The Best Online Statistics Tutors in London

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Professional Online Statistics Tutors in London

All of our high quality online statistics tutors in london are interviewed and background-checked before tutoring on Spires.

professional online Statistics tutor Gurpreet
M.Phil., New Delhi

Hello! I have taught Economics, Statistics, Econometrics modules at the Undergraduate/Postgraduate Economics & Business programs such as Microeconomics, Quant Methods, Data Analysis, Statistics and Econometrics.

Get in touch to schedule a class for any of these modules :)

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4919 hours taught
professional online Statistics tutor Neha
Masters of Science in Quantitative Economics, Indian Statistical Institute

Masters of Science (MSc) in Quantitative Economics, Cleared Core Technical series in Actuarial Science

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10693 hours taught
professional online Statistics tutor Ruwayda
Masters Degree, Lebanese American university

I have 22 years of teaching experience in 2 universities. I can teach computer and Statistics courses. I have a very good experience in SPSS / Jamovi / Jasp / Stata to help you in your statistics courses and in your research. I am very patient, dedicated, and ready to assist you in understanding key concepts.

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3617 hours taught
professional online Statistics tutor Shubham
Econometrics and Statistics , Best Selling Author

Specialise in Econometrics and Statistics. Author of 5 books on Amazon (2 for Statistics and 3 for Econometrics). Ask me a doubt ten times, I would still be patient and would come up with new examples to make the concept simpler to understand.

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4061 hours taught
professional online Statistics tutor Federico
AI & Machine Learning, Imperial College London

PhD student in AI&Machine Learning at Imperial College London.
I have experience with education thanks to the passion I have for teaching and the tutoring I have done for years. I will help you to understand the mysterious worlds of mathematics, statistics and programming :)

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841 hours taught
professional online Statistics tutor Liezel
Research Psychology, Stellenbosch University

I am a quantitative researcher with more than 30 years experience, who specializes in statistics and research methodology. I hold a PhD and am a registered research psychologist. I was a lecturer for many years in research methodology and statistics for the social sciences, as well as psychometrics. I am also an SPSS trainer and tutor SPSS from introductory to advanced topics.

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1416 hours taught
professional online Statistics tutor Arjun
Mathematics, Sheffield

I am a full time Mathematics and Statistics tutor at all levels upto degree and postgraduate.

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1224 hours taught
professional online Statistics tutor Abhay
Economics and Finance, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India

Economics, Finance, Econometrics, Statistics, and Quantitative Tutor: I have experience teaching students from BBK, DCU, ESADE, ESIC, EHL, ICBS, JHU, KCL, KBS, LSE, QMUL, RMIT, RHUL, SUMAS, UCL, UOL, UHOH, UoN, UvA, UCL, UiO, UPenn, our, UOY, VU, WBS, CASS Pitzer, York, Tufts, Brunel, City-UOL, Keio, Glasgow Monash, Waseda, Hohenheim, Bocconi, etc.

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3089 hours taught
professional online Statistics tutor Romin
Civil Engineering, Msc and BEng

A passionate, dedicated, and specialist maths tutor with over 8 years of experience. I believe any grade is achievable through hard work and with enough time.

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7979 hours taught
professional online Statistics tutor Alexandros
Psychology, University College London; University of Edinburgh

I am a PhD canditate at the University of Edinburgh, and hold an MSc from UCL.
As a rare breed Psychology statistics and research methods enthusiast, I make statistical concepts and analyses simple to understand, to help you ace your essays, exams, lab reports or dissertation.

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299 hours taught
professional online Statistics tutor Amir
LSE BSc Economics , UCL MSc Machine Learning

Specialising in Econometrics, Economics, Mathematics, Statistics, Machine Learning and Admissions

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professional online Statistics tutor Yi
MSc Mathematics (Distinction) , King's College London

Experienced Mathematics teacher and tutor offering expertise across various levels, spanning from GCSE to Undergraduate. Specializing in GCSE Maths, A-Level Maths, and Further Maths.

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7495 hours taught

Recent Statistics Tutor Class Reviews

Clement - Roman- Statistics - Undergraduate
11th March 2025
Great lesson, Thanks to Celemt for taking extra time to explain the content!
Clement - Roman- Statistics - Undergraduate
8th March 2025
Great first lesson
Federico - Stefano - Statistics - Undergraduate
1st March 2025
Very clear and helpful explanations.Moreover Federico aims to make us students understand how to tackle a question enabling us to approach all types of exercises in class/exam.
Mitika - Sabrina- Statistics - Dissertations
25th February 2025
Prof put a great deal of effort into helping me refine my methodology, finding ways to make my results meaningful. Explanations were clear and straightfoward. Really enjoyed her class!
Mitika - demecia- Statistics - Undergraduate
22nd February 2025
Mikita is amazing!! She makes me feel so comfortable and confident while helping me understand the core concepts of statistics. She makes me believe in myself and I feel as if I can get the mark I hope to achieve with her help. Whenever I get stuck or confused she does not hesitate to go over any confusing cases and aids in explaining it in different ways until I understand the main idea. Mitika is a great teacher and I can tell she genuinely cares about her student's success.
Dr. Gurinderjeet - Simran- Statistics - Postgraduate
21st February 2025
She is very helpful and quite sweet. She is also very knowledgable from what i can see. I'm excited to have more classes with her. :)
Mitika - demecia- Statistics - Undergraduate
20th February 2025
Ws very helpful and made it feel as if it was a judgement free zone. Love how she explains things!
Dr. Gurinderjeet - Simran- Statistics - Postgraduate
20th February 2025
Her pacing is good and so far I can understand what is being taught.
Raluca - Josephine- Statistics - Postgraduate
16th February 2025
Always helpful!
Donna - Lou- Statistics - Postgraduate
29th January 2025
So helpful

Pricing Per Hour

Spires is a marketplace. Tutors will bid on your job. Their prices will depend on your needs and their expertise.

