I have 27 years of experience in tutoring and supporting learners to achieve their goals. I have a strong knowledge of excellent academic practice, developing your understanding of the arguments, and sharpening your subject comprehension, critical thinking, and essay writing and study skills for examination and assessment. I convert complicated theories and paradigms into straightforward ideas, with practical worth, and impart useful advice to my clients.
I tutor KS3, GCSE/IGCSE, A-Level/IAL-Level, AP, CAIE/CIE, EPQ, IB, IPQ, PRE-U, and SQA Learners, Undergraduate, Postgraduate/Doctoral Students, Oxbridge Entrance/UCAS Personal Statement Applicants, and US Common App/Ivy Applicants, College Essay Students, and Professional Clients.
Recent Students: 98 |
Total Hours: 10384 |
Last Online: |
All-time Students: 627 |
Total Classes: 9621 |
Signed Up: |
Recent Students: 98 | Total Hours: 10384 | Last Online: |
All-time Students: 627 | Total Classes: 9621 | Signed Up: |
I am experienced in supporting students in relation to learners’ attributes (incl. ASD, dyslexia, etc), delivering alternative/innovative educational provisions and facilitating innovation in others. I promote the use of philosophical thinking tools, argument deconstruction and identifying rhetorical 'tricks'. I find asking students to use story pitching approaches, such as loglines, and writing/pitching their ideal abstracts for essays helps sharpen their focus on what is essential to their dissertations. I design programmes of study that emphasise the application of critical thinking and a growth mindset (Dweck, 2006;2012). I promote self-regulated learning in my teaching (see Zimmerman & Schunk, 2007), which incorporates online/blended learning methods.
I teach Critical Thinking, Creative Industries, Education, Humanities, Philosophy/Politics/Theology, and Research/Social Sciences. I am a Pastoral Care specialist and scholar. I have a Doctorate in Education from UCL: Institute of Education (IOE), the world-leading centre for research and teaching in education and social science. I have a Masters in Design from UAL Central Saint Martins, an ILM Masters in Leadership & Management, and PGCE from University of Greenwich. I am a Postgraduate in Philosophy from Birkbeck College:University of London and I studied on Harvard University's Divinity School Religious Literacy programme. I have worked as a Senior Leadership Manager:Head of A-Levels, Lecturer/Teacher, and Head of Department/Year across the school, further/higher education sectors. Prior to this, I worked in documentary and entertainment media, as director, editor, scriptwriter and video artist, for a variety of independent productions and the BBC. I have exhibited my video artwork at the BFI and I am a Royal Television Society award nominee. Further, I am an active educationalist and academic researcher. I guest lecture at UCL IOE on doctoral research in education and pastoral care, and I tutor doctoral students.
I am a Qualified Teacher (DfE/UK registered), a School Governor, and Enhanced DBS Certified.
I have 26 years of experience in tutoring learners to achieve their goals in Academic Research and Writing, Business Studies and Management, Creative Arts and Industries, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Cultural Studies, Drama, Education, English Language and Literature, Essay Writing, Film, Government and Politics, Leadership and Management, Managing Exam Anxiety/Stress, Marketing, Media, University Applications, Doctoral Proposals, Philosophy, Qualitative Research, RMPS, Religious Studies, Theology, Theory of Knowledge, Social Sciences and Visual Arts. I tutor KS3, GCSE/IGCSE, A-Level/IAL-Level, CAIE/CIE, EPQ, IB, PRE-U, SQA, Undergraduate, Postgraduate/Doctoral students, Oxbridge Entrance/UCAS Personal Statement Applicants, and College Essay/US Common App /Ivy Applicants, and Professional Clients.
I combine over two decades of tutoring experience, as an educator and researcher, with my earlier career in the creative industries to offer engaging learning opportunities relevant to our daily lives. I am a passionate advocate of 'affective' learning and well-being through creativity, critical inquiry, and philosophical reasoning. I invite you to engage in these ways of thinking that can empower you with significant skills to support your personal growth. I have extensive experience in tutoring GCSE, A-Level, CAIE/CIE, IB, PRE-U, EPQ, Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Professional learners. My presentation style is engaging and interactive. I convert complicated theories and paradigms into straightforward ideas, with practical worth, and impart useful advice to my clients.
Undergraduate / Postgraduate; A-Level / International A-Level; BTEC / UAL Higher & Nationals; CAIE / CIE; Cambridge Pre-U, IB Diploma / IB MYP; SQA Higher & Advanced Nationals / SQA Nationals; GCSE / iGCSE; First Diploma; 11+ English.
Academic Essay / Dissertation Writing Skills: Argument Forming, Phrasing, Structuring, Analysis, Literature Reviews, Proofreading: including advice on organising one's thoughts, as well as discussing and refining ideas.
Business Studies / Management;
Cambridge International Project Qualification (IPQ);
Creative Arts / Industries;
Critical Thinking / Engagement: Argument Analysis, Truth Tables;
Cultural Studies / Critical Theory;
Debate: British Parliamentary Style; Karl Popper; Mace; World School.
Drama / Theatre / Creative Writing;
Economics: How Markets Work; How the Economy Works; Microeconomics and Business Economics; Macroeconomics and the Global Economy.
