Online Professional IGCSE Thai Tutors

2 tutors found


Chemistry - King's College, University of London



I am an experienced qualified science teacher (QTS). My lessons have frequently been rated outstanding during appraisals. I have taught in both private and comprehensive, single and co-educational, and French and English schools. Here are some of my noteworthy achievements: - For the past five year...
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Recent Students: 18
Total Hours: 1084
Classes Taught: 1071
All-time Students: 57
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Bachelor of Science (Microbiology) - National University of Ireland Galway



Teaching Subjects: Science; Biology; Chemistry; Physics; English as an Additional Language On-line tutoring: 2020-present 2016-2024: Outstanding Secondary Schools 2017: Private School in Asia 2002-2016: Private Sector Scientist I am glad to have moved to mainstream secondary science since 2016, tea...
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Recent Students: 13
Total Hours: 28
Classes Taught: 30
All-time Students: 13
Last Online:
Signed up:

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