How To Get A 9 In IGCSE Geography

Achieving a 9 in IGCSE geography can be an ambitious and difficult task. However, with the right guidance and dedication, it is an achievable goal.

This article provides a detailed guide on how to succeed in the IGCSE geography examination. It covers topics such as preparing for the exam, studying effectively, and tips for getting the highest grade.

The aim of this article is to empower students with the knowledge to achieve their desired results in the IGCSE geography examination. With consistent effort and dedication, following these tips will help students reach their goals and obtain a high grade in the exam.

Overview Of IGCSE Geography

IGCSE Geography is a comprehensive course that prepares students to think geographically and use geographic tools to solve problems.

Students will develop knowledge of geography, as well as critical thinking skills and geographic analysis techniques to identify patterns in the environment.

The course also provides students with the necessary skills to interpret data using geographic tools such as maps, globes, aerial photography, and GIS software.

In addition, students will be able to explain how environmental processes shape our planet’s surface and examine how human activities are impacting the environment.

By studying IGCSE Geography, students gain an understanding of global issues that affect the environment and learn how to use geographical information systems (GIS) to analyse data and draw conclusions.

They will be able to apply their knowledge of geography in a variety of contexts, from local communities to national policies.

Additionally, they will gain insight into sustainable development strategies for cities and nations around the world.

With a thorough understanding of these concepts, students can gain a 9 on their IGCSE Geography exam by demonstrating mastery of geographic tools, techniques, and skills needed for successful analysis.

Course Content And Assessment Criteria

This discussion will focus on the two main topics of course content and assessment criteria, and how they relate to achieving a score of 9 on an IGCSE Geography exam. We will explore the components of a successful course, as well as the criteria used to assess student performance.

Course Content

To achieve a grade 9 in IGCSE Geography, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the course content and assessment criteria.

The core topics of the IGCSE Geography curriculum include:

  • Physical geography
  • Human geography
  • Environmental issues
  • Global interconnections

For physical geography, students must learn about the Earth’s structure, the water cycle, weather systems and climate change.

Human geography focuses on the study of population patterns and migration as well as how people interact with their environment. Additionally, students should understand how geographical features have changed over time and how cultural influences have shaped our world today.

Global interconnections examine how countries are connected through trade networks, transportation systems and communication technologies.

Finally, environmental issues such as resource consumption and climate change also play an important role in assessing overall student performance in IGCSE Geography.

By mastering these key concepts, students can confidently reach for a grade 9 in IGCSE Geography.

Assessment Criteria

The assessment criteria for IGCSE Geography are designed to evaluate a student’s understanding of the material, their ability to apply what they have learned and their overall performance.

At the core, the assessment criteria focus on assessing how well a student can analyse factors such as urbanisation effects, sustainability challenges and population trends.

They must also demonstrate an ability to draw conclusions from their analysis and link it back to the course content.

By demonstrating these skills in their assessments, students will be able to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and gain higher scores in their IGCSE Geography exams.

As an online tutor, my goal is to help my students understand these assessment criteria so that they can develop the necessary skills needed to achieve a grade 9 in IGCSE Geography.

Revision Tips And Strategies

Organising Resources can be done by collecting all the relevant material from textbooks and other sources and classifying them into categories. Making Study Timetables should be done to ensure proper utilisation of time and track the progress of studies. Exam Practice should be done to develop familiarity with the exam pattern and to identify weak areas that need more attention.

Organising Resources

Organising resources is a critical part of revision for IGCSE geography. By taking the time to plan out and structure the materials you need to work through, you can ensure that your study sessions are efficient and effective.

The first step is to create an inventory of all the topics and related resources you need to cover, such as textbooks, maps, diagrams, lecture notes and other essential materials. Once this is done, create a timeline or schedule for yourself that outlines how much time you should allocate for each topic.

Additionally, decide which areas require more focus than others by engaging in critical analysis of information sources. Note-taking can also help with data recording so that when it comes time to revise, you are well-equipped with factual knowledge and understanding.

Lastly, break down large tasks into smaller chunks and make sure to reward yourself after completing milestones so that motivation levels remain high.

Making Study Timetables

Once you have created an inventory of all the topics and resources you need to cover, setting goals and creating a study timetable can help make your revision more effective.

