What are the additional study options available to me after obtaining a degree in Business?

After attaining a degree in business, many professionals may ponder over the study options that are accessible to them. This write-up will provide a summary of the diverse options obtainable for those who aspire to expand their learning in the business field. These comprise of degree programs like MBA programs, online business degrees, professional certifications, and doctorate programs. Additionally, the article will also converse professional associations, workshops and conferences, mentoring programs, and volunteering opportunities. By means of this outline, readers will acquire a better comprehension of the array of study options that are available to them and how they can be utilized to broaden their career objectives.


Key Takeaways


Key points to remember.

  • MBA programmes provide opportunities for career advancement, specialisation, practical learning experiences, and networking opportunities.
  • Online business degrees offer flexibility, customisation, internships, and experiential learning opportunities, but require good self-discipline and time management skills.
  • Professional certifications demonstrate knowledge and provide a competitive advantage for career advancement in specific business areas or software programmes.
  • Other options for career development include non-degree courses, internships, career counselling, networking events, joining professional organisations, workshops and conferences, mentoring programmes, and volunteering in the business sector.

MBA Programmes

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Pursuing an MBA is becoming increasingly popular among business degree holders in the UK. It provides an opportunity to further develop the knowledge and skills acquired during an undergraduate program. An MBA degree can open up a variety of career paths, allowing individuals to specialize in fields such as finance, marketing, operations, and human resources. Moreover, the MBA job market is highly competitive, and those with an MBA degree often have an advantage when competing for top positions. In addition, an MBA program can provide invaluable networking opportunities, giving graduates access to a larger pool of employers and resources.

Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) Programmes.

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Exploring an MBA programme can equip a person with enhanced knowledge and expertise in the field of business. An MBA is a postgraduate qualification that concentrates on business and management, and is offered by leading business schools and universities.

If someone is keen to pursue an MBA, they should be aware of the admissions process, which involves submitting transcripts, a written statement, and recommendations.

The course content of most MBA programmes covers core business areas, such as accounting, finance, economics, and marketing, as well as optional modules in specific business fields. Furthermore, many MBA programmes offer internships and practical learning opportunities to provide students with the opportunity to apply their learning in the real world.

Online Business Degrees

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In recent years, there has been a growing trend of individuals opting for online business degrees in order to gain advanced knowledge and skills in the field of business. With the help of online learning, students can attend virtual classes from anywhere at any time, making higher education more convenient and flexible.

Moreover, online business degrees are highly customizable, allowing students to tailor their courses and majors according to their individual interests and needs. These degrees also offer valuable industry experience through internships and other experiential learning opportunities, which help prepare students for the real-world challenges of the business world. Overall, online business degrees are a great option for those seeking a flexible and well-rounded education in the business field.

Professional Qualifications

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Gaining professional certifications can give individuals the necessary qualifications and skills to excel in the business world. Professional certifications can help individuals demonstrate their knowledge, keep up with industry trends, and gain a competitive advantage for career advancement.

Certifications may include:

  • Professional certifications in specific business areas, such as accounting, finance, marketing, or management

  • Certifications in specialized business areas, such as project management, data analysis, or customer service

  • Certifications in specific software programs, such as Excel or Quickbooks

  • Certifications from professional organizations, such as the Project Management Institute or the Chartered Institute of Marketing

Doctoral programmes.

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Acquiring a Doctorate Degree can grant individuals the highest level of academic qualifications in the business sphere. For those contemplating further educational options subsequent to obtaining a business degree, a Doctorate Program can uncover numerous fascinating and rewarding career paths.

Doctoral research can encompass a broad spectrum of subjects, encompassing economics, finance, marketing, management, and organizational behavior. These research projects typically necessitate extensive research and a profound comprehension of the topic at hand. Doctoral programs also offer the opportunity to specialize in a specific area of business, such as international business or business analytics.

A Doctorate Degree is an excellent way for those with a business degree to expand their knowledge and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the business world.

Specialised Diplomas and Degrees

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A diploma in Business Management and a degree in Entrepreneurship are two specialized qualifications that can be pursued for further study in the field of business.

