Online Professional Admissions Tutors

182 tutors found


Mathematics & Theoretical Physics - University of Cambridge (BA & MMath in Mathematics); University of Southampton (PhD in Theoretical Physics)



1332 hours in Admissions

STEP examiner and world-renowned expert in British university entrance exams & interviews with high success rates (STEP, MAT, TMUA, NSAA, ENGAA, PAT). Thousands of hours working with students from six continents (students from Antarctica especially welcome!). My students are over five times more lik...
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Recent Students: 15
Total Hours: 1852
Classes Taught: 1776
All-time Students: 97
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Mathematics - University of Cambridge



615 hours in Admissions

I've been tutoring dozens of students from middle school level to University level over the last 6 years and while doing so I built up a really solid teaching method that is both adaptable and efficient. My main approach is to identify a student's weaknesses, try to find the root of them and careful...
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Recent Students: 19
Total Hours: 850
Classes Taught: 888
All-time Students: 90
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Mathematics and Philosophy - University of Oxford



587 hours in Admissions

Oxbridge Maths admissions specialist with over 3000 hours experience coaching students to success in the MAT, TMUA, STEP, interviews and personal statement. Winner of the 2020 Oxford Gibb’s Prize for Performance in Mathematics. Oxford Graduate with First Class Honours in Mathematics and Philosophy U...
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Recent Students: 29
Total Hours: 956
Classes Taught: 852
All-time Students: 62
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Law - University of Cambridge



567 hours in Admissions

My approach to teaching is extremely individualistic. I appreciate the fact that every student has a different way of learning, whether it be visually, orally or by any other means. So my approach to tutoring is understanding what exactly the student would like to get out of tutoring and the best wa...
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Recent Students: 19
Total Hours: 720
Classes Taught: 733
All-time Students: 102
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Tat Shun Dickson

Economics - London School of Economics and Political Science



495 hours in Admissions

Entrance Exam Experience: • 7+, 8+, 11+, 13+, 16+ exams for competitive school entrance • CAT4 Quantitative Reasoning, Spatial Awareness, Verbal Reasoning & Non-Verbal Reasoning • ISEB & UKiset Maths, Verbal Reasoning & Non-Verbal Reasoning A-level / GCSE Subject Experience: I tutor students of dif...
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Recent Students: 34
Total Hours: 2696
Classes Taught: 2270
All-time Students: 128
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US Admissions Specialist for GMAT|GRE|ACT|SAT|Digital SAT - Teachers College at Columbia University



358 hours in Admissions

US Admission Specialist with nine years of experience preparing students for admission examinations (GMAT|GRE|ACT|SAT|Digital SAT). I am an Ivy League graduate (NYU and Columbia University) who wants to help students achieve their best score on the admission examination. I completed my PhD in Mathem...
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Recent Students: 11
Total Hours: 637
Classes Taught: 704
All-time Students: 127
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GMAT | GRE Specialist - University of Toronto, Canada



281 hours in Admissions

Over the last 15+ years, Sam has extensively conducted lessons for the GMAT and the GRE (General). Sam's students have attended almost every top business school in Europe and North America. His students are greatly benefited by his hands-on experience, customized approach, and his dedication to see ...
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Recent Students: 5
Total Hours: 382
Classes Taught: 238
All-time Students: 29
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PhD - The University of Leeds



246 hours in Admissions

I can tutor many Electronic and Electrical engineering modules, e.g. Mathematics, signal processing, communication engineering, antennas, propagation, electronics, circuit analysis etc. Of course, depending on the student's specific need, I can assess how and whether I can help. I am a (maths / f...
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Recent Students: 33
Total Hours: 2439
Classes Taught: 2210
All-time Students: 94
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MA in Theology - University of Wales, Trinity St. David


229 hours in Admissions

I have been teaching English online for about 15 years, as first started in January 2007 and also first offline in 1996, so have taught very many students in that time - I am well used to online teaching requirements. I have helped many students online to achieve their goals, for the IELTS exam, bus...
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Recent Students: 2
Total Hours: 985
Classes Taught: 1020
All-time Students: 138
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Mathematics - King's College London



223 hours in Admissions

I have four years tutoring experience of GCSE Mathematics, as well as A Level Mathematics and Further Mathematics. In addition, I have nine years experience supporting students with mathematics admissions tests (MAT, TMUA and STEP). Aside from this, I have worked at King`s College London Mathematic...
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Recent Students: 13
Total Hours: 403
Classes Taught: 369
All-time Students: 35
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