Online Professional IGCSE English Language Tutors

47 tutors found


Creative Writing and Film Studies - Manchester Metropolitan University



354 hours in IGCSE English Language

I have taught internationally in schools in Jakarta, Lima, Istanbul and Budapest since 2009 and have tutored students privately, both in person and online, throughout this time. I enjoy literature immensely and believe that teaching students to understand literature is a subject they can excel in i...
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Recent Students: 42
Total Hours: 2010
Classes Taught: 1990
All-time Students: 177
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Dr Anne

Psychology - University of St. Andrews



316 hours in IGCSE English Language

My teaching experience encompasses every sort of learner: University - Qualitative reasearch metholdology; Health and Social Care A Levels and IGCSE/GCSE - English Literature, English Language, and Psychology TEFL - Cambridge C1/C2
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Recent Students: 24
Total Hours: 645
Classes Taught: 702
All-time Students: 54
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English and Drama PGCE / English Literature - London Metropolitan University / University of Kent



298 hours in IGCSE English Language

I am a fully qualified and trained English and Drama secondary school teacher, with one years experience teaching both subjects in the classroom with groups of 25 students in inner-London secondary schools. I was praised during evaluations for my ability to focus on individual student needs and for ...
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Recent Students: 11
Total Hours: 1154
Classes Taught: 936
All-time Students: 51
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English Literature & Music - Cambridge University



163 hours in IGCSE English Language

* 12 years experience as private tutor. * Experience teaching teenagers and adults, from pre-GCSE to degree level. * Prepared students for GCSEs and A Level with all major exam boards, including OCR, AQA, Edexcel and iGCSE. * Also familiar IB syllabus at both SL and HL level. * Assessor for OCR exa...
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Recent Students: 6
Total Hours: 560
Classes Taught: 560
All-time Students: 16
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2-1 BA English Literature - Sheffield



129 hours in IGCSE English Language

I have been teaching English Literature and English Language in UK independent and and international schools for 13 years, involving whole class and one-to-one tutoring at all levels from 11-18 (Key Stage 3, GCSE/IGCSE and A-level/IB. My teaching roles have included Head of Department and Assistant ...
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Recent Students: 6
Total Hours: 443
Classes Taught: 466
All-time Students: 47
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Law - Cambridge University



108 hours in IGCSE English Language

I have been tutoring for over 20 years. After a career in the law, I moved to work in a school but have been tutoring in my spare time. Whilst I have mainly worked on supporting my student's English, I have also helped with in other subject areas, in particular Law. I have worked with people of all ...
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Recent Students: 30
Total Hours: 1090
Classes Taught: 1133
All-time Students: 75
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English Education - UCL


88 hours in IGCSE English Language

I am a fully qualified teacher with a PGCE and QTS. I trained at the Institute of Education at UCL and achieved the highest possible grades in all aspects of my course in Secondary English. I have an MA in Modern and Contemporary Literature and an MA in English Education. I have taught full t...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 225
Classes Taught: 200
All-time Students: 18
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Christopher Roy

MA Classics and Ancient History - Exeter University


71 hours in IGCSE English Language

I am a teacher with many years experience of teaching in both the UK and abroad. I recently finished six years at the School of the Nations in Macau, where I worked as Head of English teaching IGCSE English and I.B. Diploma English Language and Literature. I also taught I.B. Diploma Theory of Knowle...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 71
Classes Taught: 63
All-time Students: 2
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English BA (hons) First Class - University of Birmingham


51 hours in IGCSE English Language

I began tutoring students to fund my PhD in English Literature, and I taught a range of syllabuses (OCR, AQA, CCEA, EDEXCEL) and levels (KS2, KS3, GCSE, A-Level and degree). In 2011, I became a Learning Mentor at a top grammar school in Birmingham - King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls - where ...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 308
Classes Taught: 309
All-time Students: 49
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English Literature and Media BA Joint Hons, PGCE Secondary English, Masters in Educational Leadership - Nottingham Trent University, University of Hull, University of Exeter


42 hours in IGCSE English Language

I have taught English Literature and Language in schools, tuition centres and on a 1-1 basis over the last 7 years. I have been Head of Key Stage 3 and have excellent understanding of how to make progress from one term to the next and how to implement engaging and well-structured lessons. I particu...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 560
Classes Taught: 548
All-time Students: 48
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