Online Professional Dissertations Mechanical Engineering Tutors

3 tutors found


M. Tech ( Mechanical Engineering with Specialization in Energy Systems) - Indian Institute Of technology, Mandi.



Hi, My name is Mridul.Let me share some details about my teaching experience. I have been teaching Physics, Mathematics & Mechanical Engineering on various online and offline platforms since 2018 onwards.Currently, I am teaching AP Physics, GRE Physics,College Physics,Physics for Engineers, Mechanic...
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Recent Students: 8
Total Hours: 36
Classes Taught: 34
All-time Students: 8
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Mechanical Engineering - The University of Manchester



I have a rich and diverse teaching experience that spans across various levels of engineering education. . My teaching journey began during my Ph.D, where I worked as a Graduate Teaching Assistant, delivering lectures and conducting laboratory sessions for courses such as Advanced Thermodynamics. Ov...
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Recent Students: 5
Total Hours: 22
Classes Taught: 22
All-time Students: 5
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Mechanical Engineering (Thermofluids) - AUT


In addition to my research, I also strive as a teaching assistant for several courses such as Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, and other related topics. Furthermore, as an online international lecturer, I have had the opportunity to share my knowledge and experiences with students fro...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 1
Classes Taught: 1
All-time Students: 1
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