Diplomas in Business Management provide a comprehensive understanding of the principles of business management, whereas a degree in Entrepreneurship offers a more targeted approach to the strategies and techniques used in developing a business.

Both qualifications can equip students with the essential skills and knowledge needed to pursue a thriving career in the business industry.

Diplomas in Business Management.

Completing a diploma in business management can equip an individual with the necessary abilities and knowledge to pursue a diverse range of career paths. Certification courses may be available in fields such as accounting, marketing, finance, human resources, and operations management.

Furthermore, students can gain exposure to entrepreneurial funding, which can enable them to start their own businesses or expand and manage existing ones. The diploma program will also equip an individual with the skills to become a successful leader, develop critical problem-solving abilities, and utilize data-driven decision making.

By acquiring these skills, a diploma in business management can create numerous opportunities in the business world.

Degrees in Entrepreneurship

Pursuing a degree in entrepreneurship can equip an individual with the necessary tools to transform a business idea into a reality. By studying entrepreneurial financing and business plan development, students can acquire the skills and knowledge required to establish and maintain a prosperous business.

Apart from conventional coursework, many programs provide practical opportunities to gain firsthand experience. Through internships, student-led enterprises, and mentorship programs, students can engage with business professionals and obtain a deeper understanding of the entrepreneurial journey.

With an entrepreneurship degree, individuals can boost their confidence and expertise to elevate their business ideas to the next level.

Executive Programmes

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Exploring executive programmes can provide an opportunity to further one’s business knowledge and professional development. Executive programmes generally involve a combination of formal teaching and executive coaching. Common topics of study may include leadership development, corporate finance, human resources, business ethics, and international business. Executive programmes may also include activities such as role-playing, simulation exercises, and case studies. Executive Coaching Leadership Development
Training and Mentoring Strategic Decision Making Financial Analysis
Conflict Resolution Negotiation Business Planning

Non-Degree Courses.

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Non-degree courses can offer an opportunity for individuals to widen their knowledge base in specific areas of business. These courses are usually designed for those who are interested in enhancing their existing knowledge and skills in a range of areas, such as career planning, financial planning, and marketing.

Non-degree courses can be an excellent way to gain valuable insight and experience in a particular area of business, without committing to a full degree program. Moreover, they can be an excellent way to supplement an existing degree program and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the business world.

Distance Learning Programmes

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The transition from non-degree courses to distance learning programmes is a logical one, as distance learning programmes offer a convenient way to obtain a degree in business while still being able to balance work and other commitments.

Distance learning programmes offer several advantages for those wishing to pursue a business degree, including the ability to study from the comfort of their own home, the ability to work at their own pace, and the ability to access course materials and lectures without having to attend physical classes.

However, despite the convenience of distance learning programmes, there are still certain challenges that come with studying online. These include the need to have good self-discipline and time management skills in order to stay motivated and keep up with coursework, as well as the need to be able to stay focused in an environment that may not be as stimulating as a traditional classroom.


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Completing an internship is a valuable opportunity for students to gain real-world experience in their chosen field of study. For business degree holders, internships provide an opportunity to learn the inner workings of a specific business and gain valuable experience to prepare them for future employment.

Internships can range from short-term to lasting a year or more, and they can be local or abroad. Additionally, those with a business degree can benefit from career counselling, which can help them understand the job market and position them to find the best opportunity.

Benefits of internships and career counselling for business degree holders include:

  • Gaining real-world experience
  • Learning the inner workings of a specific business
  • Measuring job market demand
  • Positioning oneself to find the best opportunity

Networking events.

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Attending networking events can offer a valuable opportunity for individuals with a business degree to enhance their professional connections. Best practices for networking involve conducting research on the event and its attendees beforehand, making a positive first impression, preparing an elevator pitch, and following up with contacts after the event. Resources for meeting people may include networking groups, online directories, or personal connections. Making the effort to attend these events provides a chance to establish connections, broaden one’s knowledge, and leave a lasting impression.

Professional Organisations

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Joining professional organisations is a powerful way to access a broad network of established professionals and grow one’s influence in the field. Such organisations can help business graduates advance their careers in several ways:

  • Career Opportunities:

  • Professional organisations can provide access to job postings, internships, and other career opportunities.

