1 tutors found
I am a university lecturer with 15 years of teaching and tutoring experience as well as 15 years of industry experience. I am patient and listen well to the needs of my students. My degree was in economics, master in Real Estate and I have great numerical skills.
I have tutored many students towar...
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Recent Students: 14 | Total Hours: 313 |
All-time Students: 65 | Last Online: |
I am a university lecturer with 15 years of teaching and tutoring experience as well as 15 years of industry experience. I am patient and listen well to the needs of my students. My degree was in economics, master in Real Estate and I have great numerical skills.
I have tutored many students towar...
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Recent Students: 14 |
Total Hours: 313 |
Classes Taught: 286 |
All-time Students: 65 |
Last Online: |
Signed up: |
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