Online Professional A Level Travel and Tourism Tutors

3 tutors found


Business and Economics - Nottingham University



I passionately believe in students achieving their potential and enjoy the role of personal tutoring to further aid students learning. I graduated with a BA (Hons) in Business and Economics (2:1) and have worked for a number of large organisations offering a variety of depth and experience. Online ...
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Recent Students: 7
Total Hours: 1573
Classes Taught: 1502
All-time Students: 115
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Dr Megha

PhD in Business Management - :



I have been working with Spires since a year, I really enjoy working in this platform as I can use my experience and knowledge in the best and most efficient way which has led me to Winning the award for the "Rising Star" in Spires for completing highest number of hours in a short time which pr...
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Recent Students: 58
Total Hours: 1222
Classes Taught: 1134
All-time Students: 103
Last Online:
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PGCE Leisure and Tourism - John Moores University, Liverpool



I have a BSc Honours Degree, a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) and a TEFL UK Certificate. My teaching philosophy is concerned with providing all children and young people with equal opportunities that are meaningful, fulfilling and enjoyable. I take pride in knowing that I am a teacher ...
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Recent Students: 2
Total Hours: 17
Classes Taught: 18
All-time Students: 5
Last Online:
Signed up:

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