  • They may also provide members with access to exclusive job fairs and networking events.

  • Salary Negotiations:

  • Professional organisations can provide guidance and resources to help business graduates negotiate a higher salary.

  • They may also offer members access to salary surveys and other resources to help them understand the current industry standards.

By joining professional organisations, business graduates can stay informed about the latest developments in the field and access valuable resources to advance their career.

Workshops and Conferences

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Taking part in workshops and conferences can be an effective way to stay informed about the latest developments in the field and access valuable resources to advance one’s career. Attending networking events and professional associations can provide an opportunity to meet and learn from industry leaders, build valuable relationships, and gain insight on the newest trends and technologies. Additionally, these events offer countless resources for career development such as job vacancies, CV building, and mentorship opportunities. A table displaying the various resources available to business degree holders at workshops and conferences is included below.

Resource Description
Networking Events Opportunity to meet and learn from industry leaders
Professional Associations Access to job vacancies, CV building, and mentorship opportunities
Latest Trends and Technologies Insight on the newest trends and technologies
Career Development Resources for career development such as job vacancies, CV building, and mentorship opportunities
Valuable Relationships Ability to build valuable relationships

Mentoring Programmes

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Mentoring programmes offer a platform for holders of business degrees to acquire knowledge and experience from accomplished professionals in the field. By embracing a culture of mentorship, business degree holders can benefit from the guidance and perception of experienced professionals.

Through online mentorships, business degree holders can enhance their knowledge by exploring topics such as leadership development, business strategy, and problem-solving. Mentoring programmes can provide business degree holders with the chance to network with seasoned professionals, gain access to resources, and develop their skill set.

By participating in a mentorship culture, business degree holders can acquire valuable experience and insight to assist them in their future pursuits.

Volunteering Opportunities

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Volunteering in the business sector can offer a range of beneficial experiences for those who have obtained a business degree. It provides a chance to acquire practical knowledge and insight about the industry. Volunteering helps individuals to improve their financial literacy and networking strategies. This, in turn, can lead to career growth opportunities and better understanding of the business sector. Additionally, volunteering can give a sense of purpose and belonging by allowing individuals to contribute to a greater cause. The table below highlights the advantages of volunteering with a business degree:

Advantages Description
Financial Literacy Obtaining a better understanding of the financial aspects of the business sector.
Networking Strategies Creating networks and contacts that may lead to career advancement opportunities.
Sense of Purpose Giving a sense of purpose and belonging by contributing to a greater cause.

Frequently Asked Questions.

What is the distinction between an MBA and a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) programme?

Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and MBA programs are both advanced degrees aimed at equipping students for a profession in business. An MBA concentrates on cultivating fundamental business skills, whereas an MBA provides a comprehensive study of a particular area. An MBA may offer improved career opportunities and a greater return on investment, whereas an MBA provides more specialised knowledge.

Are online business degrees accepted by employers?

Online business degrees are gaining recognition among employers and can offer a diverse range of career opportunities. Employers are acknowledging the quality of online degrees and are increasingly considering them as a feasible choice.

What are the advantages of obtaining a professional certification?

Acquiring professional certification can offer numerous advantages, including enhanced job stability, greater trustworthiness with employers, and better salary opportunities. Nevertheless, certification can also incur substantial expenses, such as tuition fees, examination charges, and study materials.

What is the difference between a Doctorate programme and a specialised diploma or degree?

Doctorate programmes are higher education qualifications that usually require multiple years of study and involve extensive research. Specialised diplomas or degrees are shorter programmes that concentrate on a specific area of business, such as finance or accounting, and provide business certifications.

Is a non-degree course equivalent to a degree programme?

No, a course that does not lead to a degree is not considered equivalent to a degree program. Specialist courses and professional qualifications may provide a deeper understanding of a specific subject and may meet certain industry standards, but they do not offer the same level of certification as a degree.


Business degrees offer a range of options for those who want to expand their education. There are MBA programs, online business degrees, professional certifications, doctorate programs, professional associations, workshops and conferences, mentoring programs, and volunteering opportunities available. These opportunities can help individuals improve their professional skills and advance their careers. Further study options allow individuals to keep up with the latest business trends and deepen their understanding of the business world.

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