Education Studies: Cognitive Development; Contemporary and Evidence-Based Issues in Education; Critical Pedagogy; History of Education; Pastoral Care; Personal Tutoring; Perspectives in Education; Philosophy of Education; Research in Education;
English Language: Analysis - Language, Meaning, Narrative, Textual, Thematic, Representation; Fiction and Non-Fiction Reading; Creative Writing; Descriptive Writing; Essay Writing; Extended Writing; Transactional Writing;
English Literature: including Analysis of - Adichie's Purple Hibiscus; Angelou; Antrobus; Aristophanes' Lysistrata; Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale; Berkoff's Metamorphosis; Calvino's If on a Winter's Night a Traveller; Carter's The Bloody Chamber; Chopin's The Awakening; Conrad's Heart of Darkness; Dante's The Divine Comedy; Doyle; Duffy; Euripides' Medea, and Electra; Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby; Fugard's 'Master Harold' ...and the Boys; Golding's The Lord of the Flies; Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper; Goldsmith; Hartley; Homer's The Iliad, The Odyssey; Kafka's Metamorphosis, The Trial; Orwell's 1984, Animal Farm, Down and Out in Paris and London, Homage to Catalonia, The Road to Wigan Pier; Priestley's An Inspector Calls; Russell's Blood Brothers; Satrapi's Persepolis; Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, A Much To Do About Nothing, Hamlet, Henry IV (pt1 & 2), Macbeth, Measure for Measure, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest, Twelfth Night; Sophocles' Antigone; Stevenson's Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde; Stoker; Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five; Walker's The Color Purple; Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest; Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire, The Glass Menagerie; etc.
English: Language and Literature: Analysis - Comparative, Contextual, Critical, Literary, Narrative, Representation, Textual, Thematic, Unseen; Fiction and Non-Fiction - Classical, 19th C, Modern, and Postmodern; Genre; Poetry; Prose/Drama; Shakespeare (comedy, tragedy, problem play or late play).
Examination Preparation / Revision: incl. Effective Essay Writing and Revision Skills, Managing Exam Anxiety / Stress; Time Management Strategies;
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ);
Film Studies / Film Production: Micro/Macro Analysis, incl. Genre, Narrative, and Mise-en-Scene, etc; Theory & Practice; Hollywood, UK, World Cinema; Documentary; Critical Approaches, incl. Auteurship, Feminist Readings, Psychoanalysis, and Spectatorship, etc; Film Movements, incl. American, British and French New Wave, Film Noir, Neo-Realism, Surrealism, etc; Film History;
Government and Politics: UK, US, Global: Liberal and Realist, Peace and Conflict Studies, and Ideologies: Core - Conservatism, Liberalism, and Socialism, Non-Core - Anarchism, Ecologism, Feminism, Multiculturalism, and Nationalism;
Greek Classics: Homer's Iliad and Odyssey; Agamemnon; Oedipus Rex; Electra & Medea; Lysistrata; Plato's Euthyphro, Apology, Crito and Phaedo; Plato's Republic; Aristotle's Ethics.
History: incl. Germany History: The Quest for political stability; Russia: Tsarist and Communist (1800s-1900s), Revolution and Dictatorship (1917-1953), The Cold War (1945-1991), etc; UK History: The Tutors, Religious Conflict and the Church in England (1500s), The English Revolution (1625–1660), The British Empire (1800s–1900s), The Making of Modern Britain (1900s-2000s), etc; US History: Birth of the US (1600s-1800s), The Making of a Superpower (1800s-1900s), US Civil Rights (1800s-1900s), etc.
Leadership and Management: Creative Thinking, Critical Analysis, Motivation, Realising Objectives, Strategies, Styles;
Marketing / Advertising;
Media Studies / Media Production: Language (forms, codes, conventions and techniques), Representation (portrayal of ideas, individuals and groups), Industry (production, distribution, circulation/exhibition), Audience (constructed and addressed by media texts; how audiences interpret and respond to media texts), Micro/Macro Analysis, Theory/Practice, Critical Approaches, Semiotics;
Philosophy, Religion & Ethics - Aesthetics, Argument Analysis, Critical Thinking, Epistemology, Ethics, Metaethics, Moral Responsibility / Free Will, Philosophy of Religion, Political Philosophy, The Social Contract/Contractarianism, and Theology;
Philosophers - incl. Aquinas, Arendt, Aristotle, Ayer, Anselm, Bentham, Berkeley, Dennett, Descartes, Dworkin, Epicurus, Hare, Hobbes, Hume, Locke, Mill, Nietzsche, Nussbaum, Plato, Polkinghorne, Pre-Socratic, Rand, Rawls, Sandel, Sartre, Singer, Socrates, St Augustine, Swinburne, Tillich, Wittgenstein.
Psychology/Social Sciences - Approaches, Attachment, Behaviour, Cognition, Contextual, Developmental, issues/Debates, Memory, Psychopathology, Relationships, Social, Stress, and Research Methodology, incl. Data Handling & Analysis/Inferential Testing, etc;
Religious Studies / RMPS; - Argument Analysis, Critical Thinking, Epistemology, Ethics, Metaethics, Moral Responsibility / Free Will, Philosophy of Religion, Religious Experience, Religious Language, and Theology: Catholic Christianity, Christianity, Buddhism, Daoism, Deism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, Non-Theological Perspectives, e.g. Atheism and Humanism;
Research: Argument Forming, Proposal/Design, Methodologies, and Qualitative / Quantitative Techniques, Primary and Secondary Data Gathering, Literature Reviews, Literature Search Strategies; Ethnography, Nethnography, Scoping and Systematic Reviews, Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis, incl. Coding and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA); Research Theory, Epistemology, and Ontology.
