Online Professional Research Methods Tutors

91 tutors found


Masters Degree - Lebanese American university



212 hours in Research Methods

I tutor university students online I have 22 years teaching experience
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Recent Students: 28
Total Hours: 3617
Classes Taught: 2897
All-time Students: 715
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Medicine and Biomedical Sciences - University



149 hours in Research Methods

I am an enthusiastic and energetic tutor who is passionate about teaching Biological science and empowering students to excel within their own academic studies. I have been working as a professional tutor for over 4 years from GCSE to Postgraduate education. My overall philosophy of teaching is simp...
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Recent Students: 26
Total Hours: 1532
Classes Taught: 1436
All-time Students: 149
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Dr Steve

Doctorate - University College London: Institute of Education; Postgraduate in Philosophy: Birkbeck College, University of London; MA in Design: UAL Central Saint Martins;



103 hours in Research Methods

I have 26 years of experience in tutoring learners to achieve their goals in Academic Research and Writing, Business Studies and Management, Creative Arts and Industries, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Cultural Studies, Drama, Education, English Language and Literature, Essay Writing, Film, Governme...
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Recent Students: 98
Total Hours: 10386
Classes Taught: 9623
All-time Students: 627
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Research Psychology - Stellenbosch University



96 hours in Research Methods

I have been lecturing research methodology and statistics for the past 30 years, mostly in the area of Psychology and social sciences in general. I have also assisted more than 1000 students with the statistical analyses and support for their dissertations. I have been doing SPSS training from be...
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Recent Students: 18
Total Hours: 1416
Classes Taught: 1544
All-time Students: 521
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BA/MA English, Drama and Education - University of Cambridge



76 hours in Research Methods

I have tutored GCSE, A-level, Degree and Doctorate-level students on a range of subjects, although my main focus has been Psychology, Sociology, Education, academic writing skills and Qualitative Research Methods. I have written model essays for exam boards, proofread and edited work to be published...
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Recent Students: 7
Total Hours: 2913
Classes Taught: 2091
All-time Students: 249
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Dr Jacqueline

Doctor of Philosophy - Oxford Brookes University Business School



64 hours in Research Methods

As Senior Lecturer, I taught on the postgraduate MSc in Business Management, MSc Financial Management, MSc Marketing Management, and the MSc Strategic Leadership and Change, which was specifically designed for NHS executives and aspiring managers. I also taught undergraduate degrees, including the B...
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Recent Students: 28
Total Hours: 1123
Classes Taught: 656
All-time Students: 103
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PhD - University of London


58 hours in Research Methods

Award-winning tutor. I have been a lecturer and researcher in a variety of universities, including LSE, Cambridge, UCL, and King's College London for over 12 years. I also have over 6 years of private tutoring experience I have the academic knowledge and experience to be able to utilise a variety...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 262
Classes Taught: 252
All-time Students: 60
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Politics and International Relations - University of Kent



38 hours in Research Methods

I earned my PhD at the University of Exeter, where I also worked as an Associate Lecturer, running statistics computer labs. In my current job at the University of Kent, I lecture on a wide range of module, from introductory level modules in political science, statistics, research methods to advance...
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Recent Students: 15
Total Hours: 273
Classes Taught: 242
All-time Students: 36
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Pharmacology - North West University



34 hours in Research Methods

At a university level, I've lectured Pharmacology and Research methodology as well as supervised MSc and Ph.D. students for 13 years. At undergraduate and high school level I've lectured numerous science subjects including Biology. My research areas include preclinical and clinical cardiovascular, p...
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Recent Students: 22
Total Hours: 923
Classes Taught: 976
All-time Students: 155
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Sociology - Teesside, Lancaster, Leicester, De Montfort Universities



23 hours in Research Methods

I am an experienced academic passionate about inspiring individuals to aim high. I have assisted multiple students and early career academics to achieve their goals. I worked in research and teaching roles within UK universities between 2004 and 2024 and am an Advance HE Fellow. I am the author of f...
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Recent Students: 14
Total Hours: 148
Classes Taught: 100
All-time Students: 23
Last Online:
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Available Research Methods Levels

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