Online Professional A Level English Language Tutors

53 tutors found


Film and Literature - Warwick



258 hours in A Level English Language

I was awarded the Spires Life Changer Award (2024) for making a remarkable impact on my students in terms of their achievement and confidence. Senior Examiner - A Level Language and Literature. Former Head of Department. Currently completing MA in Literature. Over 800 hours of online tuition and ...
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Recent Students: 7
Total Hours: 472
Classes Taught: 470
All-time Students: 28
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BA (Hons) English Literature - Edge Hill University



52 hours in A Level English Language

I have taught English for 5 years across GCSE and A Level English Language and English Literature. I am a fully qualified English teacher with a specialism in GCSE and A Level and have an IQA qualification in English moderation. I am fully trained in Safeguarding and Behaviour Management. I have ta...
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Recent Students: 12
Total Hours: 350
Classes Taught: 389
All-time Students: 35
Last Online:
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2:1 MA Hons English Literature - University of Edinburgh



50 hours in A Level English Language

I'm a fully qualified, experienced teacher of English, and have been a full time tutor since 2019. I deliver effective, successful online tutoring, specialising in A-Level English Literature. My teaching approach is effective for students seeking a top grade and those who need greater support, find...
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Recent Students: 18
Total Hours: 1691
Classes Taught: 1747
All-time Students: 59
Last Online:
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Humanities, Education - University of Edinburgh



29 hours in A Level English Language

2020-present - teacher for online school in the UK; Philosophy, English, Geography, Sociology, Politics 2020-present - Private online teacher of English, Business, Philosophy, Humanities (IGCSE, AS/A-Level, IB, AP, etc) 2019-2020 - Head of Business & Teacher of English, International School in Slova...
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Recent Students: 22
Total Hours: 1992
Classes Taught: 2078
All-time Students: 166
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English and Drama PGCE / English Literature - London Metropolitan University / University of Kent



26 hours in A Level English Language

I am a fully qualified and trained English and Drama secondary school teacher, with one years experience teaching both subjects in the classroom with groups of 25 students in inner-London secondary schools. I was praised during evaluations for my ability to focus on individual student needs and for ...
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Recent Students: 13
Total Hours: 1185
Classes Taught: 965
All-time Students: 52
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English Literature - Brunel University, London



20 hours in A Level English Language

I have ten years’ experience tutoring students at a range of levels in English from primary to degree level, a Ph.D. in English Literature and I lead lectures and seminars for core modules in literature and theory at Brunel University, London for three years. I have supported students with continent...
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Recent Students: 10
Total Hours: 226
Classes Taught: 237
All-time Students: 35
Last Online:
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PGCE; Masters in TESOL, DELTA - University of Sunderland; Sheffield Hallam University



18 hours in A Level English Language

2024-present English Language and Literature Teacher The British School Caracas, Venezuela (full-time) • Key Stage 3 English Language and Literature Teacher (Years 7-9) • Key Stage 3 Tutor. 2023 - present: Associate Lecturer University College London, UK (full-time) • EAP course preparing postgradu...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 46
Classes Taught: 38
All-time Students: 5
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Geography - University of St. Andrews



12 hours in A Level English Language

I have taught in a number of schools in the last several years, including a top-performing grammar school in West Yorkshire and an English international school in Budapest. I currently teach at a school in The Hague, the Netherlands. I have taught and tutored in person and online for a wide range of...
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Recent Students: 3
Total Hours: 333
Classes Taught: 343
All-time Students: 40
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English literature - The Open University



10 hours in A Level English Language

I teach KS1 – KS5, preparing students for year 2/ 6 SATS, 11+, GCSE or A level assessments. I teach Ofqual’s Assessment Objectives: how to respond to texts, analyse their language, form and structure, how to consider the relationship between texts and contexts, and to use a wide range of vocabular...
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Recent Students: 7
Total Hours: 214
Classes Taught: 228
All-time Students: 27
Last Online:
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Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition - University of Oxford


9 hours in A Level English Language

I hold an MSc in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition from Oxford University. In 2017, I successfully sold a thriving tutoring business, though I continue to tutor and now run a new company specializing in dissertation review and tutoring services. My background includes teaching acad...
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Recent Students: 8
Total Hours: 39
Classes Taught: 41
All-time Students: 10
Last Online:
Signed up:

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