Sociology / Social Sciences: Beliefs, Culture; Crime and Deviance, Education, Families and Households/Relationships, Identity; Globalisation; Media, Power; Research Methods; Social Inequalities; Socialisation; Subcultures;
Study Skills: Argument Analysis, Critical Reading, Effective Notetaking;
Theology: Catholic Christianity; Christianity: OT, NT, Christian Ethics, Pastoral Theology; Buddhism; Daoism; Deism; Hinduism; Islam; Judaism; Sikhism; Non-Theological Perspectives, e.g. Atheism and Humanism;
Thesis: Argument Analysis / Forming, Proposal, Literature Review, Writing, Independent Reading and Proofreading: including advice on organising one's thoughts, as well as discussing and refining ideas, Viva Preparation;
UCAS (incl. Russell Group and Oxbridge), and US Common App / Ivy League & US College Application Process.
International Baccalaureate (IB) PYP, MYP, Diploma:
* Business Management: Units 1 to 5; HL/SL IA & EA;
* Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)
* English A: Language and Literature: SL/HL IA & EA;
* English A: Literature: SL/HL IA & EA;
* Extended Essay (EE): Creative, English, Humanities, and Social Science-related subjects.
* Film:Textual Analysis, Comparative Study, Film Portfolio, Collaborative Film Project (HL)
* History: Global War, Rights & Protest, Authoritarian States (20th C), Causes & Effects of 20th-C Wars, The Cold War, History of Europe, IA Historical Investigation.
* Global Politics: Core Units, EA, Exams, and GPC
* Philosophy:Core/Optional Themes, Prescribed Texts, IA, Exploring Philosophical activity.
* Psychology,
* Social and Cultural Anthropology (SL/HL),
* Theatre,
* Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Essay - May/November Prescribed Titles, Exhibition, EE, and PPF,
* Visual Arts: Journal, Process Portfolio, Comparative Study, and Exhibition (SL/HL),
* World Religions,
* UCAS (incl. Russell Group and Oxbridge), and US Common App / Ivy League Application Process (incl. advice and proofreading).
I have a strong knowledge of qualification and assessment frameworks, and curriculum developments.
I am an Examination Board Assessor. I have experience with numerous exam boards/regs, incl. AQA; BTEC/EDEXCEL; C&G; CAIE/CIE, Cambridge Pre-U; EDUQAS/WJEC, JCQ; IB, NCC; OCN; OCR; OFQUAL; SQA; UAL, etc.
I have an excellent knowledge of the UCAS/Oxbridge and American College application process. I have helped thousands of students gain placements at excellent universities. Indeed, I am experienced in both academic and vocational processes as I tutor across GCSE/Nationals, A-Level/Higher & Adv. Nationals, CAIE/CIE IGCSE & IA-Levels, Pre-U, IB, EPQ, IPQ, Degree/Undergraduate, PGCE, Postgraduate/Masters, and Doctorate programmes.
I am experienced in supporting students in relation to learners’ attributes, including ADHD, ADSD, ASD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia.
I am a Qualified Teacher (DfE/UK registered), a School Governor, and Enhanced DBS Certified.
Excellent session. Reporting on progress so far over the past month- chapters 1 and 2 revised, and a reflective piece written. All sent to research supervisors. Completed a sweep of literature review in the meantime and will do another sweep then send to supervisors with the reflective piece yet to be written. Methodology next. Focussing today on chapter 5 - the analysis and delineating what is reporting, what is analysis, what is discussion. Talking this through for the first time so will need to revisit it next time. Dr Steve knows it takes me quite a while for a complex idea to land and we agreed to talk about this again until it lands. In the meantime I will read these sections in multiple papers and report back my progress next time, and then talk through my understanding on these sections. Very helpful explanations.
Perfect teacher. Thank you dr.Steve
Dr Steve helps me study from God's eye view. Absolutely amazing. And really release me from nervousness. The best teacher I had ever!!!!
Update on progress and a realisation following a colleague, on the brink of submission, stating: "I hate my thesis". Following reflections on this very powerful statement deciding to add a reflective piece, that verges on the anecdotal, to provide a space for the less scholarly and the more personal/experiential. Going through the content of this piece. Moving on to chapter 2 - the context and working out a structure and a "middle path".
Very comprehensive teaching thank you.
Very useful class!
most informative hour of sociology i've received
These are ongoing sessions with Dr Steve.
Dr Steve is well prepared, professional and really knowledgeable. Lots of notes and advice have been given. Highly recommended. My son would like to have other lessons when he needs. Many thanks
Great! Five Stars
"You will be pleased to hear that Charlotte received a high A grade in her English Lit exam, so thank you to you for all of your help! It really helped her a great deal!"
Parent of Charlotte (Spain), International A-Level English Literature. Achieved A Grade!!
"Tyler received a grade B for his Religious Studies! He was over the moon and got his first choice University... Thank you for all your help." (March 2025)
Parent of Tyler (UK), A-Level Religious Studies. Achieved Target Grade B
"Very comprehensive teaching, thank you." (February 2025)
Celia (UK), A-Level Film Studies
"Thank you again for all your help - I just wanted to let you know that I did get an offer from Cambridge for Pembroke College! Thank you again :)"
Georgie (UK), successful University of Cambridge applicant (Pembroke College).