Breaking down large tasks into smaller chunks allows for more manageable goals and helps monitor progress.

Scheduling periods of rest in between working sessions is also important to ensure that energy levels remain high throughout the revision period. Additionally, it gives you something to look forward to as a reward for completing milestones.

Furthermore, it is also beneficial to set realistic expectations for yourself in order to avoid feeling overwhelmed or discouraged.

Exam Practice

When it comes to exam preparation, it is beneficial to practice past papers and mock exams in order to become familiar with the format and style of questions. Simulated exam conditions can also help give a better idea of what to expect on the day.

Furthermore, online resources such as social media groups or peer review sites have been proven to aid in obtaining a better understanding of topics which would ultimately be beneficial for exam success.

In addition, climate change has had an influence on how exams are taken these days, with many now being conducted remotely. As such, it is important to ensure that you are comfortable with the technology so that there are no issues on the day of the exam.

It is essential that adequate practice and preparation is done in order to achieve desired results on the day of the exam.

Writing Effective Responses

In order to achieve a 9 in IGCSE Geography, it is important to have a thorough understanding of critical thinking, essay structure and referencing sources. This means having an in-depth knowledge of the subject matter and being able to effectively apply that knowledge when answering questions.

Additionally, it is important to develop good question-framing skills so that one can understand the scope and depth of the question being asked.

Moreover, familiarity with data analysis techniques is also essential for success in the exam.

To attain a 9 grade, it is necessary to:

  • Develop strong critical thinking skills
  • Understand how to structure an effective essay
  • Acquire proficiency in referencing sources accurately
  • Cultivate the ability to frame questions effectively
  • Be well-versed in data analysis techniques.

When preparing for the IGCSE Geography examination, one must ensure that they are adequately equipped with all these skills and abilities. Learning these aspects thoroughly will give them a greater chance of achieving their desired grade.

Furthermore, taking practice tests and reading sample papers can also be beneficial when preparing for the exam as it gives students an idea about how best to approach each question type.

Use Of Appropriate Resources

Research is an important component of achieving a 9 in IGCSE Geography. When researching, it is important to use reliable sources such as peer-reviewed articles and books written by experts in the field.
Maps are an important tool for understanding geographical concepts and spatial relationships. It is important to use appropriate maps and to be able to interpret them in order to answer questions related to geographical concepts.


In order to get a 9 in IGCSE geography, it is essential to use appropriate resources.

Research is one of these resources and should be used to gain an understanding of the variety of topics within the course.

Climate change, population growth, and urban planning are just a few of the subjects which can be explored through research.

To ensure that students have access to reliable sources, they must be familiar with credible websites and books related to their chosen topics.

They should also look for recent studies or articles on the subject matter that are known to provide accurate information.

Moreover, they should take notes while researching so they can easily return to relevant information when writing their essays or answering questions during exams.

As such, research provides an invaluable tool for gaining knowledge and achieving higher grades in IGCSE geography.


When it comes to studying IGCSE geography, maps are an essential resource for map making, map reading, and map interpretation. They provide an important visual representation of physical features as well as human activities in a given area.

By referring to maps, students can gain insight into the various landforms, vegetation types, and other geographical features which can be found in a certain region. Additionally, they can better understand the impact of people on their environment by analysing the distribution of settlements and infrastructure such as roads or railways.

Maps also play an integral role in helping students interpret data related to natural resource management or climate change. Therefore, familiarising oneself with the use of maps is paramount for achieving success in IGCSE geography.

Examination Techniques

When it comes to achieving success in IGCSE Geography exams, there are several key elements which can give a student the edge they need to score highly.

Essay structure, facts memorisation, exam confidence and question analysis are all important components of effective exam technique.

The following table summarises these aspects along with suggestions for how to improve upon them:

Component Suggested Improvement
Essay Structure Familiarise yourself with the structure of an essay – use the ‘PEEL’ acronym as a guide (Point, Evidence, Explain, Link).
Facts Memorisation Make flashcards or create a revision chart – be sure to have access to concise notes during the exam.
Exam Confidence Practice past papers or complete practice questions – this will help you gain familiarity with the exam format and reduce anxiety on the day.
Question Analysis Before you start writing an answer, take time to read and analyse the question – identify any keywords or phrases which will give you direction when constructing your response.

