Online Professional Admissions ACT Tutors

9 tutors found


US Admissions Specialist for GMAT|GRE|ACT|SAT|Digital SAT - Teachers College at Columbia University



37 hours in Admissions ACT

US Admission Specialist with nine years of experience preparing students for admission examinations (GMAT|GRE|ACT|SAT|Digital SAT). I am an Ivy League graduate (NYU and Columbia University) who wants to help students achieve their best score on the admission examination. I completed my PhD in Mathem...
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Recent Students: 14
Total Hours: 604
Classes Taught: 669
All-time Students: 116
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Electrical Engineering - University of Defence (Belgrade, Republic of Serbia)



26 hours in Admissions ACT

I tutor Cambridge IGCSE/GCSE/AS/A, IB MYP/DP, U.S. Faculty Admission (SAT, ACT, AP) Mathematics and Physics for 10 years. During that time I have successfully collaborated with students from around the globe. Number of students with whom I collaborated successfully passed next exams: Internatio...
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Recent Students: 36
Total Hours: 1782
Classes Taught: 1577
All-time Students: 110
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Physics - University of Manchester



I have more than 7 years of experience tutoring at pre-University level, with excellent results. This includes helping to prepare for exams, tests, and assignments, as well as continuous tutoring over several years to help students achieve their goals. Among the things I have done is travelling aro...
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Recent Students: 29
Total Hours: 1714
Classes Taught: 1694
All-time Students: 54
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Bsc Business Management - King's College London



Throughout the last 10 years I have been tutoring, teaching and coaching. This has ranged from attending colleges, 6th formers to specifically tutor A-Level subjects. During my professional years this has included tutoring aspects of the ACA to colleagues, peers and even bosses. This has included ...
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Recent Students: 2
Total Hours: 4
Classes Taught: 3
All-time Students: 2
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Comparative Literature - Harvard University


I have tutored 1:1 part-time for six years and taught within reputable educational institutions globally (HSYLC, Showa Women's University, Institution St. Jude Business School). I have lead conferences for secondary school students and university-level students in academic and creative writing, Engl...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 332
Classes Taught: 333
All-time Students: 48
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Mathematics (MA) - University of Warsaw


I've been a highschool teacher since 2015, and a qualified tutor for over 18 years. I have conducted 16 000 tuition hours and successfully prepared over 1 000 students for their exams. I specialise in preparing students for A-Levels, IB, GCSE exams and numerous competitions. Having two kids of m...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 174
Classes Taught: 140
All-time Students: 15
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Applied Statistics - North Dakota State University


I've been working as a tutor since before I even received my bachelor's degree, working with college students in the Minot State University math department. When I was accepted as graduate student at North Dakota State University as a teaching assistant, I taught an introductory statistics lab for t...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 34
Classes Taught: 31
All-time Students: 12
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Medicine - King's College London


I have 8+ years of private tutoring experience, and have experience tutoring both the British and the American Syllabuses. For the past year, I have been formally teaching a class of Year 11 Biology at a specialist academy on a monthly basis.
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 1
Classes Taught: 1
All-time Students: 1
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English Literature (Hons) - Cambridge University


I have been a professional tutor since 2006. Across all of the different subjects I teach, I always notice the same thing: the main difficulty that learners encounter is getting overwhelmed by what they're trying to learn. It could be that there seems to be simply too much material to cover; it cou...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 4
Classes Taught: 3
All-time Students: 2
Last Online:
Signed up:

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