Online Professional CIOT Tutors

2 tutors found


Personal Business and Corporation Tax - TaxBooster Tutor


15 hours in CIOT

I have delivered ACA, ACCA, ATT and CTA tax exams for main stream providers for over 7 years both in classrooms and online. My students have come from a variety of backgrounds such as Big 4 Accounting Firms and Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's) and overseas. My approach is to offer a real life t...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 38
Classes Taught: 45
All-time Students: 10
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Accountancy and Taxation - Kaplan Inc.


I have extensive experience mentoring students within accountancy firms, including those pursuing ICAS, CTA/ATT, and ACCA qualifications. I have an excellent grasp of accounting and taxation mattersā€”personal, corporate, and international. Having worked within the Accounting/Tax team of a multinatio...
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Recent Students: 0
Total Hours: 63
Classes Taught: 50
All-time Students: 8
Last Online:
Signed up:

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