"My results went so well,... I’m so pleased especially with the media, thank you so much for all your help. My media teacher was happy too, she gave me a hug!😂 I’m very excited to head off to uni now!" (August 2024)
Isobel (UK), A-Level Media student/UCAS; went from U/E in year one to achieving B final summer exams - securing her first-choice university offer!
"Thank you very much for your help" (May 2019)
Josephine (Switzerland), IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
"Hello Dr Steve! I just wanted to let you know that I got the grades needed and met my Oxford offer. Hopefully it will all go well in the future. Thanks again for your help!" (August 2024)
Justin (UK), Successful Oxbridge Applicant.
"Thank you very much for your support and guidance this year... sharing your intellect with us. You're definitely among the most talented and intellectual teachers."
Mawuli (UK), A-Level Philosophy
Madison (USA), IB Visual Arts
"Dr Steve was a helpful tutor who ensured that he adapted the AQA philosophy lessons he taught me to what I needed to revise. This included essay questions, critiques, and content lessons when required. He was very responsive and took the time to answer any questions, even outside of the lesson. I would highly recommend him!" (August 2024)
Ava (UK), AQA A-Level Philosophy - Achieved A!
Thank you very much for your very well-prepared and structured lesson. (July 2024)
Constanze (Zurich), IB English A: Language and Literature
"Hi Dr Steve, I got an A in English! As well as an A* in Art and an A in Spanish so I am going to UCL! Thank you very much for the support you have given me throughout the year, I really appreciate it!" (August 2024)
Alex (UK), A-Level English Literature/UCAS - Achieved A*AA and created a successful Russell Group University Personal Statement.
"Hey Dr. Steve, Jacob absolutely smashed it - he got two A* and a B, with one of the A* being in RS! We are all on cloud nine and bursting with pride. Your help and support really made a difference. We are incredibly grateful for everything" (August 2024)
Parent of Jacob (UK), A-Level Religious Studies - Achieved A*!
"I have just received my results: I got an A in Philosophy! Thank you for all of your help." (August 2024)
Ava (UK), A-Level Philosophy - Achieved Grade A!
"I’m very happy with my results I got AAA and got into my firm. I definitely wouldn’t have been able to do it without your help." (August 2024)
Ielaf (UK), A-Level Philosophy/A-Level Programme - Achieved AAA!
"Very insightful and helpful."
Maya (Thailand), IB Visual Arts
"Hello, Dr Steve...! I just wanted to say that your help significantly contributed to my academic success in these last two years of sixth form and I was offered a conditional offer to study Law at the University of Oxford. Thank you so much for the positive impact you had on my life!" (January 2024)
Justin (UK), Oxbridge Applicant.
"Dr Steve - I got an A...!! - Thank you for all the help!"
Sylvia (USA), Philosophy and Classical Literature undergraduate.
"Thank you for all your help, the essay techniques have been really useful for me!!"
Maisy (UK), OCR A-Level Philosophy and Ethics.
"Just got my grade back... 80!!!!!! I couldn't be happier. Thank you SO MUCH for all your help!"
Esther (USA), Postgraduate in Cultural Studies.
"Dr Steve was exceptionally helpful and I would definitely recommend him as a tutor!"
Matthew (Northern Ireland), Harvard University Applicant.
"Thank you so much for your work... Giorgio did really well, he got a 6 in the final grade in Global Politics, so we are very happy." (July 2023)
Mother of Giorgio (Italy), IB Global Politics student. Achieved target grade and admission to Berkeley (University of California).
Hello Dr. Steve... I am delighted to tell you that I got a grade 8 in English literature and... into my first-choice school!!! Thank you so much for all of your help and support in helping me achieve such a high grade!!
Mariam (UK), GCSE English Literature. Achieved Grade 8.
"I'm happy to say I received grade 9 in both English language and literature... Thank you very much for your help." (August 2022)
Abhinav (UK), IGCSE English student.
Achieved Grade 9 for IGCSE English Language and Grade 9 for IGCSE English Literature!
"Thank you so much for all of your help and patience in breaking down all of the papers and responses,... this helped him so much." (August 2023)
Sally (UK), Mum of GCSE Film Studies student. Achieved grade 8.
"Hi Dr Steve!!... I received an A grade in RS!!"
Ama (UK), A-Level OCR Religious Studies. Achieved Grade A!
"Hi Dr Steve... my grades went well thank you... which I am very pleased with because of the grade boundaries this year. Thanks for all your help."
Freddie (UK), A-Level Politics. Achieved ABB!
"A great introduction lesson, and a very nice teacher!"
Mariam (UK), GCSE Psychology.
"I have gotten a 2,1 overall for my degree... throughout this final year, all my grades have been 2,1 or above. Just wanted to say a massive thanks and yeah definitely couldn't have done it without you!!"
Hassan (UK), Undergraduate: Sociology Degree.
"Hi Dr Steve, I have some really great news… I received another Distinction for my last essay which means… I will finish with a Distinction overall. Thank you so so much for all of your help… also for your kind words and encouragement… I am so grateful to you for showing me that there are incredible and kind educators like you who are still around to make a difference for students. Thank you, Dr Steve, from the bottom of my heart."
