Online Professional A Level English Literature Tutors

63 tutors found


2:1 MA Hons English Literature - University of Edinburgh



1109 hours in A Level English Literature

I'm a fully qualified, experienced teacher of English, and have been a full time tutor since 2019. I deliver effective, successful online tutoring, specialising in A-Level English Literature. My teaching approach is effective for students seeking a top grade and those who need greater support, find...
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Recent Students: 18
Total Hours: 1691
Classes Taught: 1747
All-time Students: 59
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English - Oxford University



441 hours in A Level English Literature

Private tutor to students ranging from primary to Postgraduate, and every stage in between! 5 years at Oakham School teaching: IGCSE English Language, and English Literature; A Level English Literature; IB Diploma Programme English Literature; IB Diploma Programme Theory of Knowledge. Oxbridge Men...
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Recent Students: 22
Total Hours: 1100
Classes Taught: 1125
All-time Students: 124
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Creative Writing and Film Studies - Manchester Metropolitan University



361 hours in A Level English Literature

I have taught internationally in schools in Jakarta, Lima, Istanbul and Budapest since 2009 and have tutored students privately, both in person and online, throughout this time. I enjoy literature immensely and believe that teaching students to understand literature is a subject they can excel in i...
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Recent Students: 45
Total Hours: 2086
Classes Taught: 2065
All-time Students: 184
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English Literature - Queen Mary College, University of London



313 hours in A Level English Literature

My work as Senior Lecturer at St Mary's University achieved 85% plus rating in the National Student Survey in the last four years. I taught a range of courses including Modernisms, Nineteenth Century Literature, Literature ad Psychoanalysis as well as Renaissance Literature and Critical Theory. I...
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Recent Students: 7
Total Hours: 684
Classes Taught: 752
All-time Students: 114
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English and Drama PGCE / English Literature - London Metropolitan University / University of Kent



265 hours in A Level English Literature

I am a fully qualified and trained English and Drama secondary school teacher, with one years experience teaching both subjects in the classroom with groups of 25 students in inner-London secondary schools. I was praised during evaluations for my ability to focus on individual student needs and for ...
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Recent Students: 13
Total Hours: 1185
Classes Taught: 965
All-time Students: 52
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Humanities, Education - University of Edinburgh



212 hours in A Level English Literature

2020-present - teacher for online school in the UK; Philosophy, English, Geography, Sociology, Politics 2020-present - Private online teacher of English, Business, Philosophy, Humanities (IGCSE, AS/A-Level, IB, AP, etc) 2019-2020 - Head of Business & Teacher of English, International School in Slova...
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Recent Students: 22
Total Hours: 1992
Classes Taught: 2078
All-time Students: 166
Last Online:
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Film and Literature - Warwick



166 hours in A Level English Literature

I was awarded the Spires Life Changer Award (2024) for making a remarkable impact on my students in terms of their achievement and confidence. Senior Examiner - A Level Language and Literature. Former Head of Department. Currently completing MA in Literature. Over 800 hours of online tuition and ...
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Recent Students: 7
Total Hours: 472
Classes Taught: 470
All-time Students: 28
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English Literature - University of Cambridge



144 hours in A Level English Literature

I have been working as an A level and GSCE tutor since 2017. Since completing my Cambridge degree, I have begun to offer coaching for the ELAT exam and Oxbridge interview process. I am a former contributor to AS Blog English, one of the most widely used revision sources for the Edexcel course, and ...
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Recent Students: 13
Total Hours: 179
Classes Taught: 180
All-time Students: 16
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English Literature - Brunel University, London



129 hours in A Level English Literature

I have ten years’ experience tutoring students at a range of levels in English from primary to degree level, a Ph.D. in English Literature and I lead lectures and seminars for core modules in literature and theory at Brunel University, London for three years. I have supported students with continent...
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Recent Students: 10
Total Hours: 226
Classes Taught: 237
All-time Students: 35
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2-1 BA English Literature - Sheffield



100 hours in A Level English Literature

I have been teaching English Literature and English Language in UK independent and and international schools for 13 years, involving whole class and one-to-one tutoring at all levels from 11-18 (Key Stage 3, GCSE/IGCSE and A-level/IB. My teaching roles have included Head of Department and Assistant ...
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Recent Students: 6
Total Hours: 446
Classes Taught: 469
All-time Students: 47
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Signed up:

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