Online Professional Geology Tutors

6 tutors found


Engineering Geology - University of Leeds


67 hours in Geology

Was a private one-on-one tutor for secondary school Math subject and worked as an assistant instructor for the Geology Department in the American University of Beirut. Was also a volunteer assistant for undergraduate students in the University of Leeds, UK. I am familiar with US and UK education sy...
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Recent Students: 2
Total Hours: 67
Classes Taught: 50
All-time Students: 13
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Geology - Aberystwyth University



35 hours in Geology

Twenty years as a teacher of KS3, 4 and 5. Fifteen years as a head of department at a large Cheshire school. Since 2022, I have been a lecturer in computer science at a sixth form college in North Wales. Since going part time, I have tutored GCSE and A level computing online
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Recent Students: 3
Total Hours: 35
Classes Taught: 37
All-time Students: 4
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Signed up:


Environmental Engineering and Geochemistry - Newcastle University



12 hours in Geology

I have been tutoring online since 2020, and have spent a lot of time developing resources to help students improve their science understanding, as well as constantly reflecting on strategies to make an enjoyable learning environment. The vast majority of my tutoring has been for students seeking he...
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Recent Students: 6
Total Hours: 1892
Classes Taught: 1670
All-time Students: 61
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Civil Engineering - Geotechnical Engineering Concentration - American University of Beirut



I have taught at the Lebanese American University (LAU) the following subjects: Soil Mechanics Laboratory Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Structural Modeling Software: Etabs I have taught at Phoenicia University (PU) the following subjects: Foundations Engineering Soil Mechanics Soil Mechanics Laborator...
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Recent Students: 50
Total Hours: 4321
Classes Taught: 2567
All-time Students: 135
Last Online:
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BSc Honours Geography - University of London and University of Bath



Thirty years of teaching a variety of subjects including IT but with my two main specialisms being Geography and Geology (11-18) and Maths (11-16). During the Covid-19 pandemic, I offered some free online Maths and Geography coaching to local students, and I am pleased to report that parents and st...
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Recent Students: 1
Total Hours: 16
Classes Taught: 17
All-time Students: 1
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English Literature (Hons) - Cambridge University


I have been a professional tutor since 2006. Across all of the different subjects I teach, I always notice the same thing: the main difficulty that learners encounter is getting overwhelmed by what they're trying to learn. It could be that there seems to be simply too much material to cover; it cou...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 4
Classes Taught: 3
All-time Students: 2
Last Online:
Signed up:

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