Online Professional Admissions LNAT Tutors

7 tutors found


Law - University of Cambridge



466 hours in Admissions LNAT

My approach to teaching is extremely individualistic. I appreciate the fact that every student has a different way of learning, whether it be visually, orally or by any other means. So my approach to tutoring is understanding what exactly the student would like to get out of tutoring and the best wa...
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Recent Students: 19
Total Hours: 720
Classes Taught: 733
All-time Students: 102
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Law - Cambridge University



157 hours in Admissions LNAT

I have been tutoring for over 20 years. After a career in the law, I moved to work in a school but have been tutoring in my spare time. Whilst I have mainly worked on supporting my student's English, I have also helped with in other subject areas, in particular Law. I have worked with people of all ...
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Recent Students: 33
Total Hours: 1167
Classes Taught: 1211
All-time Students: 79
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Law LLB - Queen Mary University of London



118 hours in Admissions LNAT

I have over 8 years' of teaching and tutoring experience including: * for ages 14-18- providing GCSE, A level and IB tuition in Law, English, Business Studies and Philosophy. I also help students apply for university, draft personal statements, obtain legal work experience and generally improve t...
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Recent Students: 27
Total Hours: 2325
Classes Taught: 1954
All-time Students: 229
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History - University of Cambridge



3 hours in Admissions LNAT

I taught in a large comprehensive school and sixth form college in the UK for ten years. As well as classroom teaching, I have served as Head of History, Head of Humanities and as a senior leader. I have now been tutoring online full-time for a year. 2024 testimonial: My daughter found her histo...
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Recent Students: 37
Total Hours: 1127
Classes Taught: 1125
All-time Students: 75
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BA History - University of Oxford


Professional History tutor with over a decade of experience and Double First in BA History from Oxford. Effective and friendly tuition with proven results. Do you want to avoid wasting your time with someone who has taken up tutoring to get some extra pocket money? I am a professional tutor who off...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 51
Classes Taught: 57
All-time Students: 7
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LLB Law, MA Medical Law and Ethics, MA Theology, PHD - Reading, King's London, University of Kent


I have tutored law students at a range of different levels: 'A' Level, Degree and Professional Qualification Level - i.e., Law undergraduates seeking to pass the Professional Examinations and Lawyers from other jurisdictions seeking to re-qualify in the UK. The law subjects I have tutored are as f...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 0
Classes Taught: 0
All-time Students: 0
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Law - Oxford


I have 7 years of tutoring experience, working with students from primary school through to sixth form. I specialise in Oxbridge Law applications, specifically personal statement writing, LNAT, and introduction to Law lessons. I have also never failed to secure students a Russel Group offer for Law...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 0
Classes Taught: 0
All-time Students: 0
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