Mary (UK), Postgraduate: Final Overall Grade - Distinction!
"Hi Dr Steve, I have just received my results and got an A in TOK and a Grade 6 in English. Thank you so much for the help!!"
Jon (UK), IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK): Grade A! English: Language & Literature, Grade 6!
"Dr Steve thank you very much for everything I passed my exams"
Ibrahim (Azerbaijan), IGCSE Business Studies, achieved target grade.
"I cannot recommend Dr Steve enough. His teaching approach is so targeted to individual needs. A fabulous tutor and would not hesitate to recommend him. If I could allocate six stars I would as so impressed with the effort that goes into each class, the rapport he has with his student and his ability to explain the most complicated things so simply! Thank you!"
Sam (UK), A-Level Business, History and Film Studies Student; achieved all three target grades.
"We cannot thank you enough for the support you gave… without your support we could be in a different situation. Thank you for everything.”
Alison (UK), parent of Business Studies student; achieved target grade B
"I passed my Film - I got a B:) which was really great!! I got accepted to The University. I'm very grateful for your help and time in tutoring me. Thank you."
Mera (UK), A-Level Film Studies; achieved target grade B.
"Dr Steve, thank you very much for all your help and effort"
Elena (Spain), parent of IGCSE English Student; achieved target grade.
"Thank you so much" (August 2021)
Celia (Spain) IGCSE Business Studies.
Achieved target grade.
“Very helpful, and targets exactly what I'm after… would highly recommend.”
Eldeah (UK), A-Level English Language. Achieved target grade for first-choice university.
"Dr Steve’s lesson was a massive help and... provided me with honest opinions and advice."
Raluca (UK) A-Level Psychology
"Dr Steve... A huge thank you... I received a Distinction"
Mary (UK), Postgraduate in Education: Distinction!
"Hi Dr Steve, I’m really pleased with my results!! I got 8 in both Literature and Language and a 9 in Business thanks to your help! I don’t think I could’ve done it without you."
Layla (UK), GCSE Business - Achieved Grade 9 (A*)!
GCSE English Language - Achieved Grade 8 (A)!
GCSE English Literature - Achieved Grade 8 (A)!
"Got grade 9 with credit for English Language :-). Teachers had predicted a 5... your tutoring made the grade."
Marc (UK), GCSE English Language - Achieved Grade 9 (A* equivalent)!
"I got an A*. Thanks for everything."
Harry (UK), WJEC GCSE Religious Studies - Achieved Grade A*!
"I went to an interview for Sixth Form and I got accepted. Thank you for your help with Business and English!"
Justin (UK), GCSE Business - Achieved Grade 8 (A)! GCSE English - Achieved Target Grade 7 (B)!
"We did it!!! I got the A in Politics... Thank you very much for all the help."
Leo (UK), A-Level Politics - Achieved Grade A in Politics and A*AB overall!
"Thanks for helping me get the A in Politics; without your guidance, I would not have achieved it!"
Harjun (UK), A-level Politics - Achieved Grade A!
"Thank you for everything"
Harpreet (UK), A-level Religious Studies - Achieved Grade A!
"Things are approached in a very methodical and easy to understand manner, making difficult tasks seem a lot less daunting than previously thought."
George (Wales), A-Level Student: Achieved AAA.
"The class felt well planned and organised... Dr. Steve gave detailed feedback, was open to questions, and gave clear instructions."
Eunhyuk (HK), English Language and Literature.
"Thanks again for all of your support."
Thomas (UAE), A-Level Business - Achieved target grades and was accepted onto his first-choice university.
"Dr Steve has been an amazing tutor over the past few months and genuinely cares about his students. Dr Steve has helped me not just with my application process but to grow as a person and develop my writing and thinking skills."
George (UK), US Common App/College Essay and UCAS applicant.
Ella (Majorca), high-grade IB student and successful UCAS Russell Group applicant
"Consistently first-rate tutoring. Can’t recommend Dr Steve highly enough"
Theo (UK), Pre-U Philosophy and Theology.
"I’m beyond thrilled and so grateful for your guidance and support!"
Kiana (UK), UCAS - Successful Russell Group applicant!
"Thank you for your help throughout this process!"
Thomasina (Libya), IB Visual Arts - Achieved Target Grade.
"Excellent, well structured, informative classes"
Elizabeth (Greece), Philosophy Postgraduate
Divonne (USA), IB Visual Arts
"Very useful and insightful."
Isabelle (Switzerland), IB Visual Arts
"Dr Steve really helped me to understand the criteria of process portfolio, he also gave me many insightful suggestions on my comparative study. Definitely recommend his lessons to IB students!"
Rita (Italy), IB Visual Arts
"Dr. Steve helped me unpack the issues with my process portfolio and gave an in-depth analysis as to how I can improve it with the perspective only an examiner can provide."
Noor (Hong Kong), IB Visual Arts
"Excellent class with Dr. Steve. We went through 25 marker questions together and I have a better understanding of marking boundaries."
Shengchang (China), International A-Level Sociology
Fahmy (UK), GCSE Sociology
"This lesson was excellent... This will help me in my further education."
Ibrahim (UK), GCSE Sociology
"Very helpful and informative... what I needed."
