Online Professional Dissertations Academic Writing Tutors

22 tutors found

Dr. Johan

PhD in Entrepreneurship - University of Strathclyde



56 hours in Dissertations Academic Writing

Over 1700 Hours tutoring experience, over 950 sessions on Spires. Stressed? Confused? A supervisor that wont reply to your email? You are not alone, it's a story told a million times. I am Dr. de Borst, call me Dr. J or Johan...I am a full time dissertation tutor and I can help. ​ Every academic se...
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Recent Students: 24
Total Hours: 2568
Classes Taught: 3181
All-time Students: 186
Last Online:
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Psychology - Panjab University



2 hours in Dissertations Academic Writing

Privately tutoring students since 2012 from across the globe. Tutored 150 students so far. I have been teaching the following courses to high school students, under graduate and post graduate students :- Introduction to psychology, Research methodology, Life span Developmental psychology, Cognitive ...
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Recent Students: 14
Total Hours: 37
Classes Taught: 39
All-time Students: 14
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Sociology - Teesside, Lancaster, Leicester, De Montfort Universities



1 hours in Dissertations Academic Writing

I am an experienced academic passionate about inspiring individuals to aim high. I have assisted multiple students and early career academics to achieve their goals. I worked in research and teaching roles within UK universities between 2004 and 2024 and am an Advance HE Fellow. I am the author of f...
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Recent Students: 13
Total Hours: 137
Classes Taught: 93
All-time Students: 22
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Signed up:


Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition - University of Oxford


1 hours in Dissertations Academic Writing

I hold an MSc in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition from Oxford University. In 2017, I successfully sold a thriving tutoring business, though I continue to tutor and now run a new company specializing in dissertation review and tutoring services. My background includes teaching acad...
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Recent Students: 12
Total Hours: 51
Classes Taught: 51
All-time Students: 14
Last Online:
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Medicine and Biomedical Sciences - University



I am an enthusiastic and energetic tutor who is passionate about teaching Biological science and empowering students to excel within their own academic studies. I have been working as a professional tutor for over 4 years from GCSE to Postgraduate education. My overall philosophy of teaching is simp...
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Recent Students: 21
Total Hours: 1503
Classes Taught: 1405
All-time Students: 144
Last Online:
Signed up:


Psychology - King’s College London



Teaching and supervising BSc and MSc students, including marking dissertations, running workshops on research methods and supervising student projects. Tutoring since January 2020, including dissertation support, A level tutoring, CV writing and general academic writing. Teaching assistant for 3 t...
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Recent Students: 8
Total Hours: 346
Classes Taught: 366
All-time Students: 34
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BA Hons, Theatre & Performance Studies, MSc Organisational Psychology - University of Warwick, University of London



As a tutor since 2020 I have completed over 2000 hours working with students, international and of varying ages from school age to late adulthood. I have worked privately and within the UK Higher Education system. In addition, I have also completed published research for the public sector, working w...
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Recent Students: 14
Total Hours: 89
Classes Taught: 91
All-time Students: 14
Last Online:
Signed up:


Pharmacy (MPharm) - Kingston University, UK



Years of experience teaching face-to-face and online. Taught from one-to-one, small groups sizes to larges groups of up to 120 students. Experience teaching a variety of subjects at a range of age groups from children in primary and secondary school, adult learners at university (pharmacy and medi...
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Recent Students: 9
Total Hours: 56
Classes Taught: 43
All-time Students: 9
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Signed up:


Physical and Theoretical Chemistry - University of Oxford



I work full time in education, with over 1000 hours’ experience of teaching chemistry, physics and mathematics 1:1 or in small groups. Approximately a third was conducted online. I am very experienced in planning and delivering engaging online sessions, using online whiteboards to work through prob...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 9
Classes Taught: 9
All-time Students: 1
Last Online:
Signed up:


History of Technology - University of Oxford



I was a seminar leader and course coordinator at the University of Oxford, where I taught to history, politics, and PPE students. I was course co-ordinator and principal lecturer for 2018s Theories of State module at the University of Oxford's History faculty, and I've been a frequent speaker at the...
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Recent Students: 9
Total Hours: 980
Classes Taught: 773
All-time Students: 59
Last Online:
Signed up:

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