Online Professional IB History Tutors

24 tutors found

Dr Steve

Doctorate - University College London: Institute of Education; Postgraduate in Philosophy: Birkbeck College, University of London; MA in Design: UAL Central Saint Martins;



315 hours in IB History

I have 26 years of experience in tutoring learners to achieve their goals in Academic Research and Writing, Business Studies and Management, Creative Arts and Industries, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Cultural Studies, Drama, Education, English Language and Literature, Essay Writing, Film, Governme...
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Recent Students: 109
Total Hours: 9747
Classes Taught: 8990
All-time Students: 606
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Education and International Development - UCL



226 hours in IB History

I have over twenty years teaching History and Politics in some of the best schools both in the UK and overseas. I am the Head of History and Politics at a HMC Independent school in the UK. I have tutored and taught online for many years.
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Recent Students: 12
Total Hours: 692
Classes Taught: 707
All-time Students: 70
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Signed up:


Migration Studies - University of Oxford



115 hours in IB History

Since completing my IB in 2019 with 44 points, I have been enjoying tutoring both IB Economics and History, covering various topics and assisting tens of students with their IAs and EEs. In the 5+ years of my tutoring experience, I have taught students from different time zones, from Bermuda to Au...
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Recent Students: 12
Total Hours: 192
Classes Taught: 192
All-time Students: 40
Last Online:
Signed up:


Soviet/Russian Politics and History - Oxford Brookes University



59 hours in IB History

2 years experience lecturing and leading seminars at Oxford Brookes University - Political Science and Modern History. 5 years private tutoring individual and small groups - GCSE, IB, A-Level, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Politics and History, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Research Methods/Skills...
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Recent Students: 16
Total Hours: 1757
Classes Taught: 1572
All-time Students: 200
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History of Technology - University of Oxford



47 hours in IB History

I was a seminar leader and course coordinator at the University of Oxford, where I taught to history, politics, and PPE students. I was course co-ordinator and principal lecturer for 2018s Theories of State module at the University of Oxford's History faculty, and I've been a frequent speaker at the...
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Recent Students: 5
Total Hours: 933
Classes Taught: 738
All-time Students: 53
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Signed up:


Comparative Literature - Harvard University


37 hours in IB History

I have tutored 1:1 part-time for six years and taught within reputable educational institutions globally (HSYLC, Showa Women's University, Institution St. Jude Business School). I have lead conferences for secondary school students and university-level students in academic and creative writing, Engl...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 332
Classes Taught: 333
All-time Students: 48
Last Online:
Signed up:


Modern History and Politics - University of Oxford



19 hours in IB History

After graduating from the University of Oxford, I have gained over 14 years experience teaching in UK schools at Senior Leader level. I am an expert teacher of GCSE and A-Level History and Politics. I am Senior Examiner for GCSE and A level History and Politics and a skilled tutor with excellent ...
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Recent Students: 19
Total Hours: 156
Classes Taught: 121
All-time Students: 19
Last Online:
Signed up:


Politics and International Relations - University of Plymouth


9 hours in IB History

I currently am Subject Lead for History and Geography at a secondary school. I have been teaching for over 15 years in the private and public sectors. I have over 100 hours of online tutoring experience.
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 49
Classes Taught: 43
All-time Students: 5
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Signed up:


Bachelor of Arts in Political Science - Lyceum University


5 hours in IB History

UPDATE: 2022-2023 EXAM RESULTS - My students have gained 1-2 more grades higher than they were expecting at IGCSE-A Levels for History and Geography. One of them even got awarded the Outstanding Cambridge Learner High Achievement Award for A-level History! March 2017- October 2017; December 2020- ...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 315
Classes Taught: 319
All-time Students: 40
Last Online:
Signed up:


History - Oxford University / Cambridge University / University of Toronto



1 hours in IB History

I have been teaching since 2018; I have thousands of hours under my belt across a range of subjects and ages. I am currently studying for a PhD at the Centre for Medieval Studies at the University of Toronto where I also teach in the history faculty. I was a scholar at Eton College, then at Oxford a...
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Recent Students: 4
Total Hours: 133
Classes Taught: 104
All-time Students: 12
Last Online:
Signed up:

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