In order to achieve success in IGCSE Geography exams, it is vital that students understand how best to approach each component outlined above.

Knowing how to structure their essays effectively, having clear and concise notes at hand during the exam period and understanding how to analyse questions are all essential skills which can make a great difference when it comes to gaining high marks.

Preparing for each element of an IGCSE Geography examination can put a student in good stead for achieving excellent results come exam day.

Practicing And Understanding Maps

In order to achieve a 9 in IGCSE Geography, it is essential to understand the basics of reading and interpreting maps. Before attempting to tackle the complexities of map reading, it is important to familiarise oneself with the symbols used to represent different features on a map.

Reading Maps

Reading maps is an essential part of understanding geographical concepts.

When studying for an IGCSE Geography exam, it is important to practice reading and interpreting different types of maps.

This includes physical maps showing topographic features such as mountains and rivers, political maps depicting countries, urban patterns, and other boundaries, as well as climatic maps that show temperature and precipitation patterns.

Additionally, population trend maps can be used to identify areas of high population growth or decline.

By familiarising yourself with these map types and the information they contain, you can gain a better understanding of the changing geographical landscape and how it affects people in various locations around the world.

Therefore, learning how to read maps is key to acing your IGCSE Geography exam.

Interpreting Symbols

Once you have become familiar with the different types of maps and the information they contain, it is important to practice interpreting the symbols used in them.

Maps often use visual cues such as colours and shapes to represent geographical features.

By learning how to identify these symbols, you can gain a better understanding of mapping techniques, visualising data, and urban planning.

For example, a map may use red dots to indicate population density or yellow lines to mark roads.

With practice and knowledge of the symbols used in maps, you can better comprehend the relationships between physical features, human activity, and other components of geography.

Therefore, ensure that you are comfortable with interpreting symbols on maps before taking your IGCSE Geography exam.

Practising Graphs And Charts

  1. Understanding how to read and interpret graphs and charts is a key part of IGCSE Geography and gaining a good grade.
  2. Analysing graphs and charts involves identifying patterns and trends and drawing conclusions from the data presented.
  3. Drawing graphs and charts requires accurate data entry and knowledge of the various types of graphs and charts to be used.

Reading Graphs And Charts

Reading graphs and charts is an important skill in IGCSE Geography. It is essential to understand the trends that are presented by the data, as well as be able to analyse the data and interpret visuals accurately. Mastering these skills can be difficult but with enough practice, it is possible to achieve a 9 in IGCSE Geography.

To start off, familiarise yourself with the different types of graphs and charts commonly used in IGCSE Geography such as scatter plots, pie charts and line graphs. Then, use this knowledge to practise reading and interpreting various graphs and charts. Make sure you pay attention to understanding trends, analysing data and interpreting visuals accurately.

With enough practice you will be able to confidently read all types of graph or chart presented during your exam. Good luck!

Analysing Graphs And Charts

Now that you are familiar with the different types of graphs and charts used in IGCSE Geography, it is time to move on to the next step of mastering this skill: analysing graphs and charts.

As an online tutor, it is important to help students understand how to model trends, analyse data and interpret population trends accurately. This can be done by breaking down each graph or chart into its individual components, and then looking at how they interact with each other.

By doing this, students will be able to gain a better understanding of the data presented and draw meaningful conclusions from it. With enough practice, your students will be able to confidently read any graphs or charts presented during their exams.

All in all, developing the skills required for reading and interpreting graphs and charts is essential for success in IGCSE Geography; hence why it is so important to help your students master these skills.

Drawing Graphs And Charts

Now that your students have mastered the skills required for reading and interpreting graphs and charts, it is time to focus on the next step of mastering this skill: drawing graphs and charts.

By exploring trends, identifying patterns, and comparing data within a graph or chart, your students will be able to draw meaningful conclusions from it. Drawing graphs and charts can help your students visualise the data in an easier way and allow them to effectively communicate their findings.

Additionally, they will also be able to better identify any relationships between variables or any changes over time. Through practice, your students will be able to confidently draw graphs or charts during their exams.

Overall, helping your students master the skill of drawing graphs and charts is essential for success in IGCSE Geography.