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Primary & Secondary

From $30/hr.

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Undergraduate, Postgraduate & Admissions

From $40/hr.

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Chartered Qualifications

From $50/hr.

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Online Statistics Tutors FAQs

How can expert online tutoring in statistics support you?

At Spires Online Tutors, our statistics tutors in London will assess your current understanding and create a personalised schedule to help you achieve your goals. Our lessons focus on areas where you need improvement, boosting your confidence and helping you succeed.

Why choose Spires Online Tutors for private statistics lessons in London?

Spires Online Tutors only accepts the top 4% of professional tutors, ensuring the highest quality standards. Our statistics tutors in London have extensive experience teaching at university, secondary, and primary levels, as well as with professionals. They are highly qualified with degrees from leading universities worldwide.

What qualifications do your online statistics tutors in London have?

All our online statistics tutors in London hold at least a Bachelor’s degree and have specialised tutoring experience. Many of our tutors have higher degrees from prestigious institutions like University College London. Rest assured, all our tutors have been background checked for your peace of mind.

How does Spires’ online private tutoring in statistics work?

Finding a statistics tutor in London is easy with Spires. Simply use our Find a Tutor function to create a job post outlining your needs. Browse through the suggested matches, check their profiles, and contact a tutor before scheduling a lesson. Enjoy your 1-on-1 online lessons at your convenience, and access class recordings anytime.

Can Spires Online Tutors help students from London study at universities in the UK?

Absolutely! Our statistics tutors in London have a remarkable track record of helping students secure spots at prestigious universities. They provide university admissions tuition, including Oxbridge tutoring. Some of the top universities in London include Imperial College London, University College London (UCL), and the London School of Economics (LSE).

How many statistics tutors are currently available for one-on-one classes in London?

We have a large pool of statistics tutors in London with academic and professional experience in various subjects. You can choose from over 800 tutors specializing in different levels of study, from GCSE to postgraduate assistance.

What levels of statistics tutoring do you offer in London?

Our statistics tutors in London offer tutoring for all levels of study, including primary school, secondary school (GCSE), A-level, and university-level tutoring. We also provide university admissions test preparation, including all Oxford and Cambridge entry tests.

How much does a private online statistics tutor charge per hour in London?

Tuition rates for statistics tutors in London vary depending on their qualifications and experience. On Spires, tutors set their own rates through an auction system, ensuring competitive pricing. Rates typically start at £25/hr for school-level tutoring, £35/hr for university-level tutoring, and £45/hr for professional-level tutoring.

What are the benefits of online statistics tutoring in London?

Online tutoring offers accessibility, allowing students to access high-quality learning resources regardless of their location. It provides flexibility in terms of scheduling and cost-effectiveness compared to in-person tutoring. With Spires, you can study statistics from the comfort of your home, accessing global knowledge resources at any time.

Do your statistics tutors in London have experience with specific exam boards?

Yes, our statistics tutors in London are experienced with various exam boards, including AQA, CCEA, OCR, and Edexcel. They are well-versed in the specific requirements and syllabus of each exam board, ensuring targeted and effective tutoring.

Can I arrange online tutoring for statistics at the primary school level in London?

Yes, Spires offers a wide selection of highly skilled statistics tutors in London who specialise in tutoring primary school students. Our tutors have experience in teaching fluency and literacy skills, providing a strong foundation in statistics from an early age.

Do you provide IB statistics tutoring in London?

Yes, we do. At Spires, International Baccalaureate (IB) statistics tutoring is one of our most sought-after services. Our tutors are knowledgeable in all subjects at both Higher Level (HL) and Standard Level (SL). They can help you excel in your IB statistics coursework and exams.

Can I find A-level statistics tutors online in London?

Absolutely! Spires has a wide range of specialist A-level statistics tutors in London who are well-versed in all exam boards and subjects. Our tutors can customize a curriculum based on your unique requirements and provide additional resources to support your A-level studies.

Can I book university-level statistics tutors in London?

Yes, Spires offers a vast database of university-level statistics tutors in London with diverse expertise. Whether you need assistance with undergraduate or postgraduate statistics courses, our tutors can provide the support you need to excel in your studies.

What top institutions do students and families who use Spires statistics tutors in London attend?

Spires provides tailored learning experiences for students in London, connecting them with top professional tutors. Our students have gained admission to prestigious institutions such as Imperial College London, University College London (UCL), and the London School of Economics (LSE). We also support students attending renowned independent schools like Eton College, Harrow School, Westminster School, and top local state schools and independent primary schools in London.

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