2 tutors found
I am to deliver lessons in a unique, engaging and informative style to maximise each student’s potential. I love to see students personally develop and believe in developing their confidence, strengths, and talents.
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Recent Students: 5 | Total Hours: 121 |
All-time Students: 21 | Last Online: |
I am to deliver lessons in a unique, engaging and informative style to maximise each student’s potential. I love to see students personally develop and believe in developing their confidence, strengths, and talents.
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Recent Students: 5 |
Total Hours: 121 |
Classes Taught: 132 |
All-time Students: 21 |
Last Online: |
Signed up: |
I have extensive experience supporting students at undergraduate and postgraduate level, across a broad range of healthcare-related topics. Using a student-centred tutoring approach, we decide together the methods that work best for your style of learning.
Are you stuck with a challenging dissertat...
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Recent Students: 0 | Total Hours: 12 |
All-time Students: 5 | Last Online: |
I have extensive experience supporting students at undergraduate and postgraduate level, across a broad range of healthcare-related topics. Using a student-centred tutoring approach, we decide together the methods that work best for your style of learning.
Are you stuck with a challenging dissertat...
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Recent Students: 0 |
Total Hours: 12 |
Classes Taught: 7 |
All-time Students: 5 |
Last Online: |
Signed up: |
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