Examining Case Studies

Case studies can be a helpful way to understand the impact of globalisation, urbanisation, resource management, climate change, and pollution control. They are often used to illustrate how these factors interact in different circumstances, providing insight into the causes and effects of each.

For example, a study of the effects of increased urbanisation might show how it can lead to increased air pollution and changes in water availability due to increased demand. Similarly, a case study could examine how resource management affects the environment by looking at changes in soil fertility or water supply caused by human activity.

Understanding how climate change is affecting certain areas can also be examined through a case study. Examining the impact of globalisation on local economies is another important area which can be explored through case studies.

In order to achieve success in IGCSE Geography, it is essential that students learn how to interpret and analyse these types of data effectively. Investing time in researching relevant case studies will help develop an understanding of how globalisation, urbanisation, resource management, climate change and pollution control affect different parts of the world.

This knowledge will prove invaluable when attempting questions related to these topics during exams. Careful analysis of such data will help students gain the necessary skills for achieving a grade 9 in IGCSE Geography.

Understanding The Themes Of Human And Physical Geography

Having discussed various case studies and their implications, it is now pertinent to look at the themes of human and physical geography. Urbanisation trends, climate change, population growth, cultural diversity, and environmental protection are all examples of such themes that have a profound impact on our world.

These themes can be summarised as follows:

  • Urbanisation Trends: This refers to the increase in population density in cities and towns due to migration from rural areas. Urban centres have become hubs of economic activity, which has led to an increase in urbanisation rates across the globe.
  • Climate Change: This refers to the long-term changes in global temperatures caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and cutting down trees. These activities have led to an increase in global temperatures, resulting in changes in weather patterns, sea levels, ecosystems and species extinction.
  • Population Growth: This refers to the rise in the number of people living on Earth due to improved healthcare facilities and decreasing death rates. The increasing populations have put tremendous pressure on existing resources leading to environmental degradation.
  • Cultural Diversity: This refers to the richness of different cultures around the world which brings different ideas together under one roof. It also encourages respect for each other’s perspectives while promoting understanding between different cultures.
  • Environmental Protection: This refers to protecting natural resources from being depleted or destroyed by humans or natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. It involves taking steps like conserving water bodies and forests, reducing emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, etc., so that future generations can enjoy a clean environment.

These themes not only help us understand our world but also provide us with a deeper insight into how we can make our planet more sustainable for future generations. Therefore it is important for students studying IGCSE Geography to be aware of these topics if they wish to achieve high scores in their exams.

Research And Analysis Skills

  1. When collecting data, it is important to use a variety of methods, such as primary and secondary sources, to ensure that the information collected is as comprehensive and accurate as possible.
  2. When analysing data, it is important to take into consideration all aspects of the data, such as sources, accuracy, and context, to ensure that the analysis is comprehensive and relevant.
  3. When interpreting results, it is important to identify patterns and draw meaningful conclusions based on the evidence collected, to ensure that the findings are meaningful and relevant.

Collecting Data

Collecting data is an essential part of any research project, in particular when it comes to geography. Urbanisation trends, digital mapping and global connections can be used to gather information in a reliable and accurate way; thus, enabling students to gain insight into the world around them.

An online tutor can provide guidance with collecting data for an IGCSE Geography course; providing advice on methods to ensure the most relevant and up-to-date information is obtained. Furthermore, tutors can help students understand the importance of analysing data correctly and draw meaningful conclusions from their findings.

With the right approach, students will be able to develop their research skills which are fundamental for obtaining a high grade in IGCSE Geography. Ultimately, getting a 9 in this subject requires dedication and commitment combined with effective research techniques – something an online tutor can help with!

Analysing Data

The next step in the research process is to analyse the data collected. This is an important stage which requires careful consideration and attention.

Climate change, population growth and urbanisation are just some of the key factors that play a role in this analysis, as they can help to identify patterns and trends that can be used to draw meaningful conclusions.

An online tutor can provide advice on how best to approach analysing data, emphasising the importance of accuracy and precision when interpreting information. Moreover, they can help students understand the implications of their findings and how it will affect their final grade.

With guidance from a tutor, students will be able to confidently use their research skills for IGCSE Geography, helping them achieve success in this important subject.

Interpreting Results

Interpreting the results from research is a crucial step in the process, as this helps to draw meaningful conclusions.

