Online Professional Secondary Maths Tutors

106 tutors found


Sociology - Premedicine - University of Texas at Austin



449 hours in Secondary Maths

I have taught secondary Mathematics and Biology at international schools in Europe and South America in addition to tutoring at the secondary and postsecondary level for almost two decades, including IB Math and Biology SL/HL; A Level Maths and Biology; AP Calculus, Statistics, Biology, and Environm...
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Recent Students: 43
Total Hours: 1186
Classes Taught: 1208
All-time Students: 114
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Environmental Policies and Energy Sustainability - Imperial College London



321 hours in Secondary Maths

I have over 9 years of tutoring experience in English, Science and Maths.I cover a broad curriculum supporting learners from KS1-KS4, and every lesson is tailored based on the specific needs of each student. My focus is not just on supporting students to pass their exams, although passing exams is...
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Recent Students: 8
Total Hours: 404
Classes Taught: 430
All-time Students: 11
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MSc Mathematics (Distinction) - King's College London



194 hours in Secondary Maths

Over the past seven years, starting in 2016, I have been actively involved in delivering tutoring services. My expertise primarily lies in GCSE Maths, A-Level Maths, and Further Maths. It brings me great satisfaction to have aided numerous students in attaining outstanding grades in their academic p...
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Recent Students: 42
Total Hours: 7375
Classes Taught: 6677
All-time Students: 219
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Medical sciences Bsc - University of Exeter



193 hours in Secondary Maths

I have experience from a vast amount of institutions, as well as experience from private tuition lessons. My understanding of these topics can be translated to all exam boards. I have taught the following subjects both in person (at primary and secondary schools) and online. AIM North London - A l...
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Recent Students: 22
Total Hours: 943
Classes Taught: 879
All-time Students: 61
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Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics - University of Bath



154 hours in Secondary Maths

I have been teaching since 2006 in Edinburgh Scotland, Bermuda and now Germany. I am also an IB examiner (since 2011) so understand the best techniques for students to achieve highest marks. I love inspiring students about mathematics! I like to explain ideas methodically and with real world exam...
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Recent Students: 3
Total Hours: 876
Classes Taught: 910
All-time Students: 62
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Civil Engineering - Msc and BEng



135 hours in Secondary Maths

I have over 10 years of experience in teaching Maths online, having helped over 100 students. The level of the students I have helped includes KS2, KS3, GCSE, A level, Further Maths A level. I have taught students from the ages of 7 up to 18 as well as adult learners. I am familiar with the GCSE and...
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Recent Students: 23
Total Hours: 7890
Classes Taught: 7516
All-time Students: 171
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Mathematics Education - King's College London



134 hours in Secondary Maths

I have been a private tutor since 2015 and have hundreds of hours experience. I started online tutoring in October 2019.
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Recent Students: 4
Total Hours: 374
Classes Taught: 388
All-time Students: 36
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Mathematics - The University of Exeter



75 hours in Secondary Maths

I am a qualified Mathematics teacher with a BSc Mathematics degree from the University of Exeter. I have 5+ years of teaching experience, two of which are teaching in the highly prestigious Brighton College International School in Bangkok. I have experience teaching the English National Curriculum a...
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Recent Students: 3
Total Hours: 840
Classes Taught: 845
All-time Students: 37
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US Admissions Specialist for GMAT|GRE|ACT|SAT|Digital SAT - Teachers College at Columbia University



61 hours in Secondary Maths

US Admission Specialist with nine years of experience preparing students for admission examinations (GMAT|GRE|ACT|SAT|Digital SAT). I am an Ivy League graduate (NYU and Columbia University) who wants to help students achieve their best score on the admission examination. I completed my PhD in Mathem...
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Recent Students: 11
Total Hours: 637
Classes Taught: 704
All-time Students: 127
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Maths and Psychology - Exeter University



59 hours in Secondary Maths

I have taught maths from KS3 to A Level for many years. I enjoy ensuring students succeed by collaboratively identifying weaknesses and then working together to fill in the missing knowledge and skills. I have tutored many students from the ages of 11 - 18 and always ensure the student enjoys succ...
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Recent Students: 6
Total Hours: 210
Classes Taught: 232
All-time Students: 11
Last Online:
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