Amsan (UK), A-Level Sociology
"Great help with feedback with exam questions and going over further content"
Thomas (UK), A-Level Sociology - achieved target grade and a place at first-choice university.
Oscar (UK), IB Global Politics
Giwon (South Korea), IB English Language A: Literature and Language
"Dr Steve, I cannot thank you enough... your help has been invaluable. The skills I have gained across all aspects of politics, my history coursework, and my EPQ will be carried forward to university. Thank you for everything, "
John (UK), A-Level History, Politics, and EPQ - Achieved Grade A*AA!
"Dr Steve. I just wanted to say a huge thank you for tutoring me for the past school year. I'm very grateful to have had such a great and supportive tutor, and you really helped me improve and develop... So once again thank you!"
Christina (Channel Islands), A-Level Business - Achieved Target Grade B
"Really good! Extremely helpful...! Learnt a lot. Provided great points on how I can improve my writing."
Ciara (Australia), IB English A: Literature and Language
Jenny (Australia) IB English A: Literature
"Dr Steve, Got my EPQ result back... A*! "
John (UK), Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) - Achieved Grade A*!
Josh (UK), GCSE Psychology
“Another excellent session!... Very informative! Went through a series of homework questions and Dr Steve explained how examiners mark”
Christina (UK), A-Level Business Studies
"Friendly, easy to talk to, assisted me with overcoming my doubts in preparing my IB business IA research proposal. Thank you Dr. Steve I look forward to working with you again."
Tayo, Business Management
"Very helpful and leads the way for the student to generate new ideas."
Farah, Business Management
“Dr Steve, thanks for all your help... I’m confident… now”
Archie (Scotland), SQA Business Management (HL) and RMSP (HL)
"Thank you so much"
Alex (UK), Theology Degree
"I learned a lot from Dr Steve"
Daisy (New Zealand) IB English A: Literature
"😅 got into my first choice" (August 2021)
Noa (UK), A-Level Religious Studies - Achieved Grade A* and a place at the first-choice university!
"Fantastic feedback for Philosophy EE. Very knowledgeable on the EE process and provided in-depth feedback."
Lilliana (Australia), IB Extended Essay
"Thank you for all the help you gave me"
Natasha (UK), A-Level Media - Achieved Target Grade B
"Thank you so much"
Tyra (UK), A-Level Media - Achieved Grade A!
"Great insight and very knowledgeable on the subject, allowed for open discussion and helped with my engagement massively."
Enzo (UK), A-Level Sociology
"Thank you so much... so helpful"
Lilliana (Australia), IB Philosophy IA
Euan (UK), A-Level Film Studies
"Thank you for a great session"
Ariana (UK), A-Level Film Studies
James (China) MA in Education - Achieved Grade A (Distinction)!
"Very useful discussion on critical engagement and commentary. Found it really helpful to rethink my critical commentary"
Cid (UK) Critical Thinking
"The lesson was fantastic. Thanks a lot for your feedback."
Jin (Turkey), IB English A: Language & Literature and Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
Aashi (UK) A-Level Sociology
"She is having a great improvement! Thank you so much"
Elena (Spain), mother of IGCSE Business Studies student
"A really informative experience, full of knowledge, encouragement, and direction, highly recommended."
Phil (USA), Postgraduate, Academic Writing and Research.
"Dr Steve is such an insightful and engaging tutor. He helped me tremendously with my exhibition and I will definitely come back for more assistance in the future!"
Kiana (UK), Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
“Dr Steve gave me extremely detailed feedback on my TOK exhibition and helped me improve it. I am very happy with the result and the class! Dr Steve is a wonderful teacher and classes are very productive.”
Trisha (Thailand), IB TOK Exhibition - Awarded 10/10!
"Dr. Steve is wonderful. He went over all my work very carefully… He was very focused throughout the entire lesson and... He is the best tutor I have ever had!"
Alicja (Poland), IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Exhibition
"Outstanding tutoring...! Dr Steve helped me through my essay from A to Z."
Moe (Saudi Arabia), IB Business Management (IA)
“We have been so fortunate to have found Dr Steve… he is one of those rare individuals who has an excellent in-depth knowledge across a lot of subjects and also has the talent of explaining difficult concepts in easily understandable ways. He was immediately able to provide invaluable feedback on how to improve a specific essay in higher-level philosophy without having the chance to know the title or see the essay prior to the lesson. I can honestly say that he is the best tutor that we have ever used by a long shot and is one of the most intelligent and empathetic individuals that I have encountered. I would highly recommend him to everyone. Thank you for everything Dr Steve.”
Kay (UK), Parent of an IB Philosophy Student
"Fabulous- Dr Steve really helped me feel confident in my argument and raised questions that I had not considered. Overall really very useful and super helpful!"
Millie (UK), Theology And Religious Studies Undergraduate
"Dr Steve is extremely knowledgeable... a lot of constructive feedback to work on for my essay! Really enjoyed this class!"
Petty (Singapore), IB Philosophy
"Excellent... great teaching style"
Jibril (UK), GCSE English Language
"Amazing tutor. My daughter absolutely loves every lesson with Dr Steve."
Ranbeer (UK), Parent of an IB Philosophy Student
"Thank you very much for this session... very helpful!"
Jacy (Singapore), IB Philosophy
"For my first meeting with Dr. Steve I found him really supportive. He was able to guide me on some material that we had discussed. Listened and responded to my questions, and offered his knowledge about the subject area. I will definitely schedule more meetings with him."
