Online Professional IB Chemistry Tutors

52 tutors found

Rose Kurian

M.Sc. Chemistry - University of Calicut



1081 hours in IB Chemistry

I'm a passionate tutor with a Master's Degree in Chemistry. I’ve spent the past 18 years teaching Chemistry, helping students succeed in AP, IB, A-Level, GCSE/IGCSE, and College Chemistry. As a fully vetted member of the prestigious Tutors Association, UK, I bring international certification and qua...
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Recent Students: 11
Total Hours: 1279
Classes Taught: 1198
All-time Students: 72
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Dr Ravi

Chemistry - Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India



315 hours in IB Chemistry

Last 20 years have been a fun for me, simply because of the subject I deal-in. This has given me everything I have and I wish to carry it forward with all my prospective pupils. Always taught senior grades more than lower grades but equally enjoy teaching chemistry at any level. Covid-time did only...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 344
Classes Taught: 357
All-time Students: 25
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Chemistry - University of Warsaw, Warsaw University of Life Sciences



274 hours in IB Chemistry

More than 20 years of experience in chemistry teaching at University level. I teach various sections of chemistry e.g. inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry or spectroscopy. I provide classes (lectures and labs) for home and Erazmus students. More than 10 years of experience ...
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Recent Students: 3
Total Hours: 274
Classes Taught: 247
All-time Students: 28
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Chemistry - University of Strathclyde, University of Dortmund



227 hours in IB Chemistry

I have more than 15 years of experience of teaching Chemistry at all levels including from school level (GCSE, A-Level) to University level in Germany and United Kingdom.
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Recent Students: 35
Total Hours: 864
Classes Taught: 938
All-time Students: 79
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Master's - Wrocław University, Jagiellonian University



164 hours in IB Chemistry

I studied at the most respected Polish academy - Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Shortly after graduating I spent 4 years as a teacher in high school. I worked in various educational systems including IB, the Dalton model, conventional polish curriculum and democratic education. I’ve been tutorin...
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Recent Students: 6
Total Hours: 164
Classes Taught: 152
All-time Students: 15
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Chemistry - University of Cambridge



158 hours in IB Chemistry

I have six years experience as both a classroom teacher and an online tutor, specialising in Chemistry for IB and A-level specifications across various exam boards, including AQA, OCR-A, OCR-B, Eduqas, and Edexcel. With over 2,470 hours of teaching and tutoring experience, I have successfully guided...
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Recent Students: 25
Total Hours: 878
Classes Taught: 894
All-time Students: 69
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Chemistry with Management - Royal Holloway College, University of London


138 hours in IB Chemistry

Extensive subject knowledge and awareness of tricky concepts that cause problems. Easy to talk to. Can quickly devise strategies that can be used to help make rapid progress towards your goals. Can cover any exam board for GCSE chemistry and physics. Excellent knowledge of all UK Chemistry A level b...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 502
Classes Taught: 492
All-time Students: 47
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PhD Chemistry - University of Southampton



124 hours in IB Chemistry

I have taught science as a fully qualified teacher for secondary school education since 2006 and am also a qualified higher education lecturer. I have extensive teaching experience in schools as a science teacher, specialising in chemistry, and at university as a lecturer in organic chemistry. I hav...
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Recent Students: 9
Total Hours: 1131
Classes Taught: 1157
All-time Students: 144
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Biochemistry - University of Manchester


121 hours in IB Chemistry

I have worked as a science tutor for the past two years and have loved every minute. During my PhD and subsequent time in academia I taught a range of levels and am expert in teaching Biology, Chemistry and Physics from GCSE level up to University level. At higher levels of education I can teach my ...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 1008
Classes Taught: 1039
All-time Students: 65
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Organic Chemistry - Brown University



44 hours in IB Chemistry

My experience with teaching organic chemistry started as an undergraduate at Michigan State University where I tutored students (mainly sophomores, juniors and seniors) in the natural sciences by solving Organic chemistry problems during recitation hours. Furthermore, I also designed assignments and...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 44
Classes Taught: 45
All-time Students: 3
Last Online:
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