Online Professional CIM Tutors

3 tutors found


Marketing - Chartered Institute of Marketing



49 hours in Professional CIM

I have tutored on Spires since 2021, working predominantly with students studying CIM or marketing as part of their higher education. I am happy to work with students on a one-off basis, to support for the duration of a course, or anything in between. My particular strengths lie in application of th...
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Recent Students: 3
Total Hours: 307
Classes Taught: 194
All-time Students: 11
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Law - Birmingham University


I started off as a trainee teacher at WKC London where I taught and assessed pupils (ages 14-19) on a range of courses including Access to Business, A’Level and HND in Business. I've since taught Cilex Law courses as well as HND/LLB/LLM/PGDL. For three years I was a lecturer in marketing in Univers...
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Recent Students: 13
Total Hours: 929
Classes Taught: 647
All-time Students: 50
Last Online:
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MBA - University of Oxford & London School of Economics


Ten plus years experience lecturing and tutoring in Higher Education, and preparing students for University. Including Foundation Year and International Conversion Preparation for HE in the UK.
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 0
Classes Taught: 0
All-time Students: 0
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