Online Professional Food Science Tutors

6 tutors found


Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - University of Benin



36 hours in Food Science

I have more than 13years teaching and research experience across several Universities and several british high schools. I am an author, reveiwer and editor for top Journal. I am an expert in sundry aspects of academic writing, dissertation guidance and mentoring. I have worked as a graduate assist...
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Recent Students: 3
Total Hours: 68
Classes Taught: 53
All-time Students: 14
Last Online:
Signed up:


Medicine and Biomedical Sciences - University



23 hours in Food Science

I am an enthusiastic and energetic tutor who is passionate about teaching Biological science and empowering students to excel within their own academic studies. I have been working as a professional tutor for over 4 years from GCSE to Postgraduate education. My overall philosophy of teaching is simp...
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Recent Students: 26
Total Hours: 1532
Classes Taught: 1436
All-time Students: 149
Last Online:
Signed up:

Dr Bettina

Biosciences - University of Reading


2 hours in Food Science

I have been tutoring Ph.D. students and assisted with proofreading and line-editing thesis chapters, abstracts and academic publications. I have also provided constructive feedback on improving the flow and structure of literature reviews, thesis chapters and publications. Feedback from students was...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 10
Classes Taught: 7
All-time Students: 3
Last Online:
Signed up:


Pharmacology - North West University



At a university level, I've lectured Pharmacology and Research methodology as well as supervised MSc and Ph.D. students for 13 years. At undergraduate and high school level I've lectured numerous science subjects including Biology. My research areas include preclinical and clinical cardiovascular, p...
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Recent Students: 22
Total Hours: 923
Classes Taught: 976
All-time Students: 155
Last Online:
Signed up:


Biochemistry and Drug Metabolism - University of Ilorin


I have been a tutor since 2003, teaching biology and chemistry. My main aims as a tutor are to provide targeted learning which takes care of definite learning challenges identified by my students and to help my tutees learn the basic strategies that will make them succeed in their exams. I am a Bi...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 7
Classes Taught: 6
All-time Students: 2
Last Online:
Signed up:


Biochemistry - Cell Biology - University of Extremadura - Spain


Over 1000 hours of 1:1 presential tutorials. Over 15 years in academic teaching and research. I have taught both national and international students in private lessons and university classes. I have provided lessons and guided them into the subject or assessment they needed to develop. My teaching s...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 0
Classes Taught: 0
All-time Students: 0
Last Online:
Signed up:

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