Online Professional ENGAA Tutors

5 tutors found


Mathematical and Theoretical Physics - University of Oxford



82 hours in ENGAA

I have a lot of experience with undergraduate admissions tests and interviews. In 2017, 2018, 2022 I was an interviewer for Physics in Oxford. I was also a PAT marker (undergraduate physics admission test for Oxford) in 2017, 2018, 2020. Therefore I know how best to prepare for the interview and t...
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Recent Students: 8
Total Hours: 337
Classes Taught: 272
All-time Students: 28
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Mathematics & Theoretical Physics - University of Cambridge (BA & MMath in Mathematics); University of Southampton (PhD in Theoretical Physics)



32 hours in ENGAA

World-renowned expert in British university entrance exams & interviews with high success rates (STEP, MAT, TMUA, NSAA, ENGAA, PAT). Thousands of hours working with students from six continents (students from Antarctica especially welcome!). My students are over five times more likely to receive an...
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Recent Students: 16
Total Hours: 1674
Classes Taught: 1613
All-time Students: 91
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Information and Computer Engineering - Cambridge University


21 hours in ENGAA

I am able to tutor A Level Maths, Further Maths, and Physics, as well as undergraduate engineering. Having studied general engineering at Cambridge, I am able to tutor the first two years of a wide range of engineering degrees, and also the ENGAA and PAT. I have over 170 hours of tutoring experienc...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 22
Classes Taught: 20
All-time Students: 6
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Mathematics - Christ's College, Cambridge



5 hours in ENGAA

I have been a full-time tutor for around 3 years now, accumulating roughly 5000 hours of tuition experience in sciences (primarily physics and chemistry) and maths. I have a love for learning maths, but also a love of showing others the joy there is to be found in maths, given how many people feel g...
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Recent Students: 16
Total Hours: 112
Classes Taught: 90
All-time Students: 16
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Chemistry - Cambridge University



I am a former Cambridge College assistant Director of Studies in Natural Sciences and have spent 25 years between academic and financial services work roles. There are three main areas that I support students with: 1. All aspects of science and maths tuition - up to postgraduate level in biology/ch...
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Recent Students: 15
Total Hours: 347
Classes Taught: 318
All-time Students: 52
Last Online:
Signed up:

Available ENGAA Levels

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