Online Professional GCSE Polish Tutors

3 tutors found


Applied linguistics - London Chartered Institute of Linguists



26 hours in GCSE Polish

I have been teaching the Polish language as a foreign language, preparing students for taking GCSE (as one in a team of two) and A levels (my own programme fulfilling AQA requirements) exams. Successfully, as most of our students receive A or A* marks. I teach at Polish Saturday School (interestin...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 48
Classes Taught: 45
All-time Students: 3
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Music - University of Cambridge


I have 5 years of teaching experience in the capacity of Senior Teacher in Music at one of the top international schools in Poland. I specialise in the written components of AQA curricula of A-Level and GCSE Music. I have also authored and taught the syllabus for Musical Culture, a compulsory genera...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 92
Classes Taught: 88
All-time Students: 16
Last Online:
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MEng (Hons) Civil Engineering - West Pomeranian University of Technology


Are you struggling in class or simply looking to improve your grades from good to great? I can guarantee progress and success. With over 13 years tutoring experience in 1-2-1 and small group settings in a range of topics, I am confident you will achieve your academic and career goals with me. I have...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 0
Classes Taught: 0
All-time Students: 0
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