During my PhD, I ran interactive group tutorials for undergraduate mathematics students, helping them develop their understanding through discussion and problem-solving. I led maths support workshops for undergraduate students, from a range of subjects including mathematics, engineering, economics a...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 0
Classes Taught: 0
All-time Students: 0
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