It is important to consider climate trends, urban migration and population growth when interpreting the data collected. This will help to identify patterns and relationships which can be used to answer questions or solve problems.

An online tutor can provide guidance on how best to interpret results, ensuring the accuracy of the final conclusion. They can also help students understand the implications of their findings and how it might affect their grades.

With advice from an experienced tutor, students can gain valuable insight into IGCSE Geography research and analysis skills, allowing them to achieve success.

Interpreting Data

Gathering data involves collecting information from relevant sources to help answer a question or understand a certain topic. Representing data involves transforming the data into a visual form such as a chart, graph, or map to better understand the data. Analysing data involves interpreting the data to draw conclusions and answer the initial question or understand the topic.

Gathering Data

Gathering data is the foundation of any successful analysis. It is important to understand the sources of data you are collecting and how they will be used when interpreting information.

When gathering data, it is important to consider the accuracy and reliability, as well as potential biases or limitations. Additionally, it is beneficial to consider the context in which the data was gathered as this can help to inform your interpretation of results.

Analysing data involves looking for patterns or trends within the numbers while forming models that can help to project future trends based on past behaviours. It is also important to note that not all data needs to be analysed; some data may only need simple calculations or calculations involving multiple variables.

When interpreting data, it is essential to ensure accuracy and draw meaningful conclusions from your analysis. Finally, ensuring that valid interpretations are made based on accurate information will lead to successful outcomes in IGCSE Geography.

Representing Data

Once data has been gathered and analysed, the next step is to represent the data visually.

Representing data through graphs, charts, or maps can help to identify spatial patterns or population trends that are not easily visible with simple calculations. Additionally, it is important to ensure the accuracy of the data being represented in order to draw meaningful conclusions from it.

Maps can be used to illustrate changes over time or geographical distributions that can help inform decision-making processes. Charts and graphs can also be used to compare variables and analyse relationships between them.

Representing data visually helps to make complex information more accessible as well as providing a comprehensive overview of a situation. This makes it easier for people to understand the results of a study and use them effectively in their work or research.

Analysing Data

Now that data has been represented visually, the next step is to analyse it.

Data simulations and visualisations can help to identify relationships between variables that may not be as apparent through simple calculations.

Additionally, spatial analysis can be used to understand geographical distributions or changes over time.

Analysing data enables researchers to draw meaningful conclusions from their results.

By understanding the results of a study in more depth, people are better equipped with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions about a particular situation.

Data simulations, data visualisation, and spatial analysis all play important roles in helping to interpret data effectively.

Effective Time Management

Achieving a 9 in IGCSE Geography is no easy feat, and requires a great deal of organisation and efficient time management. To this end, it is important to develop strategies to help with dealing with stress, managing workloads, planning effectively and revising thoroughly to ensure that the exam preparation process is successful.

The first step to take when attempting to achieve a 9 in IGCSE Geography is to structure your workload in order to manage your time effectively. This can be done by creating a timetable that outlines what needs to be studied each day and for how long; this will ensure that all topics are covered and nothing gets left out.

Additionally, regular breaks should be taken whereby you can relax or engage in physical activity; this will help reduce stress levels created by the pressure of studying for an exam. It is also important to create an effective revision plan as part of your preparation.

This could include using techniques such as making mind maps or flashcards which can be used as quick reference tools during the exam itself. Furthermore, practice exams can also be conducted under timed conditions so that you become familiar with the format of the exam and learn how best to answer questions within the given time-frame. By proactively taking steps such as these, students can make effective use of their time while preparing for their IGCSE Geography Exam, thus increasing their chances of achieving a 9 in their overall grade.

Practising Past Papers

Practising past papers is essential for any student aiming to achieve a 9 in IGCSE Geography.

Firstly, it allows students to familiarise themselves with the structure and format of the exam paper. This will help them to identify key trends and analyse impacts more easily when they complete the actual exam.

Secondly, students can use past papers to study correlations between different topics and understand statistics which may be presented in the questions. It also gives them an opportunity to apply theories learnt in class and gain a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.

Finally, by regularly practising past papers, students can hone their skills and become more confident when tackling the real examination.

Getting Support And Guidance

If you are looking to get a 9 in IGCSE Geography, seeking advice and support from experienced tutors is a great way to start. Engaging tutors who have experience with the IGCSE exam can provide valuable insights and tips that will help you better prepare for the exam.

Additionally, connecting with peers who share similar academic interests also provides an opportunity to discuss your goals, ask questions, and get feedback on your work.

You should also consider seeking help from online resources such as websites, blogs, and forums dedicated to providing guidance about the IGCSE Geography exam. These resources can provide a wealth of knowledge that can help you learn new concepts and develop a better understanding of the material.

Furthermore, utilising these resources can give you an idea of what topics are covered on the exam and how best to approach them.

Finding support from these sources is essential if you want to achieve a 9 in IGCSE Geography. With the right information at your disposal, combined with dedication and hard work, it is possible to score highly on this exam.

So take advantage of all available resources and make sure you are well-prepared for success!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Best Way To Study For The IGCSE Geography Exam?

Studying for the IGCSE Geography exam can be challenging, but there are strategies that can help you to achieve your best score.

Past papers, practice tests and marking schemes are essential resources for understanding the structure of the exam and what kind of questions to expect.

Exam strategies such as time management and effective revision techniques are key for tackling the paper on the day.

Lastly, having a look at some tips from experienced tutors will give you an idea of what topics to focus on during revision.

With these resources in hand, any student can work towards achieving their goals in IGCSE Geography.

How Much Time Should I Spend On Each Section Of The Exam?

Time management is an important aspect of active revision for the IGCSE Geography exam.

The amount of time spent on each section of the exam should be tailored to individual needs, however, a general rule is to spend more time revising those areas in which you are weaker.

Exam technique and practice can also be developed through the use of past papers; this will help increase confidence in one’s ability to answer questions correctly.

Additionally, it is beneficial to allocate sufficient time for planning and reviewing answers as this can improve efficiency during the exam itself.

What Are The Most Important Topics To Focus On For The Exam?

When preparing for the IGCSE geography exam, it is important to focus on a few key topics in order to be successful.

These include:

  • Reading maps
  • Exam techniques
  • Fieldwork skills
  • Research skills
  • Map skills

An online tutor can help you understand how to best leverage these topics in your preparations. Knowing which topics are the most important and understanding how to apply them can give you an edge when taking the IGCSE geography exam.

Furthermore, having a solid grasp of these skills will prove invaluable in your academic journey.

How Can I Ensure I Answer The Questions Accurately?

To ensure accuracy when answering questions in the IGCSE Geography exam, it is important to have a thorough revision strategy.

This should include regular revision, focusing on key topics identified through past papers and notes from teachers.

Exam strategies such as time management and note-taking techniques can be used to make sure that all of the information needed is included in the answer.

Additionally, practising mock tests will help familiarise yourself with the exam format and allow you to identify any gaps in your knowledge.

These strategies are essential for ensuring accuracy when answering questions.

Are There Any Online Resources Available To Help Me Prepare For The Exam?

Preparing for an IGCSE geography exam can seem daunting, but with the right tools and strategies, success is achievable.

There are many online resources available to those preparing to take their IGCSE geography exam which can help provide practical tips, test strategies, exam practice and time management skills for successful test preparation.

The internet is filled with resources on how to best prepare for this type of exam and these can help ensure that you are well-prepared when it comes time to take the actual test.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, it is possible to get a 9 in IGCSE Geography provided the necessary steps are taken. To ensure success, students should have a clear plan of action when preparing for the exam. This should include studying topics that are most relevant to the exam, allocating enough time for each section and utilising online resources. By following these guidelines, students can increase their chances of achieving a high score on their IGCSE Geography exam.

Firstly, it is important to understand the key topics covered in the exam and how they relate to your syllabus. This will allow you to focus your revision on the material that is most relevant to the exam.

Secondly, allocate enough time for each section of the test so as not to be rushed with questions or miss out on important information.

Finally, utilise online resources such as practice tests and video lectures which can help you better understand certain concepts and improve your overall understanding of the subject matter.

By following these steps, students can maximise their chances of receiving a high score on their IGCSE Geography exam. It is essential to remember that success does not come easily and requires dedication and hard work throughout one’s preparation process. With this in mind, those looking to succeed in their IGCSE Geography exams must strive for excellence in order to reach their goal.

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