Online Professional GCSE Biology Tutors

89 tutors found


Biological Sciences - University of Derby



131 hours in GCSE Biology

I have taught Science (biology, physics and chemistry) for Key stage 3, 4 and 5. I helped my students understand scientific concepts and principles, develop laboratory skills, and engage in science inquiry. I have prepared my students for the future by fostering a love of learning and appreciation ...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 131
Classes Taught: 111
All-time Students: 5
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Medical sciences Bsc - University of Exeter



120 hours in GCSE Biology

I have experience from a vast amount of institutions, as well as experience from private tuition lessons. My understanding of these topics can be translated to all exam boards. I have taught the following subjects both in person (at primary and secondary schools) and online. AIM North London - A l...
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Recent Students: 23
Total Hours: 952
Classes Taught: 888
All-time Students: 62
Last Online:
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Human Biology with Psychology - University of Hertfordshire


85 hours in GCSE Biology

- I am a qualified teacher and have now been teaching a total of 6 years, - I achieved a distinction in my PGCE as well as an Outstanding in my QTS. I am able to teach all Sciences up to GCSE level and Biology up to A level. - The last 5 years of my career I have spent teaching in a high achieving...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 127
Classes Taught: 118
All-time Students: 9
Last Online:
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PhD - The University of Leeds



64 hours in GCSE Biology

I can tutor many Electronic and Electrical engineering modules, e.g. Mathematics, signal processing, communication engineering, antennas, propagation, electronics, circuit analysis etc. Of course, depending on the student's specific need, I can assess how and whether I can help. I am a (maths / f...
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Recent Students: 33
Total Hours: 2458
Classes Taught: 2229
All-time Students: 95
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Natural Sciences - University of Cambridge



48 hours in GCSE Biology

Rebecca has extensive experience teaching the AQA Biology A-level, having supported a student over 18 months throughout the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic. More recently in the last year, she has guided a number of home and international students through NSAA (now ESAT) preparation, adjusting s...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 63
Classes Taught: 55
All-time Students: 4
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Qualified Teacher of Science - Experienced GCSE and A Level Science Tutor



47 hours in GCSE Biology

I have been a private tutor for over 8 years and hold Qualified Teacher Status with experience teaching in schools in Suffolk and Devon. I was graded 'Outstanding' for my Teacher Training and also have experience working in industrial and research laboratories. I am experienced in tutoring and teac...
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Recent Students: 4
Total Hours: 1768
Classes Taught: 1779
All-time Students: 40
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BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science and PGCE in Secondary Sciences - Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Bedford



47 hours in GCSE Biology

I am an experienced teacher of over ten years. I have experience teaching both in the UK and abroad, including Thailand and China working in well established international schools. My subject area is science, specifically biology, and I have many years of experience teaching it to GCSE and A level s...
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Recent Students: 8
Total Hours: 813
Classes Taught: 841
All-time Students: 54
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Medical Physiology - University of Leicester


41 hours in GCSE Biology

I have taught GCSE science in 3 schools and A Level Biology, Chemistry and Psychology for 2 years each. However I have been tutoring for GCSE since 2014 and A Levels for the past 3 years. My approach is simple: review your current knowledge, learn new content, fix any gaps and misconceptions and m...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 120
Classes Taught: 126
All-time Students: 9
Last Online:
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Chemistry - King's College, University of London



28 hours in GCSE Biology

I am an experienced qualified science teacher (QTS). My lessons have frequently been rated outstanding during appraisals. I have taught in both private and comprehensive, single and co-educational, and French and English schools. Here are some of my noteworthy achievements: - For the past five year...
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Recent Students: 23
Total Hours: 1178
Classes Taught: 1165
All-time Students: 62
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PhD in Chemistry - University of Cambridge



27 hours in GCSE Biology

I have experience teaching new students entering our lab. This includes designing their projects and mentoring them through their time at the lab, to make sure the students leave feeling fulfilled and happy with their progress. This experience taught me that nothing gives more joy than being able to...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 100
Classes Taught: 96
All-time Students: 3
Last Online:
Signed up:

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