Online Professional A Level Human Biology Tutors

8 tutors found


Psychology and Mathematics - American International University



Six years of active experience online tutoring over 150 students in Psychology and Maths at A-level, undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Official tutor with elite tutoring agencies worldwide. I have also lectured classes in Quantitative Research Methods/Statistics at American International Univer...
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Recent Students: 14
Total Hours: 734
Classes Taught: 563
All-time Students: 37
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Medicine and Surgery - Università Degli Studi Di Torino



1700h+ teaching hours across all boards of I/GCSE Sciences and Maths as well as A Level Biology and other subjects (listed) given across 1:1 and group teaching format
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Recent Students: 26
Total Hours: 394
Classes Taught: 398
All-time Students: 31
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PGCE Secondary Chemistry - University of Birmingham


I have a PGCE in Secondary Chemistry from the University of Birmingham but became a science tutor many years before. I also possess a BSc in Pathobiology from the University of Reading and an MSc in Forensic Science from Kings College London. My teaching experience spans 20 years including positio...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 129
Classes Taught: 129
All-time Students: 9
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Bachelor of Science (Microbiology) - National University of Ireland Galway



Teaching Subjects: Science; Biology; Chemistry; Physics; English as an Additional Language On-line tutoring: 2020-present 2016-2024: Outstanding Secondary Schools 2017: Private School in Asia 2002-2016: Private Sector Scientist I am glad to have moved to mainstream secondary science since 2016, tea...
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Recent Students: 13
Total Hours: 40
Classes Taught: 43
All-time Students: 13
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Bioengineering/Neurotechnology - Imperial College London



Best success story after my tuition: 12 years old (my brother) got A*A*A* in A levels and 9 years old (sister) got 9s!: Furthermore other students study GCSEs 1 to 3 years ahead of their grade level, have demonstrated remarkable progress. Meanwhile some pre...
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Recent Students: 7
Total Hours: 22
Classes Taught: 23
All-time Students: 7
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Graduate-entry level medicine - University of Southampton



I have been tutoring on online tutoring platforms for the last 2 years. I thoroughly enjoy teaching GSCE and A level sciences. I have tutored over 30 students various subjects from GSCE Combined Sciences to University level medicine.
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Recent Students: 4
Total Hours: 13
Classes Taught: 13
All-time Students: 4
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Biotechnology - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia



🌟 Ready to dive into the world of biology? With my experience teaching at top institutions like the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and Academia Paraninfo, in Spain, as well as many online teaching platforms, I’ve guided students through exciting subjects like Biochemistry, Genetics, and Physio...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 1
Classes Taught: 1
All-time Students: 1
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Biology - St Francis Xavier University


I have worked in an international school for 6 years teaching IGCSE Biology, IGCSE Co-ordinated Science and IGCSE Environmental Management and A Level Biology. I focus on making connections to the real work and between topics to help students understand and remember more effectively. I have skill wo...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 1
Classes Taught: 2
All-time Students: 2
Last Online:
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