Online Professional Secondary Modern studies Tutors

2 tutors found


History - Warwick



I have taught History from Years 6 to 13, including the Cambridge IGCSE Option B since 2009. I have taught a variety of topics at A Level, including the Cold War, the Russian Revolution, Tudor Rebellions English Revolution of the Seventeenth Century, and the American Revolution to Civil War, in addi...
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Recent Students: 8
Total Hours: 45
Classes Taught: 53
All-time Students: 8
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Spanish and English GCSE and A level, Cambridge GCSE and IGCSE Examiner and QTS Teacher and University Professor - UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER



I have been successfully tutoring in the UK since November of 2017, assisting college-level, IGCSE, and GCSE-A Level students of Spanish to prepare for end-of-term exams, as well as IB/A Level final/Board exams. I am a Cambridge examiner for GCSE, IGCSE, and A levels, and a Qualified Spanish teacher...
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Recent Students: 3
Total Hours: 210
Classes Taught: 230
All-time Students: 33
Last Online:
Signed up:

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