What Jobs Can I Get With A Degree In English Literature?

A degree in English literature can lead to a variety of fulfilling job opportunities. This article will explore the different career paths available for those holding an English literature degree and provide readers with information about each position.

It will also discuss the skills required for each job and the advantages of pursuing a career in English literature. By the end of this article, readers should have a better understanding of the various jobs available with an English literature degree and be able to identify which profession best suits their interests and goals.


Copywriting is an excellent career choice for those with a degree in English Literature. It requires excellent writing skills and understanding of how to communicate effectively through the written word. A copywriter needs to have an eye for detail, understand how to capture the attention of their audience, and be able to write persuasively.

Having a degree in English Literature can help equip a copywriter with the necessary skills to excel in this field. Book reviewing and literary criticism are two key aspects of this field that an English Literature graduate should be well versed in. A good copywriter must be able to write reviews that are both objective and engaging while being able to provide meaningful analysis on literature works.

Additionally, they need to have a good understanding of how language can be used effectively in order to create compelling messages and advertisements. By having a background in English Literature, one has already gained the skills needed for success as a copywriter.

Editing And Proofreading

Having a degree in English Literature can open doors to many types of jobs, including copywriting.

A career in copywriting involves creating content for businesses and organizations, such as blogs, website copy, brochures, press releases, and more. It requires creative writing skills as well as a good understanding of the company’s mission and goals.

Editing and proofreading are other potential fields that someone with an English Literature degree may pursue. This type of job involves reading written work carefully to check for accuracy, typos, grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and other inconsistencies.

In addition to having strong language skills and an eye for detail, successful editors require excellent public speaking abilities to communicate any necessary changes to the writer or publisher. Creative writing is also important for making edits that keep the overall tone of the document intact.

Technical Writing

Studying English literature provides a unique set of skills that can be applied to many different fields. A degree in English literature can lead to a career in technical writing, which is the process of creating documents to communicate complex information more easily.

Technical communication is an important element of professional writing, as it involves the use of specialized language and techniques to inform, instruct and persuade readers. Technical writing requires excellent grammar, style and structure, as well as research and analytical skills. Writers must be able to break down complicated concepts into simpler parts that are easy to understand.

They must also be able to use logical reasoning and critical thinking skills when developing content. Additionally, they must be comfortable using technology such as word processors or digital publishing tools. Technical writers need strong interpersonal skills as well.

They must be able to collaborate with subject matter experts (SMEs) and stakeholders to ensure accuracy in their work. Furthermore, they should have excellent problem-solving abilities for understanding complex topics quickly so that they can create effective content for their audience. Finally, they should have a good sense of customer service in order to meet the needs of their readers effectively.


Publishing is a popular career choice for those with a degree in English Literature. There are many different roles available, from book reviewing to copyediting and literary criticism. These can provide an exciting and rewarding career path for literature graduates.

The following table outlines some of the key roles and responsibilities associated with a career in publishing:

Role Responsibilities
Book Reviewer Read books, write reviews, and provide feedback to authors.
Copyeditor Edit written materials such as books, articles, and manuscripts for accuracy and completeness.
Literary Critic Analyze literature works and evaluate their artistic value.

A career in publishing is an excellent option for those with a degree in English Literature. It provides an opportunity to work closely with authors, editors, publishers, and other professionals in the industry. Aspiring professionals should be prepared to develop strong writing skills and be comfortable working with language-based materials. They should also have an understanding of the publishing process and how it works from start to finish. With hard work and dedication, those with a degree in English Literature can find success in this exciting field.


Teaching is one of the most popular job choices for those with a degree in English Literature. There are many opportunities to teach in this field, such as reading instruction, creative writing, and literature classes.

Reading instruction involves teaching students how to read more effectively and efficiently, while creative writing classes focus on helping students develop their own style. Teaching literature involves introducing students to classic works from different authors and analyzing them from various angles.

With any of these teaching jobs, it is important to have a comprehensive understanding of the material you are teaching and be able to communicate it effectively to students. The ability to engage with the material and your students is also essential.

A degree in English Literature can provide you with the necessary skills for these types of jobs. It will equip you with knowledge about literary theories and critical approaches to reading texts, as well as communication skills needed for successful teaching.

English teachers must possess an enthusiasm for language that can be infectious in the classroom and motivate their students to learn more about literature and its importance in our society today. With an appropriate level of preparation in English Literature, this kind of position can open up a world of possibilities both inside and outside the classroom.


Journalism is a highly sought after career choice for individuals with a degree in English Literature. It provides an opportunity to combine creative writing and research skills, enabling professionals to produce compelling stories. Journalists also have the ability to influence public opinion and shape public discourse on important topics.

