Online Professional Primary Art Tutors

6 tutors found


Fine Art & Art History - De Montfort University, Leicester, UK



42 hours in Primary Art

I have taught both Art History and Fine Art for 8 years and I can guide students to develop their art portfolios for university entry, for IB Diploma Programme visual arts (process portfolio, comparative study and curatorial rationale), GCSE and A Level exams as well degree level. I can also help...
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Recent Students: 21
Total Hours: 1081
Classes Taught: 680
All-time Students: 138
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BA hons Acting - Royal Central School of Speech and Drama


I have been a private tutor for over five years. Teaching in a range of subjects up to GSCE level. I specialise in 11+ and 13+ exams and have had past students go on to Wycombe Abbey, Eton, Royal Russell and Emanuel. I also teach essay writing for different GCSE subjects and focus heavily on Engli...
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Recent Students: 2
Total Hours: 147
Classes Taught: 143
All-time Students: 8
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M. Sc. Neuropsychology and Education; BA in Arts and Art History, and Psychology; - St. Lawrence University; Universidad Internacional de La Rioja



I have 10 years of experience tutoring. I am a IB Examiner and work with several private tutoring academies based in the UK, Switzerland and Sweden. Prior to this, I was a Spanish tutor to US University students (all language levels) and an art teacher at an international High School. My experience...
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Recent Students: 5
Total Hours: 89
Classes Taught: 85
All-time Students: 16
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Fine Art - Falmouth University



IB Visual Arts examiner and Lead Examiner for NCFE Graphic Design 2024 - Head of Design Technology 2022 to 2024 DT, Art, Graphic Design and Engineering Design Thornaby Academy UK 2020 to 2022 - Secondary Visual Art Teacher Keystone Academy, China 2015 to 2020 - Head of Visual Arts, Inter Community S...
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Recent Students: 6
Total Hours: 143
Classes Taught: 179
All-time Students: 55
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Masters - Glasgow University


I have 7 years of experience tutoring individuals and groups both online and in person. I have taught English and Sociology from primary to University.
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 0
Classes Taught: 0
All-time Students: 0
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Architecture - University of Cambridge


Unlock Your Inner Designer: Fun, Inspiring, and Empowering Design Tutoring! Design shapes everything around us—it’s the secret ingredient that adds meaning, beauty, and joy to our lives. Whether it’s a spoon, a chair, or an entire city, great design doesn’t just happen; it’s crafted through creativ...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 0
Classes Taught: 0
All-time Students: 0
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