Online Professional Econometrics Tutors

29 tutors found


Econometrics and Statistics - Best Selling Author



2390 hours in Econometrics

I have taught Statistics and Econometrics to students from over 90 universities in the UK, US, Singapore, Netherlands, Canada, Italy, and India. With over 6500 hours of teaching experience and 8 years in the field, I help students at all levels, from beginners to advanced, succeed in their studies �...
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Recent Students: 34
Total Hours: 4065
Classes Taught: 4870
All-time Students: 269
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Masters of Science in Quantitative Economics - Indian Statistical Institute



1914 hours in Econometrics

Overall 10 years of teaching experience for the university level students
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Recent Students: 87
Total Hours: 10708
Classes Taught: 12674
All-time Students: 673
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M.Phil. - New Delhi



1607 hours in Econometrics

Most of tutoring experience lies in teaching Quantitative courses such as - Statistics. Econometrics. Macro/Microeconomics. STATA.
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Recent Students: 38
Total Hours: 4919
Classes Taught: 4612
All-time Students: 281
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Economics and Finance - Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India



524 hours in Econometrics

I am interested in teaching Econometrics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Statistics, Game Theory, International Economics, Financial Econometrics and other subjects under economics. My Teaching Experience: 1) I worked as an Assistant Professor of Economics at the School of Management Sciences in L...
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Recent Students: 24
Total Hours: 3089
Classes Taught: 2455
All-time Students: 279
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LSE BSc Economics - UCL MSc Machine Learning


320 hours in Econometrics

I am a tutor for all students, and for all learning styles. In my years of teaching, I have learned that each student is unique and learns in a different way. Some students like to learn from mathematical derivations and proofs, others enjoy explanations using diagrams and graphs, or maybe you stru...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 699
Classes Taught: 624
All-time Students: 15
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Economics - University of Texas at Austin



103 hours in Econometrics

Introduction to Microeconomics, Introduction to Macroeconomics; 2004-2009 University of Texas at Austin/USA Introduction to Microeconomics, Introduction to Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, Money and Banking, International Economics; 2009-2016 Arkansas Tech. University/USA Public Finance, Introductio...
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Recent Students: 25
Total Hours: 511
Classes Taught: 398
All-time Students: 46
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PhD Economics - Royal Holloway (University of London)



95 hours in Econometrics

I have over 10 years of university-level teaching experience. I have extensively taught using online tools such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams. I employ tools such as Whiteboard to make the learning process lively and interactive. I also have extensive experience in engaging and tutoring not only smal...
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Recent Students: 15
Total Hours: 403
Classes Taught: 435
All-time Students: 67
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Economics / Mathematical Modeling in Finance - Athens University of Economics and Business / National Technical University of Athens



65 hours in Econometrics

I work professionally as a tutor for about 5 years supporting students both in undergraduate and graduate courses in Economics and Finance in all top ranked Greek Universities. Sporadically I have supported some International students too in English, American and European Universities and I have als...
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Recent Students: 4
Total Hours: 152
Classes Taught: 107
All-time Students: 13
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Economics - University of Oxford



59 hours in Econometrics

I have coached numerous students in Mathematics and Economics. In particular, I have extensive experience of university aptitude tests, both as a test-taker and a tutor, including MAT, GRE, TMUA, and TSA. I have also taught Economics, including for prestigious essay prizes, and undergraduate macroe...
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Recent Students: 8
Total Hours: 292
Classes Taught: 269
All-time Students: 43
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Philosophy, Politics and Economics - University of Oxford



27 hours in Econometrics

For close to a decade, tutoring has been a central part of my life. From Danish A-levels to Oxbridge admissions, classroom style teaching and old-school 1:1 Oxford tutorials, I've taught it all. The single most important question for me is: what is YOUR goal? If you're worried about passing an exam...
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Recent Students: 13
Total Hours: 228
Classes Taught: 171
All-time Students: 25
Last Online:
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Available Econometrics Levels

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