Aaron (Scotland), Postgraduate MEd Dissertation
"Thank you so much for all your excellent teaching and help! From a 3 to an 8!"
Ela (UK), GCSE Religious Studies - Achieved Grade 8 (A)!
"Thank you so much for all your help...absolutely delighted to have found you."
Stephanie (Scotland), SQA Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies - Achieved Grade A!
"Dr Steve is a great tutor, gained so much information and guidance to work towards my IA"
Amanda (Kuwait), IB Business Management
"Really informative and helpful."
Beth (UK), GCSE English Literature
"Great first impression with Dr. Steve, he understands what the examiners are looking for very well and is a great guy!"
Ian (Hong Kong) IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
"Dr Steve is amazing and very knowledgable about film and beyond. He is very kind and patient. Thank you Dr Steve for your help and support. Looking forward to having classes with you."
Amber (China), IB Film
"Dr Steve is a fantastic tutor. I was having a lot of difficulties with formulating my arguments and understanding TOK but after meeting Dr Steve everything changed. Debating and discussing my ideas with Dr Steve gave me a clear idea of what I needed to do and what TOK is all about. After not being in school due to COVID-19, Dr Steve has made a huge impact on my TOK learning and appreciation. Many thanks Dr Steve, much appreciated."
Noah (Australia), IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
"Very professional and helpful... such a relief to finally find someone that can actually help in the area I am struggling with."
Carolina (UK), Education Studies Postgraduate
"Dr Steve helped me so much with my work. He went through my essay piece by piece and made sure I understood everything. He was also very patient with me and made me feel very comfortable. I would highly recommend him and will be definitely be using him again."
Emily (UK), Undergraduate - Academic Writing
Kai (Canada), IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
"He is very good at teaching the topics and helping me understand anything."
Thrishanth (Wales), WJEC GCSE Religious Studies - Achieved Grade A*!
"Dr Steve is an excellent tutor,... Everything becomes clearer, it made me confident to do my research and I got the best results from my studies because of this guidance."
Gusti (Indonesia), International Politics/Relations Postgraduate Researcher
"Really helpful"
Mahrukh (UK), IB Global Politics & IB English Language and Literature
"Dr. Steve's support was instrumental in transforming our son's academic performance. We contacted Dr Steve after my son had setbacks in his mock exams, our son's dedication and Dr. Steve's guidance led to outstanding results, and our son gained an A* in his RS A level! We are incredibly grateful for Dr. Steve's effective communication, valuable feedback, and deep understanding of our son's learning approach." (August 2024)
Michelle (UK), Parent of an Edexcel A-Level Religious Studies Student - Achieved A*!
"Thank you Dr Steve. I am so grateful I met you. I have learnt much more about ToK in the past month than I have at school. You are always so encouraging and friendly. Thank you so much for your help with ToK. I could not be more grateful."
Cindy (Australia), IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
"Very good, helps a lot"
Celia (Spain), IGCSE Business Studies
"Whatever your academic level may be, Dr. Steve can bring you to the top! His classes are very insightful and honestly, he is the most amazing teacher as you are being taught with such joy."
Sonika (Scotland), IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
"Always answers my questions with loads of depth and knowledge and brings my essays to a high standard"
Avantika (Singapore), International A-Level Sociology - Achieved Grade A*!
"Brilliant tutor"
Amrit (UK), IB Philosophy and Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
"I achieved an 8 thanks to your help and support!!"
Zayed (UAE) iGCSE Business Studies - Achieved Grade 8 (A)!
"Thank you for helping me so much!"
Avantika (Singapore), US Common / Ivy Application
"Great lesson, very informative was able to understand research methods in much greater detail :)"
Angel (UK), A-Level Sociology
"I have found our lessons extremely valuable... you have helped me enormously."
Eloise (UK), A-Level Business Studies
"I was extremely impressed by his ability to shape the learning around my daughter's needs and his professionalism."
Parent of Tyra (UK), A-Level Politics
"I wanted to thank you for everything. I learned so much from you."
Malia (Netherlands), IB English Literature
"Without your help, I would not succeed!"
Peter (Russia), UCAS (successful Russell Group applicant)
Scarlet (Hong Kong), A-Level Business Studies
"Really Good!"
Harry (Mongolia), GCSE English Language & Literature
"Very enjoyable and fun... learning new concepts about essay writing."
Tim (Mongolia), GSCE English Language/Literature
Albin (Sweden), IB Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
"Very knowledgeable, good detailed feedback on essay."
Juliet (UK), IB Philosophy and Extended Essay
"Brilliant - Working with Dr Steve has played an essential role not only in my academic success, but also in developing my perspectives. His endless knowledge alongside a great expertise in teaching has allowed me to intellectually flourish and achieve the best I can in my work." (August 2024)
Alex (UK), A-Level English Literature / UCAS (Russell Group) - Achieved A*AA!
"Thank you so much for all your hard work and support."
Jade (UK), GCSE Religious Studies - Achieved Grade 9 (A*)!
"Hi Dr Steve - I got into Bristol University. thank you so much for your help :)" (August 2024)
Giovana (UK), Successful Russell Group University Applicant.
