Online Professional IB Sports, exercise and health science Tutors

2 tutors found


Sport and Exercise Sciences - University of Birmingham



120 hours in IB Sports, exercise and health science

Rugby School - Teacher of Biology and Sports Science, teaching A level, IB and GCSE Sports Science. Marlborough College - assisting teaching of A level and GCSE Sports Science, specifically the anatomy and physiology aspects of the respective courses. Trent College - Teacher of Academic PE, teach...
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Recent Students: 18
Total Hours: 502
Classes Taught: 537
All-time Students: 43
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Sports Science, Master and Awarded Investigator - Faculty of Human Kinetics



52 hours in IB Sports, exercise and health science

Seven consecutive full SEHS DP Cycles (DP1 and DP2) were taught with results significantly above the world average in all of them. IB Sports Science Exam Standardisation Team Member (team that builds the mark schemes and sets the standards for examiners’ marking in May and November), IB Team Leader,...
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Recent Students: 4
Total Hours: 52
Classes Taught: 46
All-time Students: 7
Last Online:
Signed up:

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