Online Professional Dissertations Pharmacology And Pharmacy Tutors

2 tutors found


Pharmacy (MPharm) - Kingston University, UK



Years of experience teaching face-to-face and online. Taught from one-to-one, small groups sizes to larges groups of up to 120 students. Experience teaching a variety of subjects at a range of age groups from children in primary and secondary school, adult learners at university (pharmacy and medi...
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Recent Students: 4
Total Hours: 28
Classes Taught: 17
All-time Students: 4
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Pharmacy - University of Nottingham



Mentoring MPharm students through complex (Masters Level) clinical and scientific content. Supporting Trainee Pharmacists' preparation for the GPhC Common Registration assessment. Providing guidance for students within the pharmaceutical sciences domain who are interested in careers in industry
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Recent Students: 4
Total Hours: 12
Classes Taught: 10
All-time Students: 4
Last Online:
Signed up:

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