"Helpful in developing my idea for my TOK essay"
Oli (Australia), IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
Arjun (India), GCSE Business Studies
"I am very impressed with my lesson, extremely professional manner and really kind, friendly tutor. Highly recommended." (October 2020)
Eva (UK), Medical Research Postgraduate (successfully completed QIP module).
"I got a D2 [A*]...! Thank you so much for all your help- hero!"
Niamh (UK), Pre-U Philosophy and Theology - Achieved Grade D2 (A*)!
"Thank you so much! Your analysis was really helpful...! Constructive ideas in improving my essay writing."
Saskia (UK), Pre-U Philosophy & Theology- Achieved Grade A!
"Many thanks for your help and... for the extra sources. They are hugely helpful."
Kally (UK), Theology Undergraduate
“Great session… five stars.”
Joseph (UK), A-Level Politics
“Amazing… was able to clear all my doubts.”
Yurdhan (UK), A-Level Politics
“Very helpful👍"
Natasha (UK), A-Level Politics
"Gave me great insight into the current exam... as well as reassuring me of where and what to do next." (August 2020)
Will (UK), A-Level Politics - Achieved Grade A!
"Very helpful! He helped my grade to steadily improve."
Tingyu (Japan), IB Philosophy
"Positive, straight to the point and very helpful in planning my essay. Thank you"
Aurore (UK), Education Studies Postgraduate
"I would 100% recommended to anyone in need of help with a personal statement to use him."
Amaury (Belgium), UCAS (Successful Russell Group Applicant)
"Great..! We went over an essay I wrote and we formulated a plan to improve and organise it. Learned where I went wrong and how to improve."
Zack (Scotland), A-Level Politics
"Very helpful, I had the guidance that put me on the right track!"
Malia (Netherlands), IB Visual Arts
"With every step I took in writing this essay there was always helpful information and feedback given... Super helpful class!"
Malia (Netherlands), IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) - Awarded Level 5: Excellent!
"Great teacher...Very understanding and good at analysing key points of focus."
Semilore (UK), A-Level Religious Studies - Achieved Grade A!
“Awesome... very helpful and insightful... Thank you!”
Andy (UK), Marketing Postgraduate.
"Excellent. Structured the class very well. Thank you."
Sadia (UK), GCSE Sociology
"Really good feedback on EPQ"
Lula (UK), Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
"Excellent support, I couldn't wish for anyone more supportive and professional with my work - I am very lucky to have a very honest, positive and supportive tutor who understands my needs and ambitions... you are able to direct me in the right direction again. Thank you so much :)"
Rifat (UK), Education Studies Postgraduate.
"Awesome! Really know what I should be doing after I have talked with him… Thank you so much!"
Teddy (Hong Kong), IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
"Dear Dr Steve, thank you very much!! I successfully submitted the essay. I really appreciate your help!"
Taisiia (Russia), IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
"Brilliant! I am very happy with the support I am receiving for my studies... I appreciate having access to Dr Steve's expertise in the subject and in academic writing... This has helped to push my academic skills to a higher level. Thank you!"
Dee (UK), Theology Postgraduate
"Very good... I enjoyed how Dr Steve explained things very thoroughly."
Holly (UK), Cambridge Pre-U Philosophy and Theology
"Thanks so much... and looking to work with you again"
Arianna (UK), Education Postgraduate
Kei (Japan), IB Philosophy
"Great session, step by step explanation for every essential point in the required part/tasks for my post-graduate research. I’m so grateful for your assistance and support... Thank you."
Haya (UK), Medical Research Postgraduate.
"Thank you so much for your help. It made it much clearer to me how I should be writing and approaching this assignment."
Carli (UK), Medical Postgraduate.
"Brilliant, so helpful, would definitely recommend."
Joe (UK), Marketing Undergraduate.
"Excellent help and arranged at short notice."
Sarah (UK), Marketing Undergraduate
"Thanks for being such a good teacher - you truly are the Socrates to my Plato! Spread the knowledge!"
Max (UK), A-Level Philosophy
"Thank you for all your teaching and insightfulness... been deeply inspired by you."
James (UK), A-Level Philosophy. Achieved A*!
"Thanks for all your help and knowledge."
Hayley (UK), A-level Philosophy
"Thank you very much for your support and guidance this year... sharing your intellect with us. You're definitely among the most talented and intellectual teachers."
Mawuli (UK), A-Level Philosophy
"So grateful to have had you as a teacher."
Samyah (UK), A-Level Philosophy
"Amazing teacher and person. You always go above and beyond... Thank you for all the support."
Nyrose (UK), A-Level Philosophy
"Thank you... learnt so much from you."
Rebecca (UK), A-Level Philosophy
"Thank you for being my teacher and the best tutor as well... really enjoyed your lessons... they were really fun."
Zara (UK), A-Level Philosophy
"Thank you so much for teaching me and helping me with all the issues I had subject-related and not. I'm truly grateful."
Rahid (UK), A-Level Religious Studies
"Learnt so much... always enjoyed your lessons."
Bleona (UK), A-Level Philosophy
UCL:Education/Research Doctorate
Birkbeck:Postgrad Philosophy
Harvard:Postgrad Theology, Religious Lit/Scripture
Columbia:Postgrad Leadership & Decision-making
ILM:MA Leadership & Management
UAL Central St Martins:MA Design
Teaching Degree
HND in Design & Communications
Annual/Up-To-Date Safeguarding Training
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