Online Professional Oxbridge Entrance Tutors

76 tutors found


Mathematics & Theoretical Physics - University of Cambridge (BA & MMath in Mathematics); University of Southampton (PhD in Theoretical Physics)



75 hours in Oxbridge Entrance

STEP examiner and world-renowned expert in British university entrance exams & interviews with high success rates (STEP, MAT, TMUA, NSAA, ENGAA, PAT). Thousands of hours working with students from six continents (students from Antarctica especially welcome!). My students are over five times more lik...
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Recent Students: 17
Total Hours: 1824
Classes Taught: 1755
All-time Students: 97
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Politics, Philosophy and Economics - University of Oxford



68 hours in Oxbridge Entrance

I have been tutoring Oxbridge admissions for three full admissions cycles, both with UniAdmissions and privately, and I have experience providing personal statement, TSA, and interview preparation support to students applying to both Oxford and Cambridge. For Uniadmissions alone, I have provided ove...
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Recent Students: 17
Total Hours: 263
Classes Taught: 252
All-time Students: 42
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History - University of Cambridge



61 hours in Oxbridge Entrance

I taught in a large comprehensive school and sixth form college in the UK for ten years. As well as classroom teaching, I have served as Head of History, Head of Humanities and as a senior leader. I have now been tutoring online full-time for a year. 2024 testimonial: My daughter found her histo...
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Recent Students: 30
Total Hours: 1002
Classes Taught: 993
All-time Students: 66
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Dr. Leonardo

Physics and Maths - Trinity College, University of Cambridge; ETH Zurich, Switzerland



61 hours in Oxbridge Entrance

I offer you long-term support in exam preparation and university applications in Physics and Maths. While tutoring, I encourage you to develop critical thinking, boost your self-esteem and improve communication skills. I have conducted numerous mock admission interviews for Cambridge and Oxford, as...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 812
Classes Taught: 599
All-time Students: 54
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Modern Languages (Spanish) with Linguistics - University of Oxford


36 hours in Oxbridge Entrance

Tutoring has been my main job since 2012, and I have at least 1500 hours of teaching experience (though I have lost count!). This has been a mix of one-on-one tuition, as well as running Spanish lessons for small groups at a holiday revision school, as well as Oxbridge-focussed events open to schoo...
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Recent Students: 4
Total Hours: 489
Classes Taught: 469
All-time Students: 34
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PhD in English, English literature, QTS - University of Cambridge



31 hours in Oxbridge Entrance

I am an experienced English teacher, tutor and university lecturer. I have worked in UK higher education for over 15 years and have taught English literature at the universities of Cambridge, Southampton and Huddersfield. I am also a fully qualified secondary English teacher working in Cambridgeshir...
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Recent Students: 14
Total Hours: 204
Classes Taught: 206
All-time Students: 28
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Mathematics - Christ's College, Cambridge



24 hours in Oxbridge Entrance

I have been a full-time tutor for around 3 years now, accumulating roughly 5000 hours of tuition experience in sciences (primarily physics and chemistry) and maths. I have a love for learning maths, but also a love of showing others the joy there is to be found in maths, given how many people feel g...
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Recent Students: 35
Total Hours: 316
Classes Taught: 267
All-time Students: 35
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Signed up:


Mathematics - University of Cambridge


23 hours in Oxbridge Entrance

KVANTA. Maths & IT school, — Teacher and Manager August 2020 - present Parkside Community School, UK — Assistant Maths Teacher January 2020 - April 2020 Rusanivsky Lyceum , Ukraine — Maths and English teacher August 2019 - October 2019
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 67
Classes Taught: 76
All-time Students: 12
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Mathematics - University of Cambridge



21 hours in Oxbridge Entrance

I have many hours of experience tutoring one-to-one at a variety of levels. I have also taught revision classes for as many as sixty A-Level students at a time, and led weekly open help sessions where students could bring any problems to me that they wanted to work through. I enjoy working with peo...
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Recent Students: 8
Total Hours: 145
Classes Taught: 145
All-time Students: 11
Last Online:
Signed up:


Mathematics - Cambridge



21 hours in Oxbridge Entrance

I have been tutoring a range of levels since the age of 14 in mathematics and the Sciences. I initially helped students to achieve their GCSE predicted grades (and higher) in maths and the Sciences and gained invaluable experience explaining concepts in an accessible manner. More recently I've focus...
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Recent Students: 3
Total Hours: 386
Classes Taught: 313
All-time Students: 35
Last Online:
Signed up:

Available Oxbridge Entrance Levels

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