Speech writers are another potential career option for those with an English Literature degree. Speech writers are responsible for crafting persuasive speeches that communicate an organization’s message to its audience. They must be able to use language effectively and must have excellent research skills in order to thoroughly understand their topic and create an engaging speech. Additionally, they must be able to write creatively and present information in a way that resonates with the target audience.

English Literature graduates may find exciting job opportunities in journalism or speech writing. These career paths provide a great opportunity for individuals to use their creativity, research, and communication skills in meaningful ways that can positively impact society.

Social Media

Social media has become an integral part of modern life, and it is a powerful tool for communication and marketing. With a degree in English literature, individuals have the knowledge and skills necessary to leverage social media for brand building, as well as analyze data generated by these platforms.

Social media analytics involves tracking user engagement, sentiment analysis, and other metrics that can be used to measure the success of campaigns or inform future strategies. Individuals with a degree in English literature possess the writing skills needed to craft compelling messages on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. They also understand the importance of maintaining a strong online presence that engages potential customers or followers in meaningful ways.

Additionally, they can apply their understanding of narrative structure to create stories that capture attention and spread quickly. Thus, individuals with an English literature degree can use their knowledge and skills to excel at creating and managing successful social media campaigns.

Public Relations

Social media has become an integral part of modern life and is now a powerful tool for communication. It provides a platform for companies to interact with customers, build relationships, and promote their products and services.

Public Relations (PR) is the strategic use of communication to shape public opinion and build relationships between organizations and their stakeholders. A successful PR strategy requires careful planning, creative execution, and ongoing management.

Public Relations involves creating effective messaging that aligns with an organization’s core values and objectives. This includes developing strategies for corporate communications such as press releases, interviews, news stories, blogs, website content, social media posts, advertisements, and more.

A successful PR strategy should be tailored to each organization’s unique needs in order to reach its target audiences effectively. It is essential to develop a comprehensive understanding of the market landscape in order to create effective messaging that resonates with potential customers.


Researching the job market for those with an English Literature degree can be intimidating and overwhelming. However, there are a number of online resources that can help narrow down potential opportunities.

The first step is to research academic journals and websites related to English literature. By doing this, you can gain insight into current trends in the field and identify potential employers who may be hiring. Additionally, it’s important to stay up-to-date with publications related to the profession and use them as a source of inspiration when researching potential jobs.

Additionally, professional organizations such as the National Association of English Language Teachers (NAELT) provide valuable resources for job seekers with an English literature degree.

Another way to research job opportunities is by networking with individuals in your field. This could include attending conferences or connecting with peers in online forums. By doing so, you may be able to gain insight into job openings or tips on how to stand out in the application process. Additionally, engaging in informal conversations about your career goals or interests can often lead to helpful advice from people who have experience working in the field.

When researching job opportunities, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Utilize online resources such as academic journals and websites related to English literature
  • Join professional organizations that offer valuable resources for job seekers
  • Network with professionals in your field through conferences or online forums
  • Have an informal conversation about your career goals and interests
  • Stay up-to-date on publications related to the profession

By utilizing these strategies and researching available jobs thoroughly, you will be better prepared when applying for positions related to your degree in English Literature.

Library Work

The next opportunity for English Literature graduates is library work.

Library jobs can involve book selection, cataloguing systems, and customer service.

When selecting books for the library, librarians must pay close attention to the holdings of the library and how they match up with current trends in literature and other areas. They must also be familiar with relevant cataloguing systems such as the Dewey Decimal System or Library of Congress classification system.

Customer service is a major part of any library job. Librarians must be able to answer questions from patrons about a specific book or about the library in general. They may also be asked to help patrons find resources on the internet or assist in research projects.

Librarians must also have strong communication skills in order to interact effectively with their colleagues. In addition, they should have excellent organizational skills in order to manage their time efficiently and keep track of new acquisitions and other tasks associated with their job.

All these skills make English Literature graduates well-suited for working as librarians.

Grant Writing

  1. Grant proposal writing is a specialized form of writing that requires a strong understanding of the grant process, including how to research potential grant sources and create a compelling case for funding.

  2. Grant research involves researching the various types of grants available, including government grants, foundation grants, and corporate grants. Researching the specific qualifications and requirements for each type of grant is also necessary.

  3. A degree in English Literature can equip an individual with the writing skills necessary for grant proposal writing, including the ability to convey complex information in a clear, concise manner.

  4. In addition, a degree in English Literature can provide an individual with the research skills necessary for grant research, including the ability to locate and analyze relevant data.

Grant Proposal Writing

Grant proposal writing is an essential skill for those engaged in the field of grant writing. Fundraising strategies, such as researching potential funders and preparing a thoughtful proposal, are key to securing grants from public and private sources.

Grant administration involves the development of budgets, reviewing applications for compliance with requirements, and providing technical assistance to applicants. Additionally, grant writers must be able to effectively communicate their ideas so that funders can understand how the organization will use the funds.

The ability to think strategically about how to position an organization as a desirable recipient of funds is a critical aspect of success in grant writing. A good grant writer must also have excellent organizational skills to ensure that all paperwork is filed accurately and on time.

Finally, they must have strong problem-solving skills in order to address issues or complications that may arise throughout the process. With these skills and qualities, individuals with a degree in English Literature can successfully pursue a career in grant writing.

Grant Research

Grant research is an important component of grant writing, as it involves finding and researching potential funding sources, developing a content strategy that outlines the purpose and objectives of the project, and creating an effective proposal.

Fundraisers should use a variety of research methods, such as web searches, databases, interviews, and surveys, to identify potential funders who may be interested in supporting their project. Once identified, they should create a content strategy that clearly outlines the project’s goals and objectives as well as how the funds will be used.

A well-crafted proposal should include all relevant information necessary to convince funders that the organization is qualified to receive their support. It is also important to ensure that all submitted materials are accurate and up-to-date.

By utilizing these research techniques and properly preparing a persuasive proposal, fundraisers can increase their chance of success when applying for grants.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing is an effective marketing strategy that involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.

This type of marketing helps to drive more traffic to websites by increasing visibility through organic search engine results. It also focuses on building trust and loyalty with customers by providing them with helpful information related to their interests.

When it comes to Content Marketing, SEO optimization is key. By ensuring that content is properly optimized for the search engines, it will be easier for potential customers to find the website, as well as make sure that the content ranks highly in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

To effectively optimize content for SEO purposes, keyword research must be conducted prior to writing and publishing any material, as well as making sure that keyword density is appropriate throughout the text. Additionally, implementing other strategies such as internal linking can help to further boost rankings.

Through carefully crafted marketing strategies that incorporate SEO optimization into Content Marketing efforts, businesses can reach more potential customers than ever before.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Qualifications Do I Need To Get A Job In English Literature?

In order to get a job in English Literature, it is important to have certain qualifications.

The most important of these are a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature, as well as strong writing skills.

A strong background and experience in literary analysis and thesis writing is also necessary.

Additionally, having knowledge of the history of literature and an understanding of the different genres is beneficial.

Furthermore, research skills are also essential for success.

Finally, good communication skills and the ability to interpret texts are also important for employment in this field.

Are There Any Online Courses I Can Take To Get A Job In English Literature?

There are many online courses available that can help in obtaining a job in English Literature.

Editing roles, teaching opportunities and other positions require specific knowledge and skills that can be obtained through online courses.

Such courses provide an opportunity to gain the necessary qualifications while continuing to work or study.

Additionally, these courses offer excellent resources, such as videos, podcasts, and interactive exercises, which allow learners to progress at their own pace.

Online tutors are also available to answer questions and provide guidance.

By successfully completing an online course in English Literature, individuals will have the qualifications they need to pursue a job in this field.

What Is The Average Salary For A Job In English Literature?

A career in English literature is a great choice for those with an interest in reading, writing, and analyzing literature. The job outlook for this field is promising, as there are many different career paths available.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for a job in English Literature is around $59,000 per year. This figure may vary depending on the individual’s experience level and specific area of focus within the field.

Those who pursue positions such as authorship or teaching may earn more than the average salary due to their specialized knowledge.

What Are The Best Ways To Network And Find A Job In English Literature?

Networking is an important aspect of career development, and one of the most successful ways to find a job in English Literature.

Developing relationships with professionals in the field can be beneficial both professionally and personally.

To maximize your networking efforts, it is important to know the right people, attend relevant events, utilize social media platforms, and have an effective interview strategy.

Focusing on networking opportunities that are tailored to your goals as an English Literature professional can help you gain insight into potential job opportunities that may not yet be listed publicly.

Additionally, having a strong understanding of what employers look for when hiring can help you stand out during the interview process.

What Are The Benefits Of Working In English Literature?

English Literature is a field of study that can provide numerous career opportunities as well as industry insights.

Working in this field involves the critical analysis of literature, with an emphasis on understanding and interpreting its meaning.

By working in this field, individuals will gain a better understanding of the world and its cultures, as well as an appreciation for the power of language and storytelling.

Additionally, those employed in this field will benefit from increased job stability, often due to the demand for teachers, editors and writers.

Furthermore, individuals who work in this field may also be able to develop their own writing skills while providing support and guidance to others.


Graduates with a degree in English Literature have a wealth of potential job opportunities available to them. With the right qualifications, these graduates can pursue a variety of roles across many different industries.

Online courses and networking are excellent ways to increase one’s chances of finding employment in this field. Average salaries may vary but it is clear that there are numerous benefits to working in English Literature.

From influencing culture and making an impact on society, to developing critical thinking skills and gaining knowledge of literature, graduates can take advantage of this career path by utilizing the tools available to them.

With the right attitude and dedication, graduates with degrees in English Literature